Being a Koi in a Survival Game

Chapter 1399: old house 2

  Chapter 1399 Ancient House 2

  The vehicle moved slowly on the mountain road, and finally they arrived at a remote town.

  Probably because too few people came, dense weeds grew on both sides of the road, and even flooded the road.

  From the inside of the car, the town is completely in the style of the last century. After years of wind and rain, many have collapsed, and the remaining houses are all dilapidated.

  The bus stopped at the gate of the largest house in the town, and people from interest clubs came down one after another.


   This house is very large and old.

  The two giant stone lions squatting at the entrance are covered with moss, and the plaque hanging on the main entrance has long been unknown. There is a seal on the gate that has been damaged by water for a long time. Through the gap, weeds can be seen inside.

  Fu Anan stood at the door and looked inside, a cold wind blew past her ankles...

"This is the old house of Tan Mingyan, the biggest warlord in the old days. Although he only lived to be thirty years old, he was extremely vicious and killed countless people all his life. It is rumored that when he died, the grass and trees in a radius of ten miles withered, and the people in the whole town were dying." In just two months, people in the town died and fled, and it quickly became an empty town.

  After the establishment of the new society, some people took a fancy to this land and wanted to develop it, but all those who wanted to move the land went bankrupt and died, and there was no good end. So this piece of land has remained as it is until now, and Dan Mingyan has a new name - Dan Yan Wang. "

The vice president of the photography club took a tablet to tell everyone about the relevant content, and then said, "This is the place where we will shoot this time. Please be careful not to damage the things inside after entering. You can go to other places, but Before six o'clock in the afternoon, we gathered at the gate and left on time..."

  After listening to the lecture, everyone dispersed.

  Fu Anan turned around and walked towards the car.

   "Fu Xiaoan, what are you doing?"

  A girl ran towards her and stood at the car door looking at her.

  There was some blunt weapon in the compartment. Fu Anan groped inside for a while, then squatted down and broke the support shaft under the chair forcefully.

  Fu Anan held the 30cm metal stick, which made the girl below stunned for a moment, "Xiao An, what are you doing with this?"

   "This person is unfamiliar with the place, so holding a stick feels safer."

   Is there... anyone else besides them?

  The girl with twin ponytails was taken aback when she heard this, feeling that the friend she met yesterday suddenly became strange.


  The door of the old house is very thick, and the three young men pushed side by side to push the false door open.

  Accompanied by a dull sound, the dusty world behind the gate was slowly opened.

  Buildings, halls, pavilions and pavilions are scattered, bridges are built on the stream, and pavilions are set up in the pool. It is divided into five courtyards in the east, west, north, south, and middle. Each courtyard is surrounded by curved corridors, and the courtyards are connected. There are courtyards in the water and springs in the garden. Even if it has been abandoned for many years, you can still see the luxury of the past.

  Following most people, they came to the middle courtyard.

  It is clearly the most central location, but it gives people an inexplicable coldness.

  Suddenly... the weather outside changed.

  The original Xunyang has disappeared, and layers of dark clouds are piled up above the head. The strong wind blew up, the branches and leaves of the century-old trees around shook, and the sand and stones squinted their eyes.

  The sky suddenly darkened, it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.


  A dazzling lightning shot out from the edge of the cloud, illuminating the surrounding area, heavy rain poured down, and at the same time, gongs and drums were beating in my ears.

   "Hey, the people in front line up for me, don't rush to come one by one!"

   A sharp voice suddenly sounded at this moment, and a conspicuous red handkerchief flashed before Fu Anan's eyes.

  Many people suddenly appeared in the house.

  The faded old buildings have been turned into green tiles and red paint, and the beams and carved wood are even covered with gold leaf. Expensive jade, coral, and gold bowls are placed on mahogany shelves, and rare agarwood is lit in the lobby.

   Are they...back to the past?

  Everyone stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in shock.

   "Damn it, cowhide!"

   "My God, are these ornaments real? How much can this one sell for?"

   "My god, hurry up and take a picture! Hey, where is my camera?"

   "My phone and backpack are gone too..."

  There was a commotion at the scene, and many people couldn't bear their curiosity and looked around. Until a sharp voice appeared again, "Presumptuous... If you lose your manners in the middle hall, you will be given 20 rebounds."

  In the room, half of the people were dragged away, and soon a group of people screamed in the distance.

  Listening to the screams outside, Fu Anan looked at the woman closest to him.

  The woman looks to be in her forties.

  The face is very thin, with sunken cheeks and prominent cheekbones. She was wearing very white powder, but even her face was blushed. Wearing an orange-red jacket and a black sarong, holding a red handkerchief in his hand, he showed no expression to the screams coming from outside.

   This is no joke.

  Before the other people in the room came to their senses, the woman waved the handkerchief and continued, "Okay, the selection of servants has passed, and they will be sent to Butler Dan, and the remaining female servants will undergo the next round of screening."

  Everyone here seems to listen to her.

  The boys who originally came together were taken away by the servant who suddenly appeared, leaving only the girls. Immediately afterwards, another group of girls came outside, including companions who hadn't come in just now, and NPCs they didn't know. Forty or fifty people quickly filled the originally empty lobby.

  Then the woman starts picking.

   Those with thick, big feet and peculiar smell will not stay;

   Black wrists, yellow skin, thick fingers, and unclear palm prints will not be left;

  Those with small eyes, flat nose, and scars on the face will not be left;

   Those who are not beautiful in waist, hips and body will not be left...

  Anyway, not here, not there, the whole woman is like a concubine, there are forty or fifty people, and in the end there are only ten left.

  Fu An'an was one of these ten people, and the girl with twin ponytails was also left behind.

   "Okay, you little benevolent people are the lucky ones to stay. From today onwards, I will take care of your food and daily life. Just call me Nanny Tan."

   Nanny Tan said still expressionlessly, her inverted triangular eyes glanced at each of the remaining girls, and then took out a box of tokens.

   It reads from 1 to 10, and Fu Anan was assigned number 9.

"Every little benevolent person, please put away your badges and stay in Xiyuan to rest. I will tell you little benevolent people about the rules of the Tan Mansion later, please behave well in the mansion, and you will have the opportunity to become our Tan mansion soon." Be the housewife."

  The mistress of the house...she really is choosing a concubine.

   Who will choose the concubine? Dan Mingyan?

  Fu Anan took her own sign and followed the person leading the way to the so-called Xiyuan.

  The moment she stepped out of the door, she knew clearly that the world had changed. The desolate and abandoned old house was washed away from the lead dust of the years and was full of luxury.


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