Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 132 132

Chapter 132 Chapter 132

"Why did you stop, Outsider?" Daoist Twilight Moon asked and it was quite admirable to see that there was no fear in her voice whatsoever.

From this truth alone, the little loli has indeed proved her mettle as a True Immortal because even in the threat of certain death, she has chosen to never flinch at all.

In her right hand was the shattered pieces of her Immortal Artifact and the constant drips and drops of her precious blood fell from the very edges of the said broken weapon.

The little loli's injured hands trembled in pain but no such emotions showed in her face at all.

More than that, her neck was also bleeding from a shallow line of physical wound from something very very sharp and powerful.

Alas, Daoist Twilight Moon's tribulation did not stop there because the ever present threat of death has not gone away with the sharp tip of a deadly spear still poised unwaveringly at her throat.

"That would only bring me more trouble. And as I've said before, this Young Master doesn't like trouble in any way, sort or form."

Our bored gamer smiled and sported a facade of nonchalance but deep inside him was a whole nother story altogether.

'Fuck me! I almost died right there! Or did I die truly?' Clark screamed like a little girl inside.

He looked at an invisible green status screen at the side and at the cool down that dwindled with each passing breath.

* * *

Life After Death – grants 5 second invulnerability when the user takes a fatal attack. (passive, gives 1 hp after skill ends, can be upgraded)

Cool Down: 23 hours 59 minutes and 48 seconds...

* * *

+10 HP

+10 HP

+10 HP




The passive hp regen also notified their presence in beeping intervals.

'So i guess that skill has a 24 hour cool down also which gives me at least 1 extra life per day.'

Clark felt his heart contract faster than normal as he realized how close he had been to Death's door earlier.

He was so lucky that he had this useful passive skill and talent or he would have no doubt died on that spot from a god's undefendable attack.

He did not even know what hit him or how but only felt the call of death grip upon his heart for one breath. Darkness was everywhere and he could not see a thing at all.

Alas, when he finally refocused, it was sad that one little loli had sucker punched him yet again for the second time today.

There was a strong push from within his heart to just push his weapon into the head of Daoist Twilight Moon but his rational mind won out the inner debate in the end.

He would not act without checking first if he would have repercussions or not in what he planned to do in the first place.

'Is there a way to kill these fuckers, Nancy?' Clark asked with not the least bit subtle about what he wanted to do.

Nevertheless, he was not yet so lost in his anger that he forgot how to be polite to the reason why he was so op in this xianxia world.

'I apologize for the language, Nancy.' Our angry protagonist added thereafter.

"No apologies are needed, host." Nancy replied but the sound of approval was quite apparent in her voice right now.

If she had a body of her own, it was easy for our avid gamer to envision her smiling at him as she uttered those simple words back.

Upon the next breath, the system went directly to business and supplied the information that its host wanted to gather.

"Technically, exterminating anyone in this world is absolutely possible for you, host.

Even True Immortals like Daoist Twilight Moon and Drunken Monarch are not at all saved from anything that you so wished to inflict on them." Nancy started.

'I hear an incoming but in your words, Nancy.' Clark interrupted halfway.

"Affirmative, host. But you should indeed be wary indeed of a god or a goddess's wrath should you push through your plans of deleting the host that they've chosen to occupy for themselves in this reality." Nancy answered.

'What if I act and go on to kill any one of them, Nancy? Can't the godly parasites or spirit of the gods or whatever you call them that stands beside these cultivators... can't they just kill me with one look?

Exactly like what that cursed man did to me earlier?' Clark could easily remember the perfect features of that evil god down to the littlest detail and his heart was filled with hate once more.

'I just looked at you mother fucker by accident and you wanted to kill me just with that lame excuse alone. God or not, i will find a way to make you pay!' Clark promised within.

"They are called Soul Fragments, host. They are one and part of a Divine Being's soul which is intended to harvest faith energy from this mortal realm.

And to answer your other question, that god could not anymore make an attack on you. Not for at least 3 months in this world. What that god did earlier has its corresponding price.

No god or goddess can actively interfere in the ways of this realm. Should they disobey that then they would have to pay an equivalent value to their misdeeds.

That particular god could not gain passive faith energy for 3 months because of what he did to you." Nancy replied in length.

'Hehehe! Suits you well, you meddling arrogant prick!' Clark smiled before he continued getting some more info from his handy system.

'So with all this secrecy between the relationship of gods and mortals... am i right to assume that cultivators like this little loli have no idea at all that they have been carrying an unseen ghost beside them for countless millions of years in their lives already?'

Clark was stupefied with this possibility.

"Affirmative, host. A Divine Being needed a person that embodies their core values in order to plant a Soul Fragment within these hapless mortals.

The gods are also prohibited to communicate with their chosen carriers or they will have to be struck by a Heavenly Punishment should they choose to disobey the Ancient Laws of this Mortal Realm." Nancy clarified.

'I see. Hmmm... Are there any other hidden dangers that i need to know about these gods and goddesses, Nancy?'

Clark decided to ask one more time just to be sure that he had all his bases covered.

"Affirmative, host. These Divine Beings can also descend from the Divine Realm and visit this mortal world anytime they want.

Should you incur the displeasure of a god, the only good thing that the system can tell you is that they will also be shackled by the same decree and power level in this reality.

Their base power stat will remain in constant with the peak of 1 billion and yes, a god can be killed once they step into this Mortal Realm." Nancy supplied the rest with these words.

'That's good news indeed! Very very good news for me.' Clark nodded time and time again and the same stupid grin could be seen hanging on his face at this moment.

Before moving on to accomplish what he had set out to do, it was only prudent for our bored gamer to review what he has learned from today's lesson.

And it did not take him long to notice an extremely surprising realization from the big info dump that was just fed from his mouth and down straight out into his ass.

'Now that i think about it, Nancy... Aren't you also a Soul Fragment from that Elder God?' Clark asked.

"..." But he was met with only a deafening silence as his reply.

'Are you there, Nancy?' Clark asked to check where his system was at the moment.

"Affirmative, host. The system is here." Nancy responded promptly as usual.

'Indeed. So you only choose what you want to answer and ignore the rest that you are prohibited from telling. Great. Just great. I need to improvise.'

Clark thought inside and he did not care if Nancy heard his inner musings or not. Instead, he chose to dive right so that he could satisfy his curiosity on the matter.

'Kindly engage me in a hypothetical discussion, Nancy. Suppose that a Soul Fragment could freely speak to his carrier. Can you give me some possible explanations for that?'

Clark maneuvered to get what he wanted to know.

"..." It would have been good if the system had humored his cagey request but alas, only the sound of silence answered him yet again.

'Okay, okay. I get it now. Let me just throw all reason aside and simply rationalize it by giving every credit to your real master, The Elder God.'

Our good gamer sighed and he knew that he was helpless to command the system.

He may have been its valued host but that thing was akin to only ink on paper because in practice and in truth, our boy protagonist was sadly a mere puppet in someone else's entertainment.

With everything said and done, it was high time to make an act.

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