Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 135 135

Chapter 135 Chapter 135

"So a god can bleed also. And they can bleed so much indeed that they can wash away an entire universe with their death. Hehehe. You should have not come, old man.

Unfortunately for you, even True Gods can die in here. Well, at least you had the honor of dying on my hands. And you have my most sincerest gratitude for that.

May you sleep well, my unknown benefactor." Clark chuckled triumphantly and he has not at all regretted his decision on slaughtering that God into pieces.

Although he had some little hesitation at the end that a friend of this nameless fallen God would help at the last moment but alas, Clark was still so drunk in his fury even when he recaptured his body that he had chosen to be stupid for once since he got here.

But then again, there may have been many instances where he had foregone proper reasoning but it was still good and dandy since no one was keeping tabs on his actions at all.

Ironically enough, this statement was not at all true in fact.

* * *

Somewhere in the Divine Realm, a pair of father and daughter was happily making use of this rare free time that they could be together.

In this current makeup of Creation, to say that these two were already the Peak and fiercest Predators on top of the food chain would not at all be wrong to say today.

They were Eternal Beings that were far beyond any god or goddesses could ever hope to dream about. Not that any of such lesser existences mattered in the eyes of these two.

One Elder God and the other, his peerless daughter.

"It seems like your enjoyment is bound to be a short-lived one, Father." The daughter said but there was the unmistakable hint of laughter in her words.

Although she could not see the fate of the boy named Clark Colter but it was not so hard to determine where his motivations lay at the moment.

"That remains to be seen, my daughter. I admit that I was indeed surprised on how things had gone fast with our little source of entertainment but that's the whole point of this show.

Don't you agree, Valeria?" The Elder God asked with a happy smile on his face.

He willfully did this in the first place and went as far as shroud the destiny of the boy from his eyes and to all other entities concerned in order to bring him just a little bit of amusement in the pretty boring life that he had led since time immemorial.

When someone like him has already reached the apex of power imaginable to both mortal and divine, life would become rather dull and predictable.

There would be no more joy and excitement for tomorrow as he had already experienced the same exact thing over and over again.

In this kind of existence, the future has already become the past. No more revelations and upsets. This was indeed one of the negative sides of becoming Eternal.

"I don't know, Father. While it may give you some sort of thrill to spy on a weakling like that guy, I really can't say the same. Just watching things happen is dreary and tasteless.

Why don't we go on an adventure of our own, Father. Let's become pirates again this time around! We'd sail the vast oceans and loot some merchants of the sea in our spare time!"

Valeria suggested another avenue for their boring life.

They had done this kind of quest maybe a billion times already or perhaps even more than that and it was indeed one of the most dynamic experiences for these pair of Eternal Existences.

"What about your husband, Valeria? Should we invite him to join us?"

The Elder God readily agreed because he would easily admit that travels like this with his daughter was indeed one of the most special memories in his long life.

And should he push through with this new plan, he could always keep track of our bored gamer's progress also in real time.

In the end, the Elder God was only adding more stimulation unto his monotonous life. A spy in someone else's life and an evil pirate soon enough.

"Hmmmp! We should not talk about that stupid stupid man, Father. You know how Seth is. He's always been obsessed about those impossible ideas of his!"

Although Valeria snorted but it could be seen at one glance of how much love she had for her husband.

Just the mention of Seth's name alone has immediately brought about a longing sparkle at her eyes.

"Your husband's theories might have been right all along, Valeria. Indeed, I'm even anticipating that he would find a breakthrough in his quest someday.

And even if this is merely an impossible dream, as long as he does not give up... he cannot also be proven wrong in his endeavors."

The Elder God grinned at his daughter and looked at a particular spot in the sky.

He stayed focused in that particular location for a few moments more before looking at his daughter who also followed his gaze above.

"Should we bring Mother along?" Valeria asked without taking her eyes from the object of her heart and desire.

"Maybe some other time, my daughter. Perhaps after we play as pirates, we could ask her to come with us." The Elder God replied.

"Okay then. Here we come, World of Pirates! We're gonna conquer your lands! Not only that, we will capture your men and women too!" Valeria shouted in excitement.

It was only by her Father's side that she could shatter her image as the perfect daughter of an Elder God that the rest of the gods and immortals had of her.

She relished this chance to become childish and spoiled once more. Alas, this was also one of Valeria's ways of escaping the bland features of reality.

* * *

"Please tell me that you're only joking, Nancy!" Clark exclaimed in unbelief.

He had assumed that his level would jump directly to level 500 or so but the sad truth even made him question that fairness of the system that he had.

'Please tell me this is a system bug or something. Please!' Our good gamer prayed inside.

"Negative, host. Your character status is indeed accurate." Alas, Nancy had to break Clark's hopes from ever gaining a stronghold in this current reality.

"FUCK ME! How is this right?! This is just too unscientific to exist! I should have been already at lev..."

Our bored gamer grumbled for a while but after an indeterminate amount of time, had no choice but to compose himself once more.

There was no use in crying over something that he could not change after all. In the end, he decided to forget the past and move forward.

"Show me my status, Nancy." Clark whispered and sighed for the umpteenth time.

"Affirmative, host." Nancy responded promptly.


Host: Clark Colter

Level: 99 (True Immortal Realm 9th Stage)

Power: 5,143,683,729

Class: Necromancer, Korou

Constitution: Chaos Physique

Weapon: Severance, Spear of the Executioner

Armor: Darkheart, Carapace of the Undying

Cultivation Manual: Spear Art, Autumn Swallow

Boundless Void Insight

Experience: 99/100 (simplified)

Health: 9,950/9,950

Health Regen: 10/s

Mana: 80/11,450

Mana Regen: 20/s

System Shop

Shop Points: 20,752

Class Skills

Skill Points: 63



"If i can get to level 100, Nancy... that's when i can return to my home world right?" Clark asked to confirm what he had learned from the system a few days prior.

"Affirmative, host." Nancy replied.

"And how much time do i need to wait in order to get that 1 exp?" Our protagonist queried once more as he did not like the experience he was getting in his notifications at the moment.

They were all at decimal points and the zeroes behind them were terribly absurd.

"You will reach level 100 also at the turn one hundred..." Nancy started.

"One hundred years only?! HAHAHA! I could definitely wait for when that time would come! Only one hundred fucking years! YES! Wait for my return everyone!"

The system was cut off by Clark's impulse to celebrate early.

"Negative, host. As the system was saying, you will reach level 100 also at the turn of one hundred trillion years. Be patient, host!

The system believes that you can fulfill your quest and return once more to your family. Soon!"

Nancy has broken the bubble of fantasy in our bored gamer's mind but was kind enough to give Clark a boost of confidence in the end of her words.

Not that it delivered any respite unto the stunned handsome boy in the middle of an annihilated secret realm.

It did not take him long to conclude that someone from the shadows was once again manipulating his life and events that surrounded him in full.

"I killed a True Immortal and then did the same to a True God... but how could my fate be this hard? A hundred trillion years! What the fuck!"

Clark looked towards the heavens and roared with all that he had in the tank.

"You fucking Elder God! Are you having fun yet?!" Our avid gamer yelled to the skies and its echoes were indeed pretty heartbreaking to hear.

But his efforts did not go in vain because after a beat, a soft laughter reached his ears along with the words...

"From one bored soul to another... go on living, young one. There is still much in life that you will be happy to experience. Until then, continue to enjoy the gifts that i have given unto you."

The unfamiliar voice vanished but the strings of creative curses from our very own protagonist did not stop at all. At least not for a long long time.

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