Absolute Dominion

Chapter 26

◈ Absolute Dominion

Chapter- 26

In the early dawn, the voice of Palm Heart Clan Leader, Jang Dae-San, rose sharply.

“What? The Ancient Sword Merchant Guild was robbed?”

Wang Oh, kneeling in front of him, lowered his head as deeply as he could.

Given Jang Dae-San’s infamous temper, it was fortunate that he didn’t get beaten to death on the spot.

For now, he had avoided the worst-case scenario. At least he escaped the misfortune of having his face smashed by that monstrous fist.

“What exactly happened?”

As he started to hear the leader’s breathing become rough, Wang Oh began to stammer out a detailed explanation.

When he woke up in the morning and went to the underground vault, he found all the mechanisms destroyed, and the vault doors were left wide open. Inevitably, all the antiques stored in the Ancient Sword Merchant Guild’s vault had vanished without a trace.


The armrest of the chair shattered under Jang Dae-San’s fingertips.


The fragments of the chair flew by Wang Oh’s head, brushing him.

“Didn’t you say that even the greatest master in the world couldn’t break through those mechanisms!?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

Fear seized Wang Oh as he prostrated himself fully on the ground. His forehead throbbed from the spot where the shards had grazed his skin. He was convinced that he would die if he made Jang Dae-San any angrier.

Looking at the sight of the empty vault earlier that day had felt like the sky was collapsing on him. Wang Oh had realized that today was the day of his own funeral.

His survival instinct urged him to flee immediately, but he knew that even if he ran, the Palm Heart Clan’s pursuit team would soon catch up to him. Still, he couldn’t just sit and wait to die.

Even though he thought about it, he knew escape was impossible. Also, he had spent every last bit of his hidden savings to obtain the Divine Demonic Jade Buddha. He couldn’t bear to leave it behind.

Then a thought struck him.

‘Wait a minute…’

He recalled Lim Yun-Oh, who had visited the day before.

Being robbed the day after he visited? Up until now, everything had been perfectly fine. The more he dwelled on it, the more improbable the coincidence seemed.

Wang Oh saw a glimmer of hope for survival.

“But something strange happened.”

“What is it?”

“Yesterday, Leader Lim of the Northern Sky Clan paid us a visit.”

Jang Dae-San’s expression hardened at the mention of the Northern Sky Clan.

“Which Leader Lim are you talking about?”

“Lim Yun-Oh, the division leader of the Inner Hall.”

The name struck a chord with Jang Dae-San. He recalled the distinctive mole beside Lim Yun-Oh’s nose, a feature that left an unforgettable impression.

“Leader Lim? What business did he have here?”

“He entrusted us with an item.”

“What was the item?”

“It was the Divine Demonic Jade Buddha.”


Jang Dae-San jumped up from his seat.

“What did you just say?”

“…The Divine Demonic Jade Buddha.”

The Divine Demonic Jade Buddha was no ordinary artifact—it was considered to be one of the rarest treasures in the martial world.

Wang Oh quickly recounted the details of Lim Yun-Oh’s visit, and he didn’t forget to add a final statement in an attempt to exonerate himself.

“I was planning to report it to you as soon as dawn broke today, but…”

“How much did you pay for it?”

“Two hundred thousand nyang.”

Wang Oh had already manipulated the ledger to hide the involvement of his own funds in the transaction. He had to state the exact amount to avoid the risk of being interrogated later.

“So not only did you lose two hundred thousand nyang, but you also lost the item as well.”

Jang Dae-San’s voice was as cold as a blade.

Wang Oh, sweating profusely, pressed his head to the floor and begged for his life.

Receiving no immediate response, he cautiously lifted his gaze to gauge Jang Dae-San’s reaction. Jang Dae-San was narrowing his eyes, looking down at him. Startled, Wang Oh quickly lowered his head again.

Jang Dae-San spoke calmly.

“For now, I will investigate Lim Yun-Oh. You may leave.”

With a deep sigh of relief, Wang Oh hurriedly left the place.

