Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 145 145

Chapter 145 Chapter 145

"Are you alright, master?" Old Peng asked on the side.

They were already waiting inside the grand halls of the Inner Disciples Court for ten minutes and he noticed that his Young Master Clark was busily pacing to and fro as if both excited and disturbed at the same time for this long awaited reunion of sorts.

Old Peng may be one of the only few people left alive today to know the real reason behind the separation of the two lovers one hundred years prior because after that event happened, it became like a taboo topic for everyone else concerned.

Although it died down after a few years but for Young Master Clark and Lai Peng, the stigma of depression has followed them around quite extensively even after the many decades that passed them by.

"I feel fine, Lai Peng. Thank you for asking though."

Clark tried to laugh his worries down but it went off as awkward instead. Nonetheless, the stupid smile remained on his face which invited further curiosity from his audience.

Since this was a very special event, none was willing to miss this opportunity of finally meeting the mystical Tang Xinyue that was a very special part of Lu Chen's life ages ago.

Even the sisters Lian Li and Lian Ah were present for this fateful reunion also.

"What's taking your disciple this long Elder Hong Tian?"

Feng Ren asked as he had that ever familiar mask of irritation of his face and he was even fearless in front of the Head Mistress of the Inner Disciples Court.

One should know Hong Tian was already a Golden Core Realm Expert and one that has reached the 6th Stage at that.

This showed clearly enough that the influence behind the brothers Feng Lin and Feng Ren was definitely not that easy to deal with.

Elder Tan Hai was not a soft persimmon to pinch and offending him was definitely not on Elder Hong Tian's best interest also.

This was why Elder Feng Ren only got a nonchalant reply for his impatience.

"She will be here soon, Elder Feng Ren." Hong Tian was an old woman already but the dignity that she possessed as a very experienced cultivator showed in her demeanor quite well.

Although she sat there with a tea on her hand, her focus was always centered in the practicing sweaty bodies on the fields.

These were the newly ascended inner disciples and most of them had only the 1st Stage of Foundation Establishment Realm Cultivation at the moment.

"TAP!" A golden glow struck on a lazy ass disciple and the man could not help but scream loudly in place.

He felt a great heavy hand on his head which crushed him face down on the muddy earths around him.

This same victim grumbled an inaudible complaint and same as the first, this notable achievement has let him garner another special prize in the end.

"BOOM!" The disciple's body rolled uncontrollably on the ground which caked him from head to foot with sticky dirt and nothing more.

Luckily for him, these two instances have served him well and taught him enough of what he should know. There would be dire repercussions for his actions indeed.

Thus, the man stood quickly and resumed the repetitive exercises on learning one of the advanced techniques of the Demonic Sword Sect. Heaven Devourer Sword Formation!

The training for the newbies resumed and more followed the footsteps of that luckless man in question earlier.

Of course some select women also suffered his fate which made the team formation very very arduous and effective under the hard guidance of their Teacher Hong Tian.

Thirty minutes passed quickly until finally 2 beautiful ladies walked on the scene in slow tempting steps.

The unhurried pace captured the attention of the sad disciples in training and everyone of them recognized the identity of the two in just an instant.

"Isn't that the Flower Goddess, Ze Min?"

"Yeah and that other would be the infamous White Haired Demon, Tang Xinyue!"

"Why are they here?" The Inner Disciples could not help but whisper amongst themselves as everyone parted like an obedient wave to let these two lovely fairies pass in their midst.

This spectacle created a lull in the training but it was good to know that the Head Mistress was not anymore throwing golden lights of punishments over the heads of the static and star struck disciples.

At least this was true for a time.

"BANG!" a golden beam slapped a woman's face red and blue which resumed the training well enough after the dramatic entrance of Inner Disciples Ze Min and Tang Xinyue.

"Why have you called me Teacher? And where is my so-called visitor?" It was Tang Xinyue who uttered the words after a quick greeting to her master.

