Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 466 Lu Lingqi Meets Li Feihong

Chapter 466 - Lu Lingqi Meets Li Feihong

"Halt! Who goes there!?"

A captain of a patrol team stopped Lu Lingqi and her bodyguards from approaching the army battalions.

"Make way, or I’ll make it myself!"

Like father, like daughter, Lu Lingqi’s character was still unrefined in terms of manner and wisdom. Had she said that she was Lu Bu’s daughter or Li Feihong’s guest, the captain would have allowed her to pass after a bit of inspection protocol.

"Get lost, brat! Don’t make me whip you and send you to a whore house!"

Offended by the little girl, the guard was as mad as Lu Lingqi. He extended his hand to grab her hair, planning to drag her away.


Lu Lingqi’s bodyguards drew their swords, pointing at the patrol captain.

"Are you serious, fool?"

Offended by a little girl was not enough, this group’s action angered the soldier.

Nearby soldiers from the Monster Legion noticed the commotion. A company of a thousand men surrounded Lu Lingqi and her bodyguards right away, pointing their spears at them.

Lu Lingqi and her bodyguards scoffed. None of these soldiers knew that these men were former soldiers from Lu Bu’s battalion, so their battle experience and skill were far stronger than these trained recruits with no experience.

Lu Lingqi assembled her folded spear and swung and the captain right away.


Despite being a petite girl in her 13, she sent the captain flying like she was swinging a baseball bat.


The captain flew like a ragdoll and collided with the surrounding soldiers.

"They’re my uncle’s soldiers. Just teach them a lesson, but don’t kill them," Ordered Lu Lingqi.

The one hundred bodyguards smirked. They warmed up their bodies and sheathed their swords, using them as their weaponry instead.

Seeing that the little girl’s group was looking down on them, the surrounding soldiers roared.





Five minutes later, the one thousand men were crawling on the ground in pain while all bodyguards stood firm, laughing at the injured men.

"I doubt they can go to war with these weaklings."

"Ah, too weak."

"They didn’t even put a scratch on me. Look, I’m not even wearing armor."

"Hey, Ah-man got a cut on his shoulder!"

"That’s because I’m standing on the edge of our formation. Had I gotten a shield, none of these babies could have wound me!"

"A wound is a wound. You owe us a drink!"

"I don’t remember promising you a drink!"

"Hahaha! Loser pays for the winners, right guys?"


The rowdy bodyguards mocked the defeated soldiers, laughing at their pitiful performance in the previous battle.

The commotion brought the attention to the main battalions of 5,000 men. A 1,000-man commander rode to their direction to inspect them.

"What’s going on here!?" A commander roared at Lu Lingqi and her bodyguards.

A thousand archers, who were following the commander around, nocked their arrows and aimed at Lu Lingqi’s direction.

The girl clicked her tongue. As Lu Lingqi got serious, she took a deep breath to pace her blood flow and heart rate, taking a combat stance against the soldiers. This time, she emitted killing intent aura, which rivaled her father 10 years ago.

The commander flinched from the oppression of aura and cold air. However, he regained composure in a split second.

As someone who had been trained by Zhang Liao and Li Feihong, he got used to this kind of oppression air. He was not afraid of a little girl with intimidating aura.

The archers were also affected by the killing intent at first, but they controlled their breathing pace and got back to the zone, preparing for a life-and-death battle.

Sensing that the commander and their soldiers were not affected by the murderous intent, Lu Lingqi was shocked. Now, it was her who got intimidated by the discipline of this army.

’Impossible! How come why father’s technique isn’t working?’

Lu Lingqi had been relying on this skill to get away from trouble, but it failed this time.

Before the fight broke out, a blue portal gate appeared between a thousand archers and Lu Lingqi’s men. Two men walked out of the gate.

One was a 185cm tall man with blue knight armor. He was not wearing a helmet, so everyone could see his black scarred face without eyebrows. Had he strolled in Japan in the modern world, everyone would have mistaken him for a yakuza.

It was Zhang Liao, the army’s boogeyman and the grand commander of the Monster Legion.

Another one walking out of the gate was a young scholar in his 20s. He was a bit shorter than Zhang Liao as he was only 182cm tall. Yet, he hid his well-built muscles, six pacts, thick arms and legs under the robes. He had a full unshaved beard, nostrils full of snot, stacks of gum around his eyes, and black dirt on his face.

Unlike scholars in cities, he did not care about his clothes or his outward look. His hair was not combed. His old brown robes were dirtied with dust, dirt, and black spots everywhere, which also reeked moldy odor, combining with his bodily smell, which had not taken a bath for a month.

Had anyone not known this person, he would have been mistaken as a beggar.

Still, this was the army’s strategist, who was also Tong’s close friend, Li Feihong.

The strategist waved his hand and gestured the 1,000-man commander to pull back.

"Scram, Wei Xu. This girl is Fengxian’s daughter. If you don’t want to die by a crescent spear shoving down your ass, leave now before her father got here."

Wei Xu, the 1,000-man commander, jumped backward in horror, terrified by the taboo name, "Y-Yes, strategist Li!"

