Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 4 (9)

Book 6: Chapter 4 (9)

Academic City (2nd)

In the middle of an international conference to discuss the resurrection of the Demon King,  news about a monster assaulting the city reached our ears. Due to our location high up in a tower, the creature could be seen as it began its assault on the walls.

The room full of representatives broke into an uproar.

What the hell is going on!? What is that creature!? Youd think the security around the city would be increased with representatives from so many countries gathered here. Y-You cant be serious! Im leaving the city at once! I-Its not coming here, is it!? Airships! Get to the airships!

The thinly veiled boredom that each representative showed previously was now gone entirely and replaced with fear and rage.

The creature was still far off in the distance and had yet to break through the walls. However, the size of the slug and the power its tentacles possessed was enough to send fear throughout the room. It also moves with considerable effort and, even if it makes it through the walls, it will take some time to make it to us.

The slug was far larger than most buildings. The tower we were in was the largest in the city and the tip of the tower was only as high as the head of the creature. It made me wonder how a creature could grow to this size without anyone knowing about it. I also wondered if other chimera could evolve in ways that were equally as impressive as they are terrifying.

That being said, I couldnt detect any sign of intelligence in the creatures actions. It would repeatedly slam its body or tentacles against the wall or ground. It didnt appear to be acting with any real purpose other than advancing through the city.

We all need to remain calm!

Professor Bus raised his voice above the panicked screaming that had filled the room.

His role in the city as a ladder wasnt just for show.

Ive already received word that several of the academys professors are already on their way to handle the creature. Just give them some time and theyll regain control of the situation. If, however, things do become worse, we have your airships on standby to extract you all if needed. I know this is stressful and I apologize for the situation, but I need you all to remain calm.

He calmly looked at each of the representatives.

A Professor Journal that accompanied the heroes on their mission to the Dark Continent is close to the creature already and now both the Heroes of the East and West and their parties are on their way to assist. We have the situation under control. Besides, the creature would need to traverse the majority of the city to make it here. We should be under no threat from this distance.

Professor Bus continued without hesitating.

Given his position, I dont see how else he couldve handled the situation.

Even if we are in danger, the smart thing to do was insist that everyone remain calm and tell us were safe.

A-Amazing! Professor Journal is going to take care of the creature! The worlds third greatest mind is here to save us! We couldnt ask for better seats to witness the Professor in action!

Professor Bus words managed to calm the room.

Im sure hes relieved to see the situation under control.

Still, I wonder how under control the situation really is.


I glanced out of the window towards the slug as it smashed the ground with its tentacles. A creature like that attacking at a time like this. I couldnt  help but feel uneasy.

It made me recall my drastically dropping LUC stat.

Is something wrong?

No, its just something thats been on my mind.

Really? Well, you dont need to worry about that monster. It shouldnt be any trouble for Geros.

Oh, thats right. I forgot he was here.

Thats true. Its strange to find reassurance in the sadomasochistic couple. If anything poses a potential threat to his master, that masochist demon wont hold back.

I dont have to worry about making myself look bad or at fault if I were to take action or if anyone learned that my poor LUC stat may be to blame.

Stil, Id like to be sure.

This is where the status window comes in handy.

I opened the creatures status window from my position in the distance.

NameErinSexMaleRaceChimera Body (High Demon)Level3205JobFormer Demon KingHP21950000 / 21950000MP18900000 / 18900000STR2537500VIT4677402DEX622994AGI14442INT4778030LUC123329

Oh, that s not good.

Professor Journal is going to die.


I stared at the massive slug as its strange body undulated with every movement. I was unsure how to proceed. I hoped that it might be possible for the combined forces of Academy City, Geros, and the Heroes to defeat the creature, but Im certain thats no longer possible. Its the first time a creature has appeared that could stand toe-to-toe with Christina.

Maybe Christinas mobility would give her enough of an advantage to win, but it really depends on what other abilities the slug possesses. Its not like that matters with Christina still on mayor duty back in Dragon City. Even with her speed, she wouldnt be able to make it here in time to help.

What am I going to do?

Seriously, whats wrong with you?

Doris-san, Im sorry, but you need to tell Geros to come back.

Why would I do that?

That creature is even stronger than it looks. I think Ill need his help to take care of it.

Eh? Y-Youre serious?


I-I got it.

My expression seemed to finally convince Drill-chan how serious I was being. She maintained her usual fake smile but I noticed her face tensed up. She knows well that the kimoronge and I dont get along.

Excuse me, Im going to see if I can distract the creature first.

Ah, w-wait a second!

Tell Geros what I said when he gets here.

I ran from the room through the door that Pi-chan had left open. Professor Bus called out to me but I had no time to answer his questions. I ran out onto a balcony and rose into the air using my flight magic.


Should I go back and get Goggoru-chan?

No, I cant put her in that kind of danger. In times like these, a soy sauce face like me should be the one to throw himself into danger. The busamen and the kimoronge: two creepy men that the world wont miss.

I have a plan.

Now, I just need to get to the creature.


I flew toward the wall as fast as I could and stopped above the slug and its weaponized tentacles.

theyre so big.

The powerful blows the tentacles inflicted were more intimidating up close. They varied in size from the size of a human torso to as large as a building. In the time it took me to make it to the creature, it had broken through the outer wall and was now making its slow march towards the centre of the city. Its tentacles swung wildly as it advanced, destroying every building unfortunate enough to be in its path.

I could hear the screams coming from the streets below over the chaos that the slug was creating. Fires were beginning to rage in the destructive path it left behind. The creature left a desolate hellscape wherever it went and the entirety of Academy City could fall to it if left unchecked.

I wonder what its true purpose is.

The fact that this slugs job is Former Demon King has just added to the questions I have.


Fortunately, the citizens of this city live up to the name. Many people had escaped the slugs destructive path by taking to the air using flight magic. Many of the people of this city are skilled in magic. There must be over a hundred people in the skies.

I looked around for any sight of a familiar face or a party attempting to subjugate the monster but saw nothing of the sort. Professor Journal and the Heroes must not have arrived yet which means I get first crack at the beast. Maybe a group like that holds a strategy meeting before rushing in blindly to danger.

Wherever they may be, Im the only one here now.

I activated my recovery magic to cover as large an area as possible and began raining fireballs down on the slug from above. I considered using Stonewall to trap the slug in a cage but I doubt my walls would be able to hold a creature with such high STR.  The debris the slug has created with its rampage has led to even more damage and my Stonewalls would just add to the destruction.


I have a strategy in mind. Now, let the battle begin.

However, nothing can ever go quite so simply for this low LUC busamen.

You cant be serious.

The slugs tentacles smashed through a three story building and it was on the verge of collapsing. Beneath the teetering structure I spotted a pair of familiar faces. Ester-chan was lying on the ground directly in the path of the falling building. Beside her, I also noticed the skinny megane bully.

I can focus on the slug later. My priority now should be saving them.

I used my flight magic to fly towards the figures in an attempt to rescue them.

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