Abyssal Lord Of The Magi World

Chapter 972 Defeating the Ice Roc and Fire King

Chapter 972  Defeating the Ice Roc and Fire King

The battle between the Fourth Realm life forms flooded the Emptiness with ice, fire, and darkness. The power of end in the Thanatos Eye repeatedly clashed with the heat and cold from the Ice Roc and Fire King.

The powers the trio unleashed were so immense that they overcame the veil that was the massive waves of chaos around them, allowing other powerful life forms in the Emptiness to detect them.

The Ice Roc and Fire Kings were strong but not so much as to deter all the Fourth Realm life forms that felt their might. However, none of those who felt the Samsara Thearch's power dared to get anywhere near that battlefield.

Neither the Samsara Thearch, Ice Roc, or Fire Kings had the time or energy to bother about distant Rank 10 life forms, as their fight had reached its zenith, each unleashing all the power inside their bodies and souls.

The force field created by the Ice Roc expanded across the Emptiness, its reach extending across the vast expanse of the battlefield. Time seemed to warp and distort within its icy grasp, slowing the movements of all those caught within its chilling embrace.

Zatiel's senses had attuned to the altered time flow and anticipated the Fire King's next strike with heightened focus.

With a burst of speed that defied the diminished time, the Fire King materialized before Zatiel once more. His eleven arms, enveloped in scorching flames, moved with absolute precision and overwhelming strength.

The Samsara Thearch's reflexes and instincts had already reached their peak, so he was able to respond to the Fire King's barrage. He deflected and evaded the majority of the Fire King's onslaught, but a few strikes managed to land, leaving scorch marks on his resilient flesh.

Zatiel could not afford to get distracted by the pain as his instincts began screaming, and he felt an imminent danger behind him. He avoided the Ice Roc's ice claws by flashing to the left, narrowly escaping their lethal grip, but not without landing a kick covered in darkness to the Fire King and sending this one flying away.

The Ice Roc persisted in its attack, but its speed was not high enough to reach Zatiel. Understanding that a physical approach would not work, it unleashed wave after wave of icy energy.

The cold force that flooded the entire battlefield began to crystallize around the Samsara Thearhc, threatening to cage him into an ice coffin.

Undeterred, the Samsara Thearch drew upon the power of his Eros Eye. The serpentine dragons formed from his transformed wings unleashed a torrent of golden fiery breath, clashing with the Ice Roc's icy onslaught. The clash between the Eternal Flame and the ice energy generated a massive storm that covered the entire battlefield.

The dragons' Eternal Flame breath proved to be a formidable match for the Ice Roc's ice energy, slowing the advance of the encroaching ice.

The Fire King, recovering from the brief stasis induced by the Thanatos Eye, flashed back into the fray. The flames that engulfed his body blazed with renewed intensity as he attacked from all angles with blinding speed.

unmatched agility, deflecting most of the Fire King's blows. He and the Fire King began to exchange blows, throwing punches at Zatiel pushed his speed to the limit and maneuvered with unmatched agility, deflecting most of the Fire King's blows. He and the Fire King began to exchange blows, throwing punches at supernatural speed and generating shock waves that generated cracks in the Emptiness.

"¡BOOM!" "¡BOOM!" "¡BOOM!"

Each time a punch landed in either of them, it was like the sound of a world bursting to pieces.

Although the Samsara Thearch had the upper hand in the melee clash with the Fire King, things grew more fire for him by the second as the Ice Roc's freezing energy slowly pushed back the fire breath of his serpent dragons.

Even now, Zatiel felt the cold affecting his body, slowly diminishing his speed, which helped the Fire King.

Silver flames flooded the eyes of the Samsara Thearch as he used the full might of his willpower. The golden flame in his third eye burst with power, tapping into the essence of the Eternal Flame of Justice.

The golden flame surged through the Samsara Thearch's veins, igniting his body with an aura of pure determination as he sought to prevail over those that defied his sense of justice. With each strike and every movement, his power grew exponentially, matching the escalating ferocity of the battle.