Li Feihong picked his nose as he summoned one of his souls out. The soul [Diligence] floated toward the injured men on the ground and cast a blessing.

The soul of Diligence had the form of Li Feihong in a black leather leotard, black leather high socks, heeled boots, holding a whip. The soul also wore a black eye-mask, which resembled something that S&M club members loved.

[Work harder, you pigs!]


Diligence cracked a whip at the tumbling soldiers, one-by-one.

Contrary to the angelic soul’s divine image, the words coming out of his mouth was as foul as the owner.

As if the injured soldiers got injected by steroid, they stood up and ran away toward the other battalions, getting back into their formation even though the pain was killing them from the inside.

The absurd scene made Lu Lingqi and her bodyguards sweat.

Some of the bodyguards recognized Zhang Liao and Li Feihong. They knelt and cupped their fists.

"We greet General Zhang and Strategist Li!"

At last, Lu Lingqi realized who she was facing. Her uncles were finally here.

The last time she saw these two, it was ten years ago when she was still too young to remember anything. Thus, the image of Li Feihong and Zhang Liao came from the rumor.

Unfortunately, their image was different than what had been told in the rumor.

Li Feihong was said to be a talented and handsome immortal scholar, who was working as blood vessels of the Han Dynasty. Lu Lingqi also thought that Zhang Liao was a brave general with a good-looking scarless face, who would look good in a knight plate armor.

Reality betrayed the young girl’s dream. Her eyes swelled in tears of disappointment as she bowed to them.

"Lu Lingqi greets uncle Zhang and uncle Li."

Zhang Liao noticed Lu Lingqi’s expression and could guess what she was thinking. His mouth revealed a faint smile before it faded, returning his grumpy look.

"Feihong, take a bath and change your clothes. We have a guest now."

"Ha... How troublesome."

"Do it. You smell more like a pig than our dirtied soldiers."

"Okay, okay. I’ll just use this instead."

Li Feihong summoned another soul of his, [Chastity].

The soul looked like a young boy in his 12, which was a similar age to Lu Lingqi. Instead of Li Feihong’s current dirty look, the soul wore a grade-school uniform, white shirt, blue shorts, white socks, and black shoes. His hair had been combed in style, which made the boy looked like a young child of a noble family.

Even Lu Lingqi’s eyes glittered as she liked the boy spirit behind Li Feihong. Although the boy was not her type, which should be a strong man like her father, the innocent look of [Chastity] was charming.

The soul innocently smiled at Lu Lingqi, which made her blush.

But once he turned toward his master, Chastity’s face distorted in disgust.

[... Purification!]

Light shone on Li Feihong’s body. All mud, dirt, goo, dried sweat, and unknown substances flowed out of the strategist’s clothes, hair, eyes, noses, and other body parts. The black dust gathered into a black ball. Afterwhich, it shot up to the sky as if it was a shuttle going to space.

Li Feihong unsummoned both souls as he combed his hair, tying it into a knot and letting some of his hair down like a local unmarried man. The image of a beggar changed into a refined young scholar in an instant.

Lu Lingqi and her bodyguards dropped their jaws, astonished by the miracle.

Zhang Liao shook his head in resignation.

"Take a proper bath for once. Your soul skill is disturbing sometimes."

Li Feihong laughed, "Take a no-fap and no-sex challenge for a few years, and you’ll awaken Chastity. It’s the easiest virtue to get, you know? It’s useful too."

"Yes, it’s useful for long-distance camping and expedition, but you need a proper bath. Don’t abuse it to the point that you won’t take a bath for years... Wait, when was the last time you took a bath?"

"... I don’t know. I even forgot what bathrooms in this world look like. If you count the time that I swam in a lake to catch some rare fishes, that might have been two years ago, I think."

Zhang Liao: "..."

Lu Lingqi: "..."

Bodyguards: "..."




Lu Lingqi reported what Lu Bu ordered her to do to Zhang Liao and Li Feihong, which made the latter two cringe.

Both knew that Lu Bu was always ambitious. Even though he had changed for the better, he still aimed to obtain a high ranking position in the court.

Fortunately, they had a conflict with Liu Bei that the latter stole Lu Bu’s should-have-been territory. Until they recovered the western regions, Lu Bu would still get stuck in Xiangyang, watching the borders of Hongnong and Chang’An, waiting to mobilize.

Thanks to the conflict, Lu Bu never pushed Lu Lingqi to Tong, but he still wanted to tie his blood with the latter nonetheless.

Now, listening to the little girl’s problem, they also felt guilty that they never reprimanded Tong or Lu Bu.

Li Feihong sighed, "I’ll talk to Tong, so he can reject you. I think he already has enough successors and headache, so I don’t think he can take any more wife."

Zhang Liao nodded, "Agreed. I’ll talk to your father about this."

"Thank you, uncle Zhang, uncle Li!"

"No problem."

Lu Lingqi regained hope. She was thrilled that she no longer had to marry anyone, so she could continue practicing martial arts.

Then, she recalled that the Monster Legion was preparing to march somewhere.

"Uncle, why are you mobilizing?"

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