Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Chapter 363 – Guo Jia’s First Move - Part 1

August, 188 A . D .

Changes occurred on the central plain . Cao Cao launched a lightning attack Chenliu, Puyang, and Qiao, which all governors surrendered their territories without a fight .

Chen Gong, who was an old acquaintance, joined forces with Cao Cao along with his friends afterward .

This person was also a talented historical figure . In history, he joined the anti-Dong Zhuo coalition in the year 190, which he served Cao Cao Army .

However, when Cao Cao launched a campaign against Tao Qian in 194, Chen Gong colluded with Zhang Miao and Lu Bu, which they stole Puyang and Chenliu from the hands of Cao Cao .

Cao Cao reclaimed his territories later, which he drove Lu Bu and Chen Gong to Xu Province . At the time, Liu Bei inherited Tao Qian’s legacy and became a new governor of the province . Liu Bei then sheltered Lu Bu Army in Xiaopei as a buffer against Cao Cao .

In 198, Cao Cao planted spies into Lu Bu’s ranks, sowing discord between Lu Bu, Chen Gong, and Liu Bei, which they advised Lu Bu to take action against Xiapi .

Chen Gong was against the move, but Lu Bu did not listen to him, which led to the historical betrayal as a result .

Later on, Cao Cao mobilized to Pengcheng County, getting ready to siege Xiapi . Chen Gong advised Lu Bu to take the initiative to strike Cao Cao’s forces as an offense was better than being on the defensive . Unfortunately, Lu Bu listened to the pleas of his wives, telling him not to act . Again, Lu Bu ignored Chen Gong’s critical suggestion .

After Cao Cao began sieging the city and Lu Bu’s plan to break the siege failed, Lu Bu intended to surrender to Cao Cao . Unfortunately, Chen Gong and others, who betrayed Cao Cao in the previous incidents, were afraid of Cao Cao’s retaliation against traitors . They dissuaded Lu Bu and forced him to fight .

After two months of intense siege by Cao Cao, Lu Bu’s subordinates captured Chen Gong and led their troops to attack Lu Bu from the inside, which ended their journey in this chaotic civil war .

Both Lu Bu and Chen Gong were executed in the aftermath .

In the 14th-century novel, Chen Gong was portrayed as a righteous magistrate . He met with Cao Cao when the latter escaped from the failed assassination attempt in Luoyang .

Chen Gong was impressed by Cao Cao’s loyalty and sacrifice . He quit his job to follow Cao Cao to rescue the emperor from Dong Zhuo . Along with way, they rested in a resident of an acquaintance .

By mistake, they misunderstood the hosting family that they tried to kill them, which Cao Cao and Chen Gong murdered the entire family . Afterward, they realized that they were planning to kill an animal for their welcome feast, which ashamed them . Both left the house in a hurry .

When another family member of the slaughtered residents returned, Cao Cao murdered the person, claiming that it was better than letting him see their dead family .

Chen Gong was disgusted by the murder . He parted way with Cao Cao and joined Lu Bu in later years .

In this world, everything changed because of all otherworlders .

Chen Gong did not meet Lu Bu, and the family slaughtering incident did not happen . As such, Chen Gong joined forces with Cao Cao as a royal retainer .

With the addition of Chen Gong’s brain, the expansion in the central plain was quick and efficient . Not only they took all territories from minor lords, but they also marched to Jibei, a county south of Pingyuan, and claimed it as their border city .

Cao Family and Xiahou Family spread their wings, becoming governors of the territories by self-proclaiming . All Cao and Xiahou became dominant families within months, and other members of the family reached out to Cao Cao, pledging him that they wanted a piece of cake as well .

With Pu Jing, Cheng Yu, Chen Gong, and Cao Cao’s propaganda in the territories, more talented officers flocked to them . Many officers, who disliked Tong’s strict government system, also joined Cao Cao’s forces and spread their insider knowledge to the others .

By increasing from two commanderies to seven and the expansion of civil officers, Cao Cao became another powerhouse, weaker to only Tong and Khan .

Now, Cao Cao set his sight in the east, where Yuan Shao had stolen from Tao Qian .


Qiao Commandery, the former city of Kong Zhou

Cao Cao, Pu Jing, Chen Gong, and all strategists gathered in the main hall, discussing their next moves .

A giant strategic map laid on the 3x5 meter table . All army tokens had been placed on all territories, including the northern plain where Tong’s lands located .

All details were on the map .

Cao Ren, Yue Jin, and Zhu Ling, with 20,000-man-army, were protecting Jibei from Tong’s 30,000 soldiers of Dong Bai’s Demon Legion in Pingyuan and Kong Rong’s 20,000 men from Beihai .

Gongsun Du, who had once resided in Puyang, was also in Jibei at the moment, conscripting peasants into his army . He slowly resupplied his provision and soldiers as they journeyed east toward the eastern coast . Their number increased back to 5,000 .

Cao Hong, Li Dian, and Yu Jin with 15,000-man-army watched the border between Puyang and Ganling . Zhang Liao’s Monster Legion located on the opposite side of the Yellow River, housing 30,000 soldiers .

Army from Chenliu, led by Xiahou Dun, Cao Xiu, and Cao Chun, garrisoned 20,000 soldiers in the commandery . They were guarding the borders and Port Baima from Zhang He’s overwhelming 60,000 men in Henei and Tong’s capital city of Ye with unknown troops .

In their capital city of Xuchang, Cheng Yu, Dian Wei, and Cao Ang stayed behind . At the west, Sun Jian Army of 50,000 soldiers guarded Hulao Gate and Luoyang .

And Qiao City, where Cao Cao resided, housed 30,000 soldiers . Here, he did not have many leading generals . Xiahou Yuan and Xu Chu were the only commanders, but Cao Cao did not mind it .

