Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 110 110

Chapter 110 Chapter 110

Clark did not realize until it was way far too late that he had uttered the words audibly on the scene.

It may be because of his fascination with the newly arrived group of cultivators that tried to challenge what he had already believed as indelible truth in the past few days.

Other than that, our bored gamer could only be stunned amazed in how little he truly knew of this xianxia world.

"Who are you calling ugly, boy? Do you want me to pull out your teeth one by one for you?!" One of the leading men asked towards Clark.

He was a big savage man and his ugly looks did not help at all at the image that he wanted to conjure upon anyone that has eyes on them.

Perhaps this brutish cultivator could even win the infamous title of the scariest man present amongst the two opposite and conflicting parties combined.

This big guy would have no doubt charge if not for the smart advice that held him in place.

"Cheng Li, stop." A much older voice cautioned the large man.

"Why? They are nothing but new victims to feast upon, Cheng Tai!" The big savage man named Cheng Li roared in retort.

"Look at the woman beside the boy. She's also at the 7th Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm like us. We would lose some of our men if we decided to go through with this.

It is better to just let the other factions get them so that we could avoid more unnecessary deaths. For us and our clansmen, we must continue to survive!"

The older man Cheng Tai said in a hard voice towards his brethren.

They had sacrificed too much already and it would be plain stupidity to engage in a battle when they were not sure of overwhelming victory over their foes.

Especially because these newcomers were rather pretty suspicious based on the composition of their group alone.

Normally, those that journeyed towards the Demonic Sword Sect were all full fledged cultivators ranging between the 1st Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm to the 3rd.

But this new group not only had 4th, 5th and 7th Stage Experts but they also brought along mortals in this perilous journey.

These two oddities have certainly raised the doubts within this aged cultivator.

"FUCK THIS! Why do you always have to make sense, Cheng Tai?!"

Cheng Li stomped one of his feet over and over again until the continuous dull sound reverberated and echoed loudly in the surrounding buildings.

If Clark and his party's crash had not alarmed the rest of the populace earlier then at this very moment, no one could have ignored their presence anymore. Definitely not after this.

The empty structures that were neatly arranged in careful design seemed to vibrate with sound and upon the next moment, the rushing of feet came from all directions and only had one location in mind. Towards here!

It did not take long for this single spot to get crowded up to more than a thousand strong cultivators. It was indeed a spectacle to watch.

Not for this huge number only but because of the fact that everyone in attendance were sporting the same disfigured faces and misshapen bodies that was also partnered quite suitably by shabby torn robes over their stinky forms.

"Is there no water in this place? How come it seems like the people in this Demonic Sword Sect are all hideous barbarians that know not the importance of proper hygiene at all?!"

Clark muttered in a not so subtle voice which gained the ire of the different groups in attendance.

"You have a nasty mouth, boy. Look how I make you squeal after I, He Shun, gets ownership of you and the rest of your whores!"

One of the leaders reacted in vehemence after he saw the boy's nonchalance at their gathered might.

There were many assembled groups altogether in this most outer recess of the Demonic Sword Sect but amongst them, 9 bands were considered the biggest and strongest in comparison to its counterparts.

Three of them were alliances of myriad big named clans while the six were mergers from different mixes of rouge cultivators.

Smaller factions consisted of a pure line family like the one Cheng Li and Cheng Tai belonged to.

"Looks like it's a party from one of the Nexus Family this time around."

"I believe so. But it's curious that only those 3 mortals who are wearing definite insignia on their clothing and the rest of the cultivators are all marked with strange family symbols."

"Even the boy is so audacious enough to wear no clan emblem at all on his robes. Is he perhaps a rogue cultivator?"

The NPCs around Clark and his party discussed amongst themselves in confidence as there was really nowhere to hide from more or less a thousand pairs of eyes directed their way.

Not that our good gamer intended to hide at all in the first place. There was a moment of peace for about sixty breaths before it was finally broken by the biggest and baddest dog in the scene.

"So let's start the bidding! Who wants to pay for the lives of these six people?!" He Shun asked in a loud voice.

His eyes specially paid attention to the lovely ladies in the mix and he could not help but daydream for what was to come behind the closed doors of his room tonight.

This top dog licked his lips in anticipation. From the sides, a man in a timeworn cultivator's robes stepped forward.

It could be seen from what remained of his apparel that he, at one time, wore a complete and pristine garment that belonged to a famous clan. But alas, it has now already faded into shreds.

"The Ivory Wolves Faction is willing to offer three hundred spirit stones each for those two women and the boy. The rest you decide amongst yourselves."

The man said as he pointed a finger towards the three cultivators in Clark's party. He, himself, was of course included in the count.

This first bidder was well aware of the promise brought about by new cultivators in the Demonic Sword Sect.

If they somehow bought a genius from out of the blue, the returns it would bring them was simply unfathomable.

New recruits were a priceless commodity that were often bartered from time to time and in different hands before an Overseer from the Outer Disciples' Court would ever grant time to see these fresh fishes.

In the end, the factions who chose to stay in the outskirts of the sect could truly hone and or forcibly dictate loyalty and obedience to their selected picks in this very opportune occasion.

"The Madfist Faction throws four hundred spirit stones for them cultivators! Let me see you old worms top that!" Another one set his price.

They were not even remotely interested in acquiring the mortals in the party.

In these people's eyes, Old Peng, Lian Li and Lian Ah were as disposable as the air they currently breathed in this very moment.

"We, Quick Rats Faction, bid four hundred fifty spirit stones for..."




Almost twenty minutes has passed and with not a few debates and loud counter offers, the moment of truth has finally arrived for everyone gathered on the scene.

A winner has been judged victorious and it was time for this faction to claim its purchased goods for the price that they all sacrificed to get them.

A full 2,000 spirit stones for Clark, Wan Fei and Ning Xi. It was of course needless to say that He Shun had come fruitful in his promise earlier.

"Come now, boy. You and I shall have a great time together. But before that, I will let you watch how I will ravage your women before your eyes first.

I believe that it would make a spectacular entertainment for tonight. Don't you agree, boys?!" He Shun called for his men to provide appropriate noises for the event.

"Teach him how it's done, boss!"

"Master his bitches for him, boss!"

"Boss, can I have some sloppy seconds after you?"

"HAHAHA!" The backup NPCs shouted in taunts and raucous laughter besieged the entire location thereafter.

Alas, these people could not have expected that the one they were laughing at could not have been more unconcerned with the rubbish that came off from their mouths.

All the while, Clark had another thought entirely. He had a very interesting look on his face as if someone who was deep in thought for something he could not truly understand.

No matter how much he tried to speculate, he really could not fathom one finer detail in all the concentrated mass of men and women around him.

In the end, our bored gamer finally relented and asked for due assistance from his able system.

'How could these people remain this ugly, Nancy?'

"This was purely of their own making, host. All of these people gathered here before you are purposely destroying their flesh and body on a daily basis.

This is why they have this appearance as you see them today." Nancy promptly replied.

'WHAT?!' Clark's eyes widened in shock as he looked in unbelief to everyone around him.

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