Gritting his teeth, Zatiel unleashed a devastating counterattack. His fists blurred as he unleashed a barrage of punches, each blow carrying the power of his Eternal Flame of Justice.

The Fire King, caught off guard by the sudden surge in Zatiel's power, struggled to defend against the relentless assault. Punch after punch landed with bone-shattering impact, sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

Meanwhile, the Ice Roc sensed the situation's urgency as it witnessed the Samsara Thearch's burst of power and burned its vitality in order to unleash its ultimate technique.


With a deafening cry, the creature summoned an immense wave of freezing energy, covering the entire battlefield. Time itself ground to a halt as the frozen tempest threatened to overwhelm Zatiel.

The Samsara Thearch could feel an ice force invading his body and reaching all the way to his soul, threatening to encase him in eternal stillness.

The silver flames in Zatiel's eyes only grew stronger as his mind refused to succumb to the coldness. He tapped into the full potential of his Thanatos Eye, channeling the power of death and stillness.


Darkness emanated from the Samsara Thearch's roar, intertwining with the frozen onslaught.


The clash of opposing forces created an explosion of energy, shattering the ice and dispelling the frozen grip, flooding the battlefield into blinded darkness.

With the Ice Roc momentarily stunned by the backlash of having its ultimate technique shattered, Zatiel seized the opportunity.

The Samsara Thearch drove himself forward, his movements infused with the speed and momentum of a meteor. He closed the distance between himself and the Ice Roc in a heartbeat, enveloping his fists and legs in darkness and golden flames.

Silence reigned across the battlefield when Zatiel positioned his right and left fists on the Ice Roc's chest.


A cannon of dark golden flames blasted point-blank into the Ice Roc's chest, setting this one ablaze with a flame that would never extinguish and darkness that sought to consume everything.

The impact reverberated throughout the battlefield, making portions of the Emptiness collapse into nothingness.

The Ice Roc's body could not stop trembling, its icy exterior cracking under the force of the blow as it puked a mouthful of blue blood.

Zatiel's breathing was rough since that attack used a significant portion of his energy pool, but the battle was far from over. Just after taking care of the Ice Roc, the Fire King managed to recover from the earlier onslaught and launched a final desperate attack.

Flames roared around the Fire King as he unleashed a vortex of scorching fire, engulfing both Zatiel.

The flames threatened to consume the Samsara Thearch, with the searing heat burning his flesh. The Fire King's relentless assault pushed Zatiel to his limits, and things grew even dire as the Ice Roc managed to return to the fray.

The Ice Roc was severely damaged and could barely fight anymore, but by using its soul force as fuel, it managed to blend its ice energy into the Fire King's flames.

As soon as the ice energy and flames merged, the power of the inferno trapping Zatiel grew exponentially stronger. The Fire King and Ice Roc used the runic formation that created the Ice-Fire World to guide their cultivation, so it made sense that they could unleash a fragment of its essence.

Every fiber of the Samsara Thearch's being screamed with pain as the inferno was burning his body and freezing his soul.

The Samsara Thearch clenched his teeth, and resolution appeared on his face as Eros and Thanatos Eyes began to bleed. He used the first to transform his vital force into energy and the second to infuse a force of absolute end in his next attack.

Zatiel's body began to vibrate as the essence of the Eternal Flame of Justice flooded every atom of his existence. With an explosive surge, he channeled the energy coursing through his veins, using it to withstand the inferno surrounding him.

Using the few seconds he had of freedom, the Samsara Thearch clasped both hands, channeling the energy he had left into them. When he opened them, he revealed a dark sun with a power that could erase everything beneath the Middle Stage.

The Samsara Thearch made the dark sun go supernova, unleashed an explosion that obliterated the ice-fire inferno, and consumed the two Fourth Realm life forms behind it.

There was no sound, but a cataclysmic shockwave erupted from the blast, shaking the very fabric of the realm. Flames and shards of ice scattered through the air as the two adversaries were sent hurtling away, their forms cracking apart under the power of the dark supernova.

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