On the east, Yuan Shao’s forces of 50,000 soldiers fortified in Xiaopei . Another backup army of 20,000 soldiers hid in Pengcheng, Xiapi, and Langye, ready to support Xiaopei at any time .

No matter how the officers analyzed the map, Cao Cao’s forces were outnumbered . Yet, their expression was dignified as if they were not intimidated by the challenge .

Chen Gong arranged the tokens and began criticizing the arrangement .

"Zhang Tong’s movement is according to our prediction . His territories are in chaos, and they are in the middle of infighting . We can ignore their military movement for now since they won’t attack us any time soon . "

Chen Gong pointed at Xiaopei, "This city should be our next target of expansion because of the chock points and our scattered borders . Unfortunately, attacking this commandery head-on is also not advisable . Yan Liang is known to be a fierce warrior, and his 50,000 soldiers are not to be underestimated . "

Afterward, he pointed at Shouchun, located south of Xiaopei, "These territories are under minor governors, and we can conscript them into our forces . I believe we should continue devouring the little fishes as we stabilize our domestic power . "

Cao Cao leaned forward, interested in the suggested policy, "Are you saying that we should absorb all small territories before we can deal with Yuan Shao?"

"Yes, that’s my thought . "

Cao Cao glanced at the others, "A bit shallow . We don’t have enough resources to invest, and we don’t have enough soldiers to garrison all of these cities . I’ll keep that plan for now . Does anyone else want to comment about a better move? Putin, are you up for it?"

Pu Jing shook his head, "We don’t even need to attack any city . Instead, planting spies and sowing discord among former subordinates of Tao Qian and Yuan Shao’s men is more worthwhile . We can let Yuan Shao developing those cities for us while we’re concentrating on developing ours . Once our spies raised hell within their ranks, we can make some of them switch sides and surrender their cities to us . "

Chen Gong stared at Pu Jing with widened eyes in astonishment . He lowered his head and pondered, simulating scenarios along with Pu Jing’s plan . In a few seconds, he sighed in resignation as this Pu Jing had a better insight than himself .

’Winning a war without bloodshed . I’m not at that threshold yet . ’

Cao Cao nodded at Pu Jing as he satisfied with the suggestion . Still, he had not had enough of brainstorming .

"Anyone else wants to show off your skills? This is your golden chance for a promotion and recognition!"

Many officers hesitated as they had the same thought as Chen Gong . In their point of view, there was no other move aside from absorbing weaker forces before they could square against giants .

For half an hour, many chance seekers tried their luck by commenting on their plans . However, Cao Cao and Pu Jing always came up with the worst-case scenario that could happen along the way, which rejected all of their ideas .

Cao Cao leaned back on his chair, giving up on these people .

"I’ll give all of you another chance . If you can’t come up with a better plan than Putin, I’ll follow his plan and the credits will be given to him . "

Everyone sulked in silence, thinking that they were no match against this immortal strategist beside Cao Cao .

Then, a young man stepped forward .

"May I try?"

Pu Jing raised his eyebrows and nodded at this young man . He would be a fool if he did not allow this person to display his skill .

The young man was none other than Guo Jia, who Pu Jing had barred this legendary strategist back in Xuchang from migrating to the north . In the end, Pu Jing had to bribe Guo Jia with wines, wages, and other perks, so this genius could favor Cao Cao over Tong .

Cao Cao also heard about Guo Jia’s potential from Pu Jing . He leaned forward again and gestured .

"Go on . "

Guo Jia smiled . He walked toward the strategic map and moved Cao Ren’s piece toward the north, landing on Pingyuan . Meanwhile, he placed each token on the middle of Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao’s territory .

"Huh? What’s this?"

Guo Jia laughed, "We don’t attack Yuan Shao or Yuan Shu . We ally with them and attack Zhang Tong . "


Cao Cao stood up, "Are you stupid!? Zhang Tong is having troubles from the infighting, and their forces will eventually split to pieces . Why should we help Zhang Tong unifying his men by giving them an enemy!?"

Pu Jing also frowned . He was 70% with Cao Cao, while his 30% agreed with Guo Jia . Although Tong might self-destruct from his government system, waiting for Tong to die was not the only option to conquer the north .

"Because their self-destruction is guaranteed, we have to split the cake as soon as possible . Once their officers get used to the new system, they will start expanding their territories again . This time, Zhang Tong will target us . "


Guo Jia pointed at Luoyang, "From our report, Sun Jian’s son killed Zhang Tong’s wife, Hua Shi . Right now, Sun Jian has become Yuan Shu’s general, so both sides will not join hands as long as Sun Jian’s family are still working for Yuan Shu . We can use this fact to force an alliance . "

Cao Cao and Pu Jing liked what they heard, but there were problems .

Pu Jing pointed at Luoyang, "From what I heard, Yuan Shu is not good with his internal management . What benefit do you have from this alliance?"

"Oh that, we want Yuan Shu to waste his gold and soldiers . We’re going to manipulate them into attacking Henei while we move our forces from Chenliu and Puyang to strike Ye Commandery . "

"What about Yuan Shao?"

"Once he realizes that we are attacking Pingyuan, he will move naturally . He probably won’t join our raid, but he will attack Beihai of Kong Rong instead . "

Guo Jia laughed as he continued, "Once Ye City falls, Zhang Tong will truly self-destruct . Oh, and also, we can start preparing our forces in Xuchang, so we can attack Luoyang at any opportunity . "

Pu Jing frowned . He was somewhat disappointed with Guo Jia .

’This plan is shallow and lacks depths . Is this really the legendary Guo Jia?’

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