Be happy with sports

Chapter 164 To See My Mother Happy 5

Chapter 164 To See My Mother Happy 5

Even so in a few months, Jake had confidence that the restaurant could start to make a profit, of course taking the value of the initial investment that Jake invested to buy and renovate the restaurant and all things in it.

Jake did not care about this because for him this investment was a gift to his mother, he never thought about getting that money back, Jake was excited too with the opening that would be in a few more days.

While Jake prepared the last details for the opening of the restaurant Anna and Eva were busy training the staff to prepare the dishes of the menu, after all after the restaurant opened they would have to be prepared.

Fortunately, the dishes on the menu were all very easy to make, the more complicated dishes were made by the more experienced cooks about Anna’s guidance, Eva was using everything she learned to guide other cooks and also oversees the cooks.

Even Jake helped a little by giving some tips on the dishes he knew how to do very well, Jake also offered to help by trying the dishes that were prepared, as he did not have to worry about getting fat and also knew how to cook he was the best candidate to prove the dishes.

So after a few more days, everything was ready, the restaurant was ready for opening and the dishes were perfect too, the opening day would be dinner time, after all, they could not serve Full English Breakfast to the guests.

The advertisement in the paper was also a success, a pity that was too expensive to keep this advertisement, so Jake thought of only announcing a few times a year in the newspaper after all his main income would come from nearby hotels that did not even read the newspaper.

When the opening day came, it was Jake who had to attend the guests, since both Eva and Anna were the chefs in the kitchen and could not easily get out to greet the guests, moreover, Eva thought her son would do a great job as a host in the Opening.

As it was in the evening all his friends could attend the opening of the restaurant, Eric was one of the first to appear, Jake invited him for being a friend and mainly for helping with the advertisement of the opening of the restaurant.

Then came Joseph and Liza, Jake invited only Joseph, but he could not prevent his friend from bringing his girlfriend, then they charged Oliver and Matthew, then Emily appeared with her father, the last ones were Tiffany and Clara.

In addition to the friends came many people who were known to their friends that Jake asked the contacts and the managers of the closest hotels, Jake wanted to make friends with these hotels so they would recommend the restaurant to their customers.

After everyone arrived Eva left because she had to say a few words to everyone who came, after dinner, a cocktail would be made so that everyone could talk, but many would probably leave after dinner.

"I want to thank everyone who came here today, it’s a dream that I’ve always had that is being carried out today, I want to thank my son Jake who prepared this restaurant for me and also my friend Anna who has been helping me all these years and is also helping me in this dream."

"What I hope is that everyone who comes to this restaurant can leave satisfied with the dishes that are served here and everyone can share this happiness with me for many years, thank you."

Everyone applauded Eve who went out quickly to the kitchen ashamed, she was wearing the chef’s uniform and not a dress like the last time, as that was the opening everyone was wearing dresses for women and suits for men, even Jake was in a suit.

Afterwards, everyone dined very happy, several people were invited today and everyone had a favorite type of food, but as Eva’s restaurant had several types of dishes from several countries all were satisfied.

As Jake and Anna expected the highlight of the dinner were the desserts and pasta that Julius prepared, many tried various kinds of desserts thanks to this, the highlight was the cakes that were made by Julius, everyone liked.

Actually, almost everyone who was invited here did not expect much from the new restaurant after all everyone knew that this restaurant would serve Full English Breakfast and the value of the dishes was not too high, so people only came for education.

But all the dishes were very good as in all restaurants and the desserts were the highlight of the restaurant so it looked like it had everything to be a successful restaurant, it was a pleasant surprise to everyone.

After the dinner was over everyone was very happy, Anna and Eva left the kitchen and switched to the dresses they had prepared for the cocktail after dinner and everyone praised the restaurant before leaving or staying for the cocktail.

Jake, Anna, and Eva were very happy with the success that the restaurant had made, the one who had been most surprised by this was Emily who helped Jake to look for this place just over 6 months ago.

She saw that Jake chose the place and prepared all things for retirement and even had the business proposal a few weeks after choosing the place, Emily even thought that Jake had done everything in a relaxed way as it was just to perform the dream of his mother and not to succeed.

But today she realized that he had done everything correctly and was very successful at it, after that restaurant and the report on Jake’s investments that were making a lot of money, she was sure Jake would be very successful in the future.

First Jake talked to the hotel managers, everyone was glad they were invited to the restaurant when Jake raised the issue of the customers the managers said they would certainly recommend the restaurant to hotel customers.

In fact, as the hotels did not have that kind of service and even those who did not like the customers, the hotel owners themselves advised the hotel to recommend it to customers where they could eat.

The problem was that the managers had no place to recommend to customers, the few restaurants that offered such service served only the continental breakfast which was the same as some hotels.

But the customers were not satisfied with that, not to mention that these restaurants charged a lot for it, now the managers finally had a place they could recommend with confidence after all these desserts would do until the managers of the hotels wanted to eat breakfast here.

This could be good for hotels that could get more customers in a few years who like the food of the restaurant, after all in a survey they made many customers did not come back because they did not have a good service with meals.

After the managers left Jake greeted Tiffany and Clara who were chatting happily with Eva and Anna, so Jake took the opportunity to talk to Oliver and Matthew who were alone in that cocktail party.

"Why are you alone here?"

"There are not many people we know here, besides, we’re not alone because we have the company of each other, are not we?"

"You’re right, we were waiting to talk to you before you left, I’m sorry for Joseph, he had to leave after dinner because his boring girlfriend dragged him away."

"Do not talk like that, Liza is a good girl for Joseph, so was my wife and mother, was not she? It is the destiny of the men of our family to be sent by women."

"That’s true, but I did not say Liza was a bad girl, she’s just boring, there’s no way you could compare her to your mother to your wife, those were real women."

"She’s still very young and so it is, I’m sure she can be a great woman in the future."

Jake was only watching the two of them talking to themselves and leaving him out of the conversation, he could not speak ill of Liza because she was his friend’s girlfriend and he hoped that Joseph would leave because of her, that’s why he did not invite Liza, so Joseph deserved to leave.

It seemed the two had gotten much closer after they discovered that Matthew’s company might have failed if they did not switch to digital cameras, after which Oliver began to help the company a little more and leave his law firm with his employees.

"How’s business going now, Matthew?"

"It’s doing very well thanks to you, we’ve finally been able to develop our own digital camera, it did not take long because many companies in Japan were already developing this technology."

"Now I’m only afraid that integrating this technology into our camera models and we can start selling, we have to make the public aware that our company is changing the first products and then we will have more time to improve our products."

"I think you’re right to do that Matthew, even if the first digital camera does not have a very good quality you have to show that your company is developing, the important thing is for you to improve your products when computer companies develop USB on computers."

"It will be at this time that digital camera sales are going to increase a lot, you need to be one of the first companies to be in this market, so your company will always be in the public’s memory."

"Also, do not forget that you have to try to develop this technology to put on cell phones or computers too, if you get some technological patents and some contracts with cellular companies your company will earn billions."

Matthew trusted Jake’s vision was developing this technology, almost all of the company’s profits were going to the development of technology and products for this, after making the public know your brand will make them earn much more in the future.

After these cameras began to make more success Matthew was thinking of giving some reward to Jake, after all, he was helping the company a lot without gaining anything.

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