Be happy with sports

Chapter 111 The Time Goes 2

Chapter 111 The Time Goes 2

In fact, what Jake was going through was normal for young people, and after he returned to the past despite his mentality being over 40 years old, he was still affected by his actual age.

So Jake was going through puberty again, but he was not as affected as the youngsters normally were, except that with that basketball subject even his mind being more mature he thought that what he was doing was not so sure.

The reason for this was the character of Jake who spent most of his life doing what was right, and even worse was that he felt that even having an ’advantage’ over others was not yet enough to be better than the others.

It was only after this problem was settled in her mind that her abilities could improve normally could this be done by her parents or coach, but Eva already thought Jake was more mature than she was, and her coach was now another source of trouble for Jake.

So who had to figure it out was the system.

So Jake came back for another semester at school, and so the time kept ticking away, as Jake was not playing he thought time would pass again without any news, but this time Joseph appeared with a surprise.

At the interval of classes when they would go out to eat, as usual, Joseph called Jake and said he had something new to tell, as Jake never saw Joseph so excited he was curious as well.

"So Joseph, tell me what’s the news you had to tell me."

"I found a girl I like."

This made Jake really surprised, he never thought his friend would find a girlfriend before him, that change of appearance must have made Joseph more confident.

"So you’re dating?"

"No, I still did not have the guts to tell her, I was hoping you’d know who she was before and see what she thought of her."

"Who’s going to date her is you and not me, so you’re the one who needs to like her after you start dating you introduce me."

"But you’re my friend, I think it’s important that you approve of the girl I’m dating, so I’m safer."

After Joseph said this, Jake was a bit thrilled, that meant that Joseph considered Jake really important to say this if Jake said he did not approve of the girl that Joseph liked Joseph would not ask the girl to date him.

"I think it’s really cool that you think so well of me, but you’re a little early, you usually ask your friend’s approval to marry and not to date."

"I think it’s better this way, if you do not think it’s legal, you can get rid of me later."

"No, your girlfriend has to have a good personality and be nice to you and not to everyone, you just need to know her reputation, if several people find her cool she must be cool."

"There are several people that I personally do not like, but I do not think these people are bad, it’s just that I did not get along very well with them for some reason."

"What if my girlfriend is someone you do not like?"

"Oh I think we can learn to live together for your sake, besides, you still have not asked to go out with her, how are you so sure they’ll be boyfriends?"

"Because we’ve talked a few times before, and I think she likes me too, so if I ask to date her, I think she accepts."

"So do it, do not lose your youth, after you start dating you introduce me to it."

Jake really did not expect Joseph to get a girlfriend, but he was happy with his friend, Jake wanted everyone around him to be very happy because he was of the opinion that happiness was contagious, sometimes just hearing good news from Someone you can also be happy.

So in the next few weeks, Joseph would disappear sometimes at lunchtime when Jake asked if Joseph had already started dating the girl his friend said they were still talking.

Jake admired his friend’s patience, with Joseph being so careful so everything would probably work out, this made Jake think that he had completely changed his friend’s life, it was impossible for Joseph to come to this school in his past life.

Jake could only hope that his friend’s new life would be much happier, so after another day of school he went home, Jake was now reading his German book to prepare for the next trip.

This was the book with which Jake could learn the most, even in his past life he could not master the language, this was his chance, with a year Jake could master his fifth language.

The other day Jake and Eva went to cooking class, some people had come and gone, so only with Anna that Eva had a deeper friendship, that year many women did not like to talk to Jake too.

After all Jake was already 14 years old and the women no longer found him a cute child and made cookies for him, just Anna who still cared for him.

After the class was over Jake and Eva went to Anna’s house to talk, after those years together they were more and more like a family, Anna also felt more alone because there was no one in her family to talk to.

Just as he did not have much to talk about, Jake ended up talking about his friend having a new love, Jake did not like gossip anymore, the atmosphere of cooking classes left his tongue looser in time.

Besides, neither Eva nor Anna talked to Oliver, so Joseph’s secret was well guarded with these three.

But what Jake ended up just bringing to the subject eventually came back to him.

"And you, Jake, do not you plan on getting a girlfriend?"

"I do not know, I have not met any girl I like, I have to wait for it to happen naturally in order to work out."

"I think you should try harder my son, this way I can never be a grandmother."

"It’s true Jake, get out more with people your age and not just your mother, you’re almost a man now, just so you’ll have opportunities to find a girlfriend."

Then the conversation was over and Jake sat just thinking about the corner of the room.

Even after she returned home Jake still did not talk to her mother, Eva thought he was angry and also did not try to talk to her son.

Actually, this subject was one of Jake’s sensitive points, what Eve said about not being a grandmother was exactly what happened in Jake’s past life, but it was because of the accident.

Even so Jake knew it was Eva’s dream to be a grandmother, and Jake also had to hear about it for almost 20 years in the conversations with his company friends, when someone chooses not to have a child is one thing, but for Jake, that choice was taken.

After resting for one night Jake’s mood returned to normal.

So a few more months passed Joseph still had not introduced the girl to Jake, and even if he did Jake was not in a very good mood at the time, he just received the news that the basketball team had once again won the national championship of the high school.

Jake was happy about the school, but he could not help but feel a little excluded, of course, he knew that even if he was a substitute he would not be so happy to win that national championship.

Coach Philips should be in high confidence the school in him, so Jake did not have much hope to play next year, now that Joseph also had a new girlfriend Jake was not thinking about leaving school this year.

He now had to hope for something different to happen next year, after all, Tiffany and Clara were patients more Jake did not think companies would like to pay sponsorship to someone who was not even playing and did not have much fame.

The only good thing about it was that Jake felt that his ability improved even by training alone, he thought he would now be on the same level as the team players who won that year, less than.

So if Jake entered the team for next year was sure to play well in the matches, so he had to wait to see what would happen.

So a few more months passed and the first year of school had ended Jake as he was always the first in the classroom with his perfect grades, but Joseph’s grades had fallen, it seemed that dating was really detrimental to the study after all.

Jake was sure his friend had started dating, but Jake hoped his friend would soon introduce this mysterious girlfriend to him.

At the beginning of her mid-year vacation that would take a few months, Jake finally got a call from Clara, it seemed like the corporate restructuring was over and she wanted to have lunch with him.

Jake accepted and the next day he went by taxi to the restaurant, arriving there the attendant took Jake to Clara’s table.

"Hi Jake, how long."

"I have to say this, even if you were busy with your company you could have some time to talk to friends."

"I know, but I lose track of everything when I’m focused on work, the only person I normally talked to during this year was Tiffany, and that’s because she showed up to help me work sometimes."

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