Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 1442: Heart Eater 9

  Chapter 1442 Heart Eater 9

  An old man walked up with a blank face, and said in an old man's unique voice, "Good morning, S-level players, welcome to clear the planning alliance."

  Accompanied by the old man's words, Fu An'an looked around, and there were densely packed people, except for a few top-ups, there were at least hundreds of S-level players!

so much!

  She also knows the old man on the podium, the one who organized other players to attack the virus in the last round of the game. Unexpectedly, he was still alive, and continued to organize players to attack the virus.

  Fu Anan shrank under the bench, trying her best to avoid being seen.

  The old man above said after a brief introduction, "As a person who has participated in the super virus removal plan, I hope everyone will listen to the next content.

  First: The super virus can be disguised by the big boss and NPC in the game, human, non-human, or even non-biological.

  Second: The super virus can simulate the ability of the strongest boss in the game. I was the only one who came back from the last kill.

  The third and most important point, if you want to kill the super virus, you must first destroy its core. In order to destroy the core of the super virus, his body must be forced out. "

  Accompanied by the old man's words, a picture appeared on the slide behind him.

   This is a manuscript.

  The picture above is exactly what the virus looks like when it kills all players at the last moment. The blood-red sky, the black robe in mid-air, covered the whole body of the man, the only thing leaking from his chin was the gray bones.

  Fu An'an suddenly remembered what she saw before she fell into a coma.

   It turned out that it was not a dream at the time. The super virus looks really scary. When I created him, did I not have time to give him a good-looking skin?

   "In addition, the super virus is not just fighting alone, but some players have betrayed the game."

  The old man spoke unhurriedly on the top, and then shot his gaze at Fu Anan. The moment she came in, he found her, and then a ray of light hit Fu An'an, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

   "You are not dead."

  Yang Jie didn't understand seeing this, so why did things suddenly happen to him?

  Lu Shen sat aside, his face expressionless, but his brows were already frowned.

  People in the room focused their attention on Fu Anan, and a strange undercurrent was surging.

   At that moment, it was fake not to be nervous.

  But soon Fu Anan calmed down, she stood up blankly, "Master, did you make a mistake, I don't know you."


  The players in the last round of the game were basically dead, and there were only the two of them left. Others didn't know what happened at that time, and they just listened to their nonsense.

   "Master, you said that there are traces of super viruses here and we came here instead of listening to you talking about these baseless things."

  Fu Anan stood on the spot and looked at him, "If you just want to frame me or someone else out of nowhere, then you've made a mistake."

   After she finished speaking, she took Yang Jie and Lu Shen and turned to leave.

   Then got blocked.

  The old man actually gathered a lot of followers in a short period of time, and they stood beside the old man and swore, "The wise man will not lie, he is telling the truth."

   The gathered players saw that the two sides had no intention of intervening at all. As Fu An'an said, they came here because of the information about the traces of the virus, and they would not be moved just for a few words, let alone join either of them.

   At most, it's because the old man cheated on them and felt a little uncomfortable and angry, and wanted to see them fight and expose each other's abilities.

  Yang Jie seemed a little nervous among a group of S-level players.

  Lu Shen looked at the old man indifferently, with a half-smile.

   "Cao Lei, let them go."

  The old man gestured to let them go, his behavior was somewhat unexpected.

  Before they went out, they suddenly said, "The super virus will appear soon. Before that, our people will not do any internal friction. In addition, we will cover the consumption of the three days on the cruise ship."

  This heroic speech is very popular.

  Three people came out, and Yang Jie was the first to lose his composure, "Are there really all S-level players there? I'm so nervous. Speaking of which, that old man is really rich, how many points does it take to dare to say such a bold thing."

   "You don't have to spend points."

  Fu Anan glanced at Lu Shen, who prostituted a rich man for nothing, and then stopped, "Do you believe what the old man said just now, or mine?"

   "Of course I believe you."

  Yang Jie replied immediately, showing his loyalty, "I've only met him a few times, how could I trust a stranger."

  Looking at this big, silly Fu Anan was very satisfied, and then she looked at Lu Shen next to her.

  Lu Shen stretched out his hand, and suddenly flicked it on her forehead, "No one needs to tell, I want to know what I will see."

  He also believed her?

   It seems to mean this after listening to it for the first time, but it doesn’t seem to be the same after careful tasting.

   "No one needs to tell", "He can see it by himself"

   This means that he doesn't believe anyone.

  And when he thought about his special ability that he introduced at the beginning—controlling people’s hearts, he wanted to know what controlled her to say it herself...

  Fu Anan gave him a wary look, this man is not simple.

  Lu Shen smiled slightly at her, "Why are you so nervous, my little girlfriend."


  Although the old man said all-inclusive consumption on the cruise ship, Fu Anan would not use their money. However, for this reason, many people noticed her, and cast suspicious eyes on her, which made people very uncomfortable.

  Fu Anan held his breath in his heart.

  The second floor of the cruise hotel

  Fu Anan was pulled out by Lu Shen to eat in the name of "cultivating relationship".

  Red roses, dinner made by a five-star chef. The winding candlelight, the accompaniment of classical music, and the person sitting across from him is quite talented.

  Honestly, this is definitely a classic candlelight dinner.

  Fu Anan couldn't sit still.

  In order to avoid Lu Shen's gaze, she glanced around, and suddenly saw a few familiar faces on the gambling table downstairs. These people put a lot of chips in front of them tonight, and the other people on the table lost with disgrace and sallow complexion.

   Aren’t these the followers of the old man?

  Fu Anan got off the stool, leaned on the railing, looked at the people below, and won another small pile after a while.

   "By the way, this wise man is quite powerful, and he can actually make money by gambling skills."

   Lu Shen cut open the steak, eating gracefully, took a sip of red wine at the end, and said with a smile, "You deserve to be called a wise man."


   Powerful hammer.

   Isn't it just playing dice and cards, and she can do it too.

  Fu Anan stood up and rolled up his sleeves that didn't exist. Just as she was about to leave, she paused for a while, and said to Lu Shen, "I'm full, I want to go down to digest food."

   Before he could answer, she ran away at a pace that her relatives did not recognize.

   Be positive and stay away from gambling!

   An'an has a buff bonus, so I wrote it like this, everyone, don't learn from it!

   Good night~




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