Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 150 150

Chapter 150 Chapter 150

"What is he doing there all day, i wonder?" a feminine voice asked in the room.

"I know that man and I believe that he could only be up to no good whatsoever, Ze Min. No need to think about that bastard son anymore. Come on, let's drink some more!"

Tang Xinyue answered the query of her friend and gulped another shot at the spirits near her. She did not even use a glass but just directly drank from the source.

A very big jar of wine at the table.

"He's been there since lunch, Big Sis. Are you drinking perhaps because you felt ignored by your new master?" Flower Goddess Ze Min teased.

"Don't you worry because i will always be here to take good care of you. I will not allow for that Young Master Clark to lay even a single finger on your skin."

Ze Min declared as she took a cup of liquor and gracefully emptied it in little sips.

"Bahhh... Lu Chen could only wish to take me in his dreams. If he do so tried anything bad to me tonight, i will make sure that he would have a very aching headache comes the morn."

Tang Xinyue growled the words out then took another long drag at the hastily consumed intoxicant before her.

"BANG!" The double doors of the master's bedroom opened up that halted anything that Ze Min might have had retorted otherwise.

All eyes were unto the figure by the doors and one lady almost exploded once more in the scene.

It did not help that the next words that were uttered were basically akin to adding salt to a festering wound already.

"Oh? It's good that you two are still here. My slaves really know how to listen to their master's command. Hehehe." The newcomer was of course our bored gamer and none other else.

He had been playing video games for almost the entirety of the day and he had his fill of fun already.

It was just so right that he remembered a particular problem in mind and so got out to fix what he had been meaning to do ever since he had become Lu Chen in this xianxia world.

"I am not your slave." Surprisingly, it was not Tang Xinyue who responded first but her equally beautiful partner, Ze Min.

Young Master Clark's laughter was just too grating to her ears and she was not one to take slight that easily also.

"I'm sorry, my lady. But I beg to differ. Since you have decided to come along with your friend Xinyue here then you have also become my servant slave by default.

Now could anyone of you call Lai Peng from downstairs? I want to see my beloved attendant at once!" Clark said his piece and...

"BANG!" The majestic double doors that were inlaid by intricate sword designs were closed tightly shut once again.

"That arrogant foolish man! Let him rot to hell!" Ze Min's voice was hard and toxic but the same could not be said to the surprisingly quiet Tang Xinyue.

Our good gamer's ex fiancee took a couple of breaths to compose the turmoil of her inner emotions until she finally calmed down eventually.

"I will come back, Ze Min. Wait for me here." Tang Xinyue spoke at last. She then stood up and a flash of white gathered at her person.

This woman was indeed so perfect in any way, form or guise that these snow colored hues seemed to embody what she was at the moment. A cold angel in the flesh!

"Why are you doing this, Big Sis? Why do you listen to that cocky man's words?" Ze Min's flawless forehead wrinkled in confusion.

Since they got inside Young Master Clark's residence, Tang Xinyue was suddenly listening to whatever command that our bored gamer was giving her.

When Clark said eat, Tang Xinyue ate. Sit and the lovely lady has sat.

And finally, when Young Master Clark requested for Tang Xinyue to guard outside while he played, the latter also obeyed without question.

Combine all of these facts together and Ze Min could hardly believe that this was the same indomitable woman that she had grown to admire in her stay in the Demonic Sword Sect.

"You understand nothing, Ze Min." Tang Xinyue paused in her third step. She did not look back at all as she added the next words that she said.

"I am not doing this for that hateful and stupid Lu Chen. This is all for the sect and most especially for my Teacher. At least with this, I will be able to repay Teacher's kindness unto me."

Tang Xinyue explained herself and then swiftly did what was expected of her.

The echoes of her sandals pervaded in the halls until Ze Min could not anymore hear nor see the voluptuous figure of Tang Xinyue.

"This is your sacrifice, huh? Loyalty. I wonder what that word means." Ze Min muttered and continued to drink by herself.

* * *



"KNOCK!" Three perfect taps created by someone who had done this same exact thing for hundreds of thousand times already.

"You have called, master?" Old Peng asked from behind the doors of the master's bedroom.

"I did. Come in, Lai Peng." Clark's voice called and before long, the original pair of master and servant looked eye to eye once more.

* * *

"HA! Your worries are for naught, Big Sis! It looks like your ex fiancee has turned a new leaf already and has tasted and has come to enjoy a dark forbidden fruit instead!"

Ze Min commented when she saw the old figure of Lai Peng get inside our bored gamer's room.

"Maybe. But I doubt it, Ze Min. You should also see how those mother and daughter pair were looking at me earlier.

I could feel that they see me as nothing but a competitor for them and I would not even be surprised if Lu Chen has conquered those women already."

Tang Xinyue replied and got a new jar of wine from her storage ring.

"We never know, Big Sis. As long as the possibility is there, we should not count everything as null and hopeless." Ze Min countered.

"Wisely said, Ze Min. Now enough talking and let us drink some more!" Tang Xinyue personally poured to fill up the half empty cup at Ze Min's hands and without further ado, drank her part in kind.

* * *

"How long have we been together, Lai Peng?" Clark asked while he surveyed his slave with a grateful eye.

Even though he was still lying down on the bed with ease but our bored gamer never thought that this was totally improper for him to do so.

And it was not like his faithful servant also took offense in this lazy behavior. Old Peng was more than used already to the bad and the good parts of our boy protagonist.

"Too long, master. We have been together for as long as i can remember." Old Peng smiled as he could not help but recall how bitter his master had been in the past.

They have been together for so many tribulations already and it would not be even far-fetched to call them as dear friends in life. They were even closer than brothers in fact!

Though the initial years had been tough for the two but what was important was how they ended. Lu Chen and Old Peng only had each other in their lives.

That was of course until the timely arrival of our mc. Now they had become the inseparable trio in more ways than words could ever hope to explain.

"Indeed. You were the only person who never left me, Lai Peng. And for that, you have my eternal gratitude." Clark smiled and slowly rose from his calm repose.

It did not take long until he was standing before an old wrinkled man. Two pairs of eyes met. One clear while the other has already turned murky with the heartless ravages of time.

"You don't have to say anything, master. It is my duty to serve you. I am happy that you have allowed me to follow your footsteps, Young Master Clark."

Old Peng bowed and there was only appreciation in his heart at this moment also. He was an orphan. Discarded by those who had created him into this world.

If the Lu Family of the City of Nexus had not adopted, clothed, fed and nurtured him as a servant slave for the clan, then there would have been no question whatsoever that he would have long died on the streets in hunger.

This was the reason why Old Peng never hated his fate and what he had become today. He knew for a fact that what could have been was a whole lot worse than his present reality.

Old Peng would have lived a very short pitiful life. Dying with nothing but an aching belly.

'You are really a good man, Lai Peng.' Clark mused inside. Silence reigned between them for some breaths while our good gamer was busy caressing his face from time to time.

There was a stray thought of him wanting to grow out another set of beard but immediately discarded it entirely in the next moment.

He knew that he had better things to take care right now rather than wasting his time and brain cells over some facial hair that he was missing.

Our good gamer had a faraway look in his eyes as he seemed preoccupied by something. It was nothing else of course but only a short conversation with his system spirit, Nancy.

After an indeterminate amount of time, Clark's eyes finally focused as he looked at his loyal servant in the end.

"Tell me Lai Peng... do you want to become a cultivator like me?"

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