Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 112 112

Chapter 112 Chapter 112

A sense of melancholy dropped on our bored gamer before he sighed deeply for one last time and smiled widely in triumph the next.

'I should not let the death of murderers and thieves and rapists make me feel sad at all.'

'Instead, I should celebrate and congratulate myself for a job well done!'

Clark nodded as he understood that only few people like him can truly brag that they have done great deeds in this world.

To get rid of the bad elements in society should be a monumental cause of pride and joy.

After he settled his emotions back to his normal jovial self, our good protagonist then addressed the throng of ugly cultivators around him.

"What did I hear from the lot of you earlier?"

"Did you all not want to get your hands on my women?"

"Is that right?" Clark asked playfully and roamed his eyes on the terrified people in the scene.

"THUD!" A pair of knees started it all until a sea of knees followed behind its progenitor.

"Young Master, please forgive us!"

"We have eyes but failed to see Mount Tai!"

"Have mercy, Young Master!"

"We are nothing but stupid fools to offend you!" Then the pleading began en masse.



"PAK!" Some were even pretty creative in showing how earnest they were in the penance that they sought.

Their cheeks turned bloody crimson in how merciless they were in inflicting self harm upon themselves.

"BANG!" Whilst others were even more afraid as they showed an even steeper display of remorse.

Not a few foreheads bled wet and their life blood tainted the very floors that they once stood upon.

Upon witnessing this blatant display of shamelessness, our good gamer could not decide whether to laugh or cry at this cowardly spectacle.


'At least i should not judge them that harshly. After all, nobody really wants to die before his time.' Clark chuckled with this sudden enlightenment.

"Okay, okay. That's enough! Get up all of you before I change my mind."

"Thank you for showing leniency, Young Master!"

"I, Hu Yang, pledge my life unto you, Young Master!"

"I will fight against ten thousands swords in your name!" A brave brave man brandished these courageous words of thanks a tad more exaggerated than his peers.

"Really now? I don't have ten thousand swords at the moment but I can at least borrow a thousand strong weapons in replacement."

"Care to show them to me, guys?" Clark motioned a hand out and within moments, his simple request was absolutely followed to a tee.

No one was stupid enough to not heed this call to arms by someone as plainly menacing like our bored gamer.

"THRUM!" This whole makeshift encampment vibrated with so much swords and power. They came from different forms and sizes but the familiar tinge of its blades remained the same.

Eerily black or otherwise in the intimidating shades of scarlet.

"Come then. Let me see how you fight against a mere thousand swords, Hu Yang." Clark grinned towards one man in this pack of savages.

"Young Master, this..." Hu Yang had an awkward smile on his face and could not even finish his sentence.

Clark was not at all displeased at this funny scenario that this man named Hu Yang has caged himself with.

And stopping right now before a finale was determined was also not part of his plan.

'Can you give me a list of his crimes, Nancy?' Clark asked towards his op cheat.

"Affirmative, host." Nancy replied almost instantaneously.


* * *

Name: Hu Yang (Mortal Shedding Realm 7th Stage)

Crimes: Murder









The list was so long that it took even 2 pages to list this man's transgressions before Clark's eyes.

He did not even have the courage to click the next page in fear that he would lose his sanity right then and there and mass slaughter everyone around him.

In the one thousand cultivators in attendance, there were probably only about less than a hundred people who sported green tags above their heads.

'The sheep mixes with the wolves. Typical.' Clark sighed and thought no further.

He looked towards the cowed bunch before him and almost everyone in the crowd felt an ominous premonition in Clark's gaze.

Our good gamer has of course not chosen to disappoint these people.

"What are you waiting for? Let Hu Yang be a hero in my name." There was a pause in the place as if these cultivators were processing what has been uttered in their midst.

"YOUNG MASTER, NOOOOOOO!" Alas, it was Hu Yang's own voice that broke the spell that descended on his compatriots.

He tried running but it was to no avail amidst the onslaught of at least a thousand swords in all directions. He was dead after the first strike cut his body in half.

