Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 4 (5)

Book 6: Chapter 4 (5)

Academic City (2nd)

The following day after successfully gathering the necessary ingredients and exploring the ruins.

We were back in the guest room given to me as representative of the Penny Empire. The JC was just starting work on writing her report and I was helping her with the final preparation she would need.

The JC had never been happy about me being her teacher, but now she had another reason to hate the teacher she had been given.

I wish that guy from last night was my teacher and not some disgusting old man.


The JCs opinion of me was even worse now that she got to see a cool professor slaying monsters.

She must be thinking about how Pi-chan slew that chimera with a single attack while I stood idly by. She must hate me even more now that she thinks Im just a useless old man. Look, she even just glanced at me and sighed.

She thinks Im just a useless aristocrat living off the money of my parents.

I mean, he was so cool, right? Nobody could resist falling for him.

Is it because of his face?

Its because of his face.

I felt like we were finally starting to get close when that ikemen showed up and reminded her of just how ugly I am. A real, normal girl that I was just starting to get along with.

But this is just my reality. Its inevitable.

Any girl would want to chase after a man like that. Wouldnt you agree, old man?

Y-Yes, I suppose I can see that. Peacock-sans magic was truly a sight to behold.

Shes even forcing me to affirm her beliefs.

I genuinely have no idea what that magic was that he used. I have no clue how powerful it was or if that chimera was a powerful monster. However, I cant say that I couldve done it as well without looking like a jealous old bastard.

How did I end up in a position where I am forced to agree as a young girl happily talks about how much more attractive and better of a man Pi-chan is than me?

I have to agree that the Spark magic he used yesterday was impressive for a man of his age.

Now even Edita Sensei is praising Pi-chan.

Has Edita Sensei fallen for Pi-chan too?

That would be too much for my virgin heart to take.

More importantly, I find it strange that a large group of chimeras could be inhabiting such a place.

Whats strange about it?

The JC asked the question that was on my mind.

A group of chimeras gathering in a clearly man-made structure on the outskirts of the city. Theres nothing natural about it. Its possible a researcher from the city garnered an interest in the creature, but why set up a secret facility outside of the city? And why amass so many of them?

Now that you put it that way, I can see why you think its weird.

Edita Sensei must suspect that the creatures were created by humans and she thinks the creator may be from Academy City. She also seems concerned about what type of research would necessitate the creation of such creatures.

Is it common for the researchers of this city to use outlandish methods like this?

I dont know if Id say its common, but its not unheard of.

A so-called mad scientist. In Japanese universities, somebody fitting that title would be a rarity, but in this world they may just be common. The ethics of this world is fitting of a medieval period.

Even so, were here as representatives.

Theres not much we can do about it.

Imagine what would happen if we intervened and caused damage to the city. It would be an international incident. Dont get involved. Come up with an excuse to miss a meeting here or there or wait a few days to reply to an email once the event has already gone by. Spend your days living moderately and reserve your energy for when an opportunity presents itself.

That is the rule of any company employee that wishes to just get by, or at least, thats what my boss told me once over drinks. The message he tried to convey was this: practice self-control so you can give it your all when you stand to benefit the most. If you can manage that, promotions and raises will come as long as you put in the appropriate amount of brown nosing.

This mattered little to the NEET girl who had never known the hostile environment associated with a corporate life.

Seriously, old man, do you try to be this pathetic or does it just come naturally to you?

I think the JCs opinion of me has finally reached the lowest point.

Im acting as her teacher, a position thats supposed to solicit respect, but sometimes the world doesnt work the way you want it too.

Maybe you should give up teaching and try learning a thing or two from Peacock-sama.


Thats why youll never be anything more than a useless vagabond.

Its annoying having someone who knows nothing about you judge you so harshly.

However, there was a certain aspect that felt good.

I cant recall any other point in my life where a cute, black-haired twin-tailed JC showed anything close to resembling concern for me. Its nice being able to talk so casually to a young girl like this even if she is insulting me. Its making me think Im regaining a sliver of my wasted youth.

Maybe this is what it would be like talking to girls in the club room after class.

I can see where youre coming from and I think I understand.

W-What do you mean? You understand what?

I nodded as I contemplated her words before sitting up from the sofa. The JC sat back a little and stared at me intently. Maybe my sudden movement surprised her.

I stared into her eyes and offered her a challenge.

If youre so sure, you wouldnt mind making a little wager then.

Eh, seriously?


Dont push yourself, old man. Nobody expects anything from you.

It may be sad, but its nice having someone care for me.

I never thought I looked that old. Ah, maybe she noticed Im balding. This thought ran through my mind and I had to resist touching the bald spot on my head.

Im not forcing myself. Id just like you to promise me something. If I can find out the source of the chimeras, youll put your all into your studies. Can you promise me that?

If you actually manage to keep your promise, old man, Ill do whatever you want whether its in class or not. But are you sure youre okay with this? You might throw your back out if you try too hard.

Im sure about it.

I actually do have a hernia, but with recovery magic, I dont have to worry about it.

Goodbye hernia, I never want to feel that pain again.


Dont forget your promise, okay?


Alright, I made her promise.

Now, Im going to Professor Bus to tell him about this.

Ha!? W-What the hell!? Are you going to tell on me?

I simply plan on informing Professor Bus of our discovery. If the person responsible for those creatures is a member of Academy City, it should be their responsibility  to clean up the mess. By the way, I never said whod ultimately solve the problem, only that I would learn the cause.


That is what I said.

I said I would find the source, but I never said Id be the one leading the investigation.

T-Thats not fair!

Im sure Professor Bus is already looking into the matter without me even telling him.

Pi-chan already told me that he was there investigating after they had received reports about the facility. Id just get in the way if the Academy is already conducting their own investigation. Any sensible person would remain on the outside.

Gu.a-any self-respecting adult wouldnt resort to tricks like that.

This is why you should take the time to carefully consider everything before blindly agreeing to something.

The JC continued her complaints as I ignored her and left the room.


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