Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 1466: Game-Total Killer 3

  Chapter 1466 Game - General Killing Talisman 3

  This is... very exciting.

  Hearing that, the girls in the room all took a step back.

   "I have a girlfriend, surnamed Fu, who is tall and beautiful. I'll show you next time."

  Hearing what Fu Anan said behind, the two girls secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The two of them lay on the window and looked out, while calling their family members.

the other side

  The school’s loudspeaker finally sounded ten minutes later—

  【Dear students, good afternoon everyone.

  Due to emergencies, students and teachers are requested to evade nearby, and do not leave places with roofs without authorization; do not crowd together; check yourself for wounds.

  Prevent the spread of blood madness, pay attention to protect your own safety! 】


  It was too nervous just now, and everyone almost ignored the injury.

  The two people in the room checked each other nervously, and then looked at Fu Anan on the bed above.

   "I didn't bleed, I just got a lump on my head."

  Fu Anan lowered his head, the big bun on the top of his head was not covered by a stubble of short hair, "I'm dizzy, and I feel a little nauseous. It may be a concussion."

   "Then you should take a rest first."

  The following two people asked with concern, "Do you want some water?"

   They haven't had time to bring a bucket of water to their dormitory. There are only two 550ml bottles of mineral water in the dormitory.

  Fu Anan looked at it and then waved his hand, "No need, close the door, it's a mess outside, don't let outsiders come in."

  The two girls obeyed, then sat on their own beds, talked in a low voice and called their parents and boyfriend.

   As for Fu Anan.

  The fall from the ceiling just now had a lot of force, and I really had a slight concussion.

  She lay on the bed, closed her eyes and rested after making sure the room was locked.


   The players who stayed in Building 13 did not leave.

   After confirming that none of the students had left the building, they were also quite sure that Fu An'an hadn't left either.

   No one could be blocked in room 414, so they expanded the scope of their search.

   Searching layer by layer, she will always be found.

   Isn't it, did you come to your door?

  The moment he knocked on the door outside, Fu Anan woke up.

  It's a pity that the girl below was very active, and immediately walked to the door and put her hand on the doorknob, "Who?"

   "Student, we were asked by my aunt to count the number of people, please open the door."

  A female voice sounded outside, and the girl opened the door without vigilance, "There are three people in our dormitory, all of whom are professionals..."

  Hearing the voice of the girl below, Fu Anan couldn't help but want to touch his forehead.

   Female students who have never experienced setbacks and society are all so defenseless...

   "Let them all come down and register their identities."

  The woman at the door said.

   "One accidentally bumped her head before, it was very uncomfortable, don't wake her up."


  The woman walked into the house as she spoke.

  Fu Anan clearly heard the footsteps getting closer to her, and immediately closed her eyes, but her whole body under the quilt was already tense.

  The man turned on the light of his mobile phone to shine it on, and then saw... a macaque head protruding from the quilt.

  The hair is cut too short, and the face is weird (no eyebrows).

  The woman frowned, "Is this a man or a woman?"


  Because of the stimulation of the light, Fu Anan's eyes moved slightly under the eyelids, "Baby, are you back?"

   "She may be confused,"

  When the girl heard this, she quickly explained to the woman next to her, "My roommate has a tall and good-looking girlfriend. She doesn't mean to belittle you."


  She glanced at the other student and left directly, obviously not able to accept this strange love affair.

   At this moment, Fu An'an just wanted to say that this roommate is really a genius, but it is obvious that his size is quite useful.

  Fu Anan was just about to go back to sleep when she suddenly sat up again.

   No, there is a player who confronts me at 414, and I have to go to **** when I see you again, it’s time to run!

   She gets out of bed quickly and puts on her shoes.

  The whole movement was carried out silently, and then slowly slipped out of the room.

  The corridors of the dormitory were not turned off all night. The woman was checking next door to the room, and Fu Anan went down quietly from the other side.

  There are many people sitting in the corridor on the first floor.

  These people are not students in this dormitory. For the convenience of management, the housekeeper aunt detained them here.

   It is almost impossible to get out through the gate.

  She turned around and was about to go upstairs. Suddenly she saw piles of mineral water beside the stairs. Fu Anan paused, then walked upstairs with a bucket of water in one hand.

   Pause at the entrance of the stairs, wait for the woman on the second floor to enter the other bedroom again, and then go back quietly.

  The grace of a drop of water is repaid with two barrels of mineral water.

  She gently put the bucket on the ground and walked towards the balcony.


  Second floor

   Three or four meters above the ground.

  She looked down, and the surroundings looked dark at night because of the green plants.

  Looking around, the nearest dormitory building is the 14th building, but according to the situation of the 13th building, the first floor of the 14th building must also be full of people.

  Now there is a security booth at the front of Building 14.

   Fu Anan squinted at the small pavilion, estimated how much time he would need, and then quickly jumped down.

  The moment it fell, the friction between the grass and the clothes made a slight sound.

  Fu Anan paused, her body pressed against the wall tightly. She heard someone talking in sleep and turning over in sleep in the bedroom separated by a wall, but no one found him.

  Fu Anan breathed a sigh of relief, then carefully got out of the grass and ran to the avenue.

  On the road, finely crushed soil and withered yellow leaves were scattered. All kinds of tents for welcoming the new year were dumped on the side of the road, and all kinds of garbage were mixed together on the ground.

   After walking a few steps, Fu Anan saw the first corpse.

  The head was sunken, a part of the neck even pierced into the chest, and the collarbone took on a strange shape.

  Blood flowed all over the place.

   In this way, Fu Anan suddenly remembered the blood poisoning disease, and quickly moved away with his legs.

   Apart from the corpse, she was the only one along the way.

   Seeing all kinds of people who were thrown to death on the ground, Fu Anan quickened his pace, worried that the world would be turned upside down again.

  Pass through a group of corpses, and you will arrive at the most open security booth.

  She passed by the gap between the corpses, and suddenly felt a force pulling her leg. Looking down, it was a person who was still alive. Half of his face was smashed, his upper body clothes were missing, and the flesh of his left arm was broken, with tendons and broken bones visible.

  He made a gurgling sound in his throat, and it took him a long time to say "Help me".

   Fu Anan stared at him for three seconds, then tore off her trouser legs, "I'm sorry."

  She herself is hovering on the brink of death, let alone saving others.

  He had no head over his head, and he was always on tenterhooks along the way. When she finally reached the security room, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  The security room only has an area of ​​about three square meters, and it can be seen at a glance.

  No one, enter the house and lock the door.


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