Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 1424: Future Battlefield 16

   Chapter 1424 Future Battlefield 16

  The sudden appearance of Anil interrupted the conversation.

  The commander of the seventh series looked at Anil, and suddenly found that he was looking at him with displeased eyes.


  Fu An's roommate has always been the commander. Even though the commander is now promoted to the commander-in-chief, he still takes Fu An with him.

  The management of the second front is very strict. It is impossible for Fu An to go out to have fun at night, let alone find fun. Then where did the marks on his body come from?

   The answer is self-evident!

  The commander of the 7th series suddenly found that he had mastered the important secret of the commander-in-chief—

  The superior ability, aloof and serious, the boss whom he adores... The image of majesty and uprightness in his heart suddenly collapsed.

  He looked to the side and didn't know anything, and naively regarded the hickey as Fu An who was allergic, and felt a little pitiful for him.

   "Sir, what did you call me for?"

   Fu Anan didn't feel the change in the mentality of the commander next to him, and asked.

  Anil glanced at her, then turned to look at the commander of the Seventh Department, "Are you still used to taking office these days?"

   "Report sir, everything is going well."

  Suddenly asked, the commander of the Seventh Department straightened his body uncontrollably. This is a natural physical reaction when facing authority. Other than his emotional life, other aspects of Commander are impeccable.


  Anil nodded, then turned to Fu Anan sideways, "After dinner, go to my office to write a report."

   "Ah?! Why are you writing a report again..."

  Fu An'an heard that he was in a bad mood.

   Good day, from writing reports to disappearing.

  Look, even the commander of the seventh division next to her cast a sympathetic look at her.


  After the promotion of the boss, the commander-in-chief has a new office, and she also has a small private room of her own.

   After writing too many reports, he became proficient. Looking at the manuscript he had written, Fu Anan felt that it was nothing more than that.

   In fact, it is good to be a clerk after getting started.

   Not only the manuscript was written quickly, but the salary was much better.

  While others were shouting slogans and training outside, she sat in the office and read the newspaper. From time to time, she got some tea and snacks from the commander's desk, and she lived a happy life.

   This day, Fu An'an secretly picked up the fruit that Anil put on the table as usual, and before leaving, she accidentally caught a glimpse of the mission report on the table—

  【Report on the second cleaning of Nanshan Factory in N City, task leader: Formation 6】

  Fu Anan looked at the information above for a moment, and was going to the previous factory again?

  She looked at the time carefully again. This is the report two days ago, and the people from the sixth series have returned from the mission.


  At this time in a separate small room

   "I found out from the members of the Sixth Division that Yatetsu Centipede is dead."

  The players who discussed the issue before got together again and shared the latest news they got. "The Yatetsu centipede died, and the body was brought back as a research object."

   "Killed so quickly? In other words, the Yatetsu centipede is just a simple and somewhat powerful mutant alien monster."

   "The clue is gone again?"

  One of the players sighed, "I don't even know where the virus is, it's really difficult."

  Suddenly the door opened from the outside, and a man ran out from the outside, "Brothers, guess who I found?"

  He was talking, beckoning the people standing outside to come in.

  The man is tall and thin, giving people a feeling of lack of presence. He is the member of the second mission, and he is a player!

  As someone who has personally experienced normal tasks, he has the best say.

   After the man's introduction, everyone was a little excited.

   "I said that the players must be evenly distributed between 1-7, and it really is!"

  Everyone expressed a warm welcome to the newly joined members, but they kept silent about the second visit to the factory.

   "Actually, Yatetsu Centipede was already dead when Sixen arrived."

The player really brought extremely important information, "It was the corpse I inspected at the time. The shell of the Yatek centipede couldn't even be pierced by bullets, and when it was discovered, there was a gap several meters long in its shell Its head and spine were completely removed from the back of something, and the heart was still attached to it.

Not only that

   Weren't we surrounded by countless ordinary Yatetsu before we retreated? But when I went there for the second time, there was not a single Yatetsu there.

  According to the old team members, according to past experience, even if there is no one in a place, it will take at least half a month for so many Yatetsu to completely disperse. This situation is too abnormal.

  The commander speculates that there may be something more terrifying in the factory, or something more terrifying has appeared in the factory after we left. "

  It is more powerful than Yatetsu centipede, it can scare away hundreds of thousands of ordinary Yatetsu monsters...

  After listening to the story of the 6th series player, the room became quiet.

   It took a moment before someone asked, "So this could be a super virus?"

   "If it is... I really can't imagine how powerful it is."

   "The matter of removing the virus, or should we wait?"

  Someone suggested at this time, "Let's gather more players first."

  A virus that even the survival system is afraid of, may only be successful if all players are gathered together.

   "In addition to this, I also know that the Federation has recently developed a weapon-exoskeleton armor."

  The six-series players also had a message for them.

"what is that?"

"An auxiliary battle armor, similar to the mecha in the novel, but lighter and more convenient. Wearing it can easily jump tens of meters high, and it is easy to fly over the wall, and it is equipped with the most powerful weapons. Great defensive armor."

  After listening to the descriptions of the sixth series of players, the eyes of the rest of them widened.

   "There is such an awesome thing! Wouldn't it be invincible if you put it on?"

   "I dare not say invincible, but if we obtain it, the probability of winning will be even greater."


  At this time, the commander-in-chief is in the training room alone

  When other players heard about and imagined the exoskeleton fighter, Fu Anan had already put it on.

   This is a one-piece machine. The main material is made of iron shell, with a fine mesh structure, and the whole body is dark and inconspicuous.

  But as long as you put on this thing, you can really understand what it means to be as light as a swallow.

   You can go to the room with a light jump, and it only takes five seconds to run 800 meters. You can't feel its weight and restraint at all, and you can do everything very flexibly. Shooting with a hug, you don't feel any recoil, and it's never been more stable. With a full reserve of fuel, it can fly in the air for an hour.

  In terms of weapons, the right side of the battle armor is equipped with a melee weapon, which can be swung by manipulating the exoskeleton, which can instantly cut off Yatetsu's head. Press the button on the chest, two shooting holes appear on the shoulders and arms, and there are 4 extremely powerful Xingtian bullets inside, and the power of one can level a mountain.

   After figuring out its function, Fu Anan was so shocked that his jaw dropped, "This is too handsome!"

  If all soldiers on the third front are equipped with this, how long can Yatetsu last?

   Unfortunately, armor is expensive and materials are scarce. The number of exoskeleton armor in the entire third front does not exceed 20.

  Most people have never seen something, and only the commander-in-chief will make one for her.


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