This was probably good because when the buzz of swords finally settled down, there were only bits and pieces left of Hu Yang in the aftermath of the attack.

"Very good. You should know by now that I hate false promises in my face. So say these things and rubbish in your mind instead but never in my presence. Got it?"

Clark had this moment to act cool and badass and he did not fail to lose this chance at all.

"WE HEAR YOU, YOUNG MASTER!" The cultivators around him were so scared they almost pissed their tattered robes in terror.

"That's more like it. First things first, I need you all to take a bath quickly. The collection of you smells like the walking dead in my home world." Clark instructed.

Even if his party and these outcasts had a distance of more than 10 feet at the moment but it was still rather curious to know that the smell that abounded in the location was still so nauseating.

This fact alone could tell how strangely suffocating the stink that these people exuded in droves.

"..." No response came as everyone was too terrified to invite the wrath of the nameless handsome scourge that threatened every single one of their lives.

The silence lasted for ten beats before a valiant soul volunteered to meet this challenge.

"Young Master, we don't have any water in here." A woman answered this time around.

"Ahhh... So it is as I thought." Clark rubbed his chin in contemplation. After three breaths, he invited the woman with an open palm and said...

"Tell me all you know about the Demonic Sword Sect."

"It would be my pleasure, Young Master!" The woman replied and followed the commands of this nameless yet powerful boy.

There was a spring to her steps and it could be seen from this alone on how much she saw this as an opportunity to hug this thick thigh in our bored gamer's body.

'THAT WHORE! That should have been my place! That should have been me in there!'

Almost every soul who witnessed how the events unfolded could not help but curse their luck and hesitation to grab the chance when it appeared.

Alas, there were rarely any second chances in both life and death.

* * *

"This Demonic Sword Sect really lives up to its name." Clark grinned but there was no joy to be seen in his eyes.

The party plus one was now resting in the shade of what seemed to be a sacred construct. It was more like a church in how vividly each furniture showcased a sanctity of sorts.

Not of angels and crosses this time around but only of swords in masterful works of art.

Even the seats and tables were fashioned solely by the distinctive guise of this singular weapon of death.

Although our good protagonist was quite biased against swords and how boring they seem to always appear as the mcs weapon of choice in the web novels he had read in the past but to see this kind of masterpiece in person really brought about a solemn respect to the one who designed this remarkable edifice.

"What are we going to do, Clark? Do we wait for an Outer Disciple of the Demonic Sword Sect to fetch us?" Wan Fei asked on the side.

She was only sitting there but the apparent pull of sexuality that shrouded her form could not simply be put into words.

She wore an azure dress this time around and it has rather accentuated her allure in more ways than one.

The thin fabrics of the garment and almost see through design of her garb created an illusion of a woman so delectable at first glance.

"No. That would take us too long, Wan Fei. What i had in mind will be more exciting and much better than just burning our asses down in this hell hole."

Clark replied and immediately regretted his words in the next breath.

"Excuse me." Clark said towards the woman they only knew as Du Ping. She was one of the few good ladies left in this place.

It was only sad that in the process of coveting strength that she herself had fallen victim in the corrupted ways of the world.

"It's alright, Young Master Clark. You speak the truth and nothing less." Du Ping had a sad smile on her face.

Although our good gamer may have wanted for peace, equality and justice but there were some things that even he, in his nigh omnipotent powers, could not change no matter how hard he wished he could.

"Hmmm..." Clark nodded in approval before relaying what he wanted to happen next.

"Gather all the factions, Du Ping. And let their leaders see me. I have an urgent need for their services today."

"As you wish, Young Master Clark." Du Ping bowed deeply before running frantically out of the building.

* * *





"DAM!" The tune multiple of hand whistles serenaded the place and to add more flavor were dancing swaying bodies around the tasty aroma of several roasted magical beasts.

It did not need saying that this drastic change would soon be noticed by not a few souls near the outskirts of the sect.

"It seems like those rock people are cooking something for a change."

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