Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 1417: Future Battlefield 9

   Chapter 1417 Future Battlefield 9

   This is just a small episode.

  Their main task is to guard the factory and guard the gate.

  Through the equipment, the chief executive and the others can still get in touch with the outside world. There is a person in charge of communication, and the computer is automatically recording their route of action.

  The task of the team members outside is to delay the time for them as much as possible.


   Yatetsu in front was killed by another blow.

   "You can be accurate."

  Unwilling to be taught a lesson just now, Liu Neng was reluctantly convinced.

  Yaite is extremely fast, and it is very difficult to hit it, not to mention that its whole body is extremely strong, except for the mouth that opens when attacking others, there are almost no weaknesses in other places.

   Almost hit with the gun, this marksmanship is really powerful.

   "It's okay, it feels a little bit."

  Fu An'an lowered his head and reloaded the bullet in his hand.

   "What does it mean to have a touch, brother Fu is too modest."

The teammates of the same editor said to Liu Neng a little proudly, "This is the famous sharpshooter of our 7th editor. And in the last round of missions, he also rescued our teammates from the Yatie group. Our commander can take a fancy to him Yes, it’s not too much for you to be beaten up.”

  Liu Neng heard the words and looked up.

  Fu An's face is small, and he looks a little too pale and tender.

  In the military camp, when there is a lack of the opposite sex, it is very common to use a man as a woman, especially a good-looking one like Fu An.

   What Liu Neng dislikes the most is that this kind of situation happened in the barracks, so he was accidentally impulsive.

   At this time, Fu An was lying on a high place, and hadn't moved a single step since the beginning. He firmly supported the sniper rifle on his shoulder, and stared into the distance through the magnifying glass.

  Outside the factory, the abandoned building in front.

  A yoke was biting the mattress by the window, and suddenly it stopped moving and turned sharply towards the factory.

   "Get ready, another wave is coming."

  Fu Anan notified the team members below, and pulled the trigger to take away the Yatetsu who ran to the front. In a blink of an eye, the other Yatetsu had already rushed outside the factory, and the battle was imminent.


   Continuous shells sounded.

  They have been standing outside the factory for half an hour.

  With the increase of time, the number of Yatetsu has been increasing, and the attack frequency has changed from once every ten minutes at the beginning to continuous, which makes the pressure on the garrison more and more intense.

   Fortunately, the people inside sent a message that they had already arrived at their destination, and it would take about half an hour to get the target item.

   This can be said to be excellent news.

   After being confirmed, the 4 outsiders began to install magnetic storm coils. This is a device that can directly raise a layer of electromagnetic shield, and use electromagnetic waves to directly shatter the brain of Yashitek approaching. However, this magnetic storm coil device is also extremely energy-consuming, and can only last for half an hour at most at a time.

   Arrangement is complete.

  A red transparent curtain wall rises around the factory.

  The brain of Yatetsu outside was automatically exploded the moment he approached, and green blood splashed, giving the people inside a full sense of security.

   "Fu An, come down."

   There was a voice calling her from below, it was Anil.

  Receiving the commander's order, Fu An'an jumped down from the top holding the gun.

  Anil threw a bottle of water at her, and pointed in a direction, "Go sit there and listen to my instructions at any time."

  Fu Anan lay there for a little while, just as she was dying of thirst, she unscrewed the lid and took a few big gulps, then sat down in a place where there were few people with the gun in her arms.

  The commander of the 5th series witnessed the interaction between the two of them, and looked away from Fu Anan, who was holding a gun, "Your assistant is really obedient, how old is he this year?"

   This side is talking, and the team member in charge of contacting the people inside seems to have a problem.

   They stood up suddenly, with grim expressions, and took off the earphones they were wearing.

   squeak —

  The sharp sound passed through the headset, and Fu Anan, who was six or seven meters away from them, heard it. As for the team members who used to wear headsets, they all covered their ears in pain at the moment.

   Something happened inside!

   Realizing this, several commanders quickly picked up the dropped headsets.

   "Run, get in!"

   "Go inside, they are going to rush in!"

   "Parts 4, 5, and 6, please support!"

   Immediately afterwards, there was no other sound in the headset.

   What else?

  Of course I went to save people!

  In the communication, the 4th, 5th, and 6th groups were called, and the commander of the 3rd group quickly assembled the team members, leaving the members of the 7th group to stay in place.

   "We'll try to be back in half an hour."

  The commander of Part 4 said to Anil, "If you don't come back within half an hour..."

   "I will take the rest of the people to evacuate directly, and then report to the superior to send someone to rescue you."

  Fu Anan listened to Anil's words, and the most intuitive feeling was that their chief was a dog, not like his usual style of dealing with people.

   "... also good."

  The commander of the 4th series didn't know how to evaluate, nodded dryly, and then led the team away.

  According to the recorded route, the people of the 4th, 5th, and 6th series began to move towards the depths of the factory, where they found a blasted hole.

  The commander of the 4th series sent a forward to explore the way.

   Inside is a large tunnel, which extends down. There is a floor lamp thrown down in front of it, and the floor lamp spreads downwards, and the bottom cannot be seen at all.

   The two players walked around inside, then turned their heads and looked at each other.

   "This is too unlucky to be assigned to the outpost."

  Among them, the rounder-faced team member whispered to his companions, "You know there will be dangers inside, but you can't learn from the 7th series and stay outside? It's really enough."

   "Stop complaining, go out first."

  The companion seemed to be much calmer, "Find a chance and remove the position of the outpost first."


  The round-faced team member nodded, "I don't want to die for the NPC before I see the super virus Zhang."


the other side

  The members of the 7th series took over everything else placed here.

  While waiting, contact the plane parked in the distance.

  Fu Anan sat beside her, listening to Anil's deep and methodical voice.

   "We will exit in half an hour."

  "Not everyone, the chief executive may have died, the life and death of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd series is uncertain, and the 4th, 5th, and 6th series are going to the rescue."

   "The seventh editor is guarding the factory gate."

   "Of course I don't want them to have something to do. No one wants to come back alone and write tens of thousands of words of task reflection."

  Do you have to write tens of thousands of words of reflection when you go back?

  Fu Anan was quite relaxed at first, but at this moment she suddenly became tense, and she was praying sincerely for the two groups of people who went in.

The power of the magnetic storm coil became weaker and weaker with the passage of time. Yatetsu, who were originally blocked more than ten meters away, had rushed up. They blocked the door densely, and some climbed up the windows of the factory and even the roof. , which is more than they estimated, the number of Yatetsu can almost bury them.

   Will this last 30 minutes?


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