She bowed low and deep which displayed how much she respected the kind Head Mistress that has nurtured her for many years already.

"..." Ze Min on the other hand stayed far back as she did a wordless obeisance to her Teacher Hong Tian.

Since this matter did not concern her one bit, it was not her place to talk any kind of rubbish today.

Especially not in front of the Head Mistress whom she has come to admire with all her heart and soul.

"Hmmm... You have grown ever beautiful, Xinyue. This same beauty had been a blessing and a curse unto you for many years already." Elder Hong Tian dodged the main question with ease.

She covered the truth with a smile instead as she looked at her disciple with pride.

There was a hesitant glint on her eyes before the sympathetic Head Mistress competently hid it as fast as it had appeared.

"I owe my life and my everything to you, Teacher. If it were not for you, i would have long been tarnished by rabid wolves and stinky old men in the sect."

Tang Xinyue bowed her head once more. She could not anymore count how many lewd seniors of the sect had wanted to take her away by any means necessary.

Luckily for her and the Disciples and even the Demonic Sword Sect in general, Teacher Hong Tian was there to prevent such a foul practice to take into play within the confines of the sect.

Without a safe environment for growth, the sect would no doubt fall to a swift death indeed.

Although the Head Mistress was not against disciples murdering each other but disgracing one was a whole nother matter entirely.

For this old soul, it was better to kiss death rather than go on living in shame and dishonor. And this was true not only for women but also for the male disciples of the sect also.

"I only slapped the most annoying ones away, Xinyue. The rest, it was all because of your persistence."

Elder Hong Tian said and there was an inexplicable sadness on her wrinkled countenance thereafter.

'Teacher?' Tang Xinyue asked in silence. She was not blind to not see the strange act of her master right now. Her intuition was screaming at her that something was not right at all.

She looked at the batch of servant men and women around but immediately skipped them to search for fresh faces within the solemn shade of the Training Hall.

Every eyes were on her at the moment and she was already used to such a reaction from the crowd and to wherever she visited but there were only so many new faces that she hadn't seen yet inside the Demonic Sword Sect.

Right now, there were 4 women who gazed inquisitively at her way.

'Two cultivators and two mortals.' Tang Xinyue quickly determined the distinction between these two sets of women. She tried to look some more and it did not take her long to find 2 men.

These were of course not Elders Feng Lin and Feng Ren but someone else entirely.

One was an unfamiliar old man with a benevolent aura on his person while the other was a teenager who had his back on her at the moment.

With their distance of no more than 30 meters between them, it should have been so easy to see the boy's face even in this position.

The spiritual sense of Foundation Establishment Realm was absolute.

'But how could this be? Is this boy using some kind of secret technique? Or a treasure on his body perhaps?' Tang Xinyue was bothered by what she could not determine.

Especially after she noticed that the cultivation of the teen was only at the 4th Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm.

But since it was not in Xinyue's character to let just go with the flow in peaceful acceptance of what she could not change, the daughter of heaven decided to charge full speed ahead with a brave heart on her sleeves.

"Is that boy the reason why you called me in here, Teacher?" Tang Xinyue asked softly.

She did not even wait for Elder Hong Tian's reply before she began walking towards our bored gamer with a definite purpose in her mind.

Her master also chose to keep her silence at this time.



"TAP!" Tang Xinyue's footsteps echoed loudly in the halls and when she was about 10 meters or so and had almost broken the distance closer between her and her target in sight, our dramatic protagonist took this chance to finally turn around and grace the scene with that cheeky smile of his.

"TAP!" Tang Xinyue took her last steps as she traveled down a memory lane that she had rarely ever visited in this day and age.

She was stunned for a few breaths and it was in this moment of inaction that our good gamer decided to break the ice around them.

"Have I become so handsome that you could not help but be stricken in love with me once more, Xinyue?"

Clark uttered these conceited words and got what he expected to see in the next breath that followed.


"BANG!" It was indeed a very good reunion between ex lovers, all things considered.

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