Wang Oh’s instincts had been right. The situation reeked of suspicion, and for someone as inherently distrustful as Jang Dae-San, it would only seem more suspicious. For now, he had survived the crisis.

Now, the attention would shift from his own incompetence to the reason why the Northern Sky Clan would target the Palm Heart Clan.

But that was nothing more than his own delusion.

As he watched his retreating back, Jang Dae-San’s eyes were filled with killing intent.

As soon as Wang Oh was out of sight, a stream of curses erupted from the clan leader’s mouth.

“That bastard! What did he say—he purchased the Divine Demonic Jade Buddha and was going to report it in the morning?”

Jang Dae-San was no fool—he was well aware that Wang Oh was a greedy, self-serving individual. He also knew that Wang Oh was embezzling funds, but the amounts had never been substantial enough to cause concern, and Wang Oh’s extensive knowledge of the Ancient Sword Merchant Guild was invaluable. For that reason, Jang Dae-San had allowed the transgressions to slide.

At that moment, a figure stepped out from behind a folding screen.

“The more complicated a situation appears to be, the simpler the truth usually is.”

It was Yang Pil, one of the Palm Heart Clan’s esteemed guests, known for his intellect. He had recently taken on the role of the clan’s chief strategist.

“What are your thoughts on this situation, Master Yang?”

Jang Dae-San sought his advice.

Yang Pil calmly expressed his thoughts.

“There are several possibilities. First and foremost, it is highly likely that Wang Oh staged this entire act himself. As you know, the mechanisms within the Ancient Sword Merchant Guild cannot be easily dismantled by just anyone.”

Jang Dae-San nodded in agreement.

A self-staged act… naturally, there were inconsistencies. If Wang Oh had embezzled the funds, surely he would have devised an escape plan. Why would he come here, knowing it could lead to his death, if he had already stolen from them? That part was certainly strange.

Was Wang Oh bold enough to use such a tactic against him? But was he truly that bold?

Yang Pil continued speaking calmly.

“Second, we can assume that Lim Yun-Oh of the Northern Sky Clan acted independently. Lim Yun-Oh is a renowned collector, known for his fascination with antiques. The Ancient Sword Merchant Guild is exactly the type of place that might capture his interest. However, from what I know, Lim Yun-Oh is not a reckless individual. It seems unlikely he would be foolish enough to visit the shop just the day before robbing the place. Unless, of course, his plan was to deceive you by taking both the Divine Demonic Jade Buddha and the payment.”

Jang Dae-San remained silent, but Yang Pil knew that he was furious to the point of exploding, so he was extremely cautious with each word he spoke.

“Lastly, we must consider the possibility that this was an orchestrated effort by the Northern Sky Clan.”

“Isn’t that too blatant to consider?”

“Perhaps, but we cannot completely rule it out. If that suspicion is correct, this would become a grave situation.”

Jang Dae-San let out a heavy sigh.

“Why would the Northern Sky Clan make such a move now, of all times?”

The Northern Sky Clan was in the midst of preparing for both the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament and the Heavenly Dragon Tournament. It made little sense for them to initiate an attack when they were already embroiled in such important affairs.

“The affairs of the martial world are truly complex—it can be difficult to discern the underlying truths.”

Jang Dae-San felt a tightness in his chest.

At that moment, a martial artist rushed into the room.

“There’s a serious problem!”

“What is it?”

“The Secret Iron Workshop has been breached!”

Jang Dae-San sprang to his feet, shouting in shock.

“What in the world is happening?!”

At the same time.

Thick, black smoke billowed from a large building located deep within a remote forest.

Mu Young, concealed beneath a mask, pulled a massive cart from behind the building. It was a sturdy cart that was commonly used by escort bureaus, pulled by four horses. It was loaded with goods.

The person waiting in front was none other than Jeok Lee-Gun.

“No one was hurt, right?”

Mu Young nodded at Jeok Lee-Gun’s question.

“All the laborers from the regular workshop were evacuated. A few martial artists sustained injuries, but one was killed.”

“Well done, Mu Young.”

Jeok Lee-Gun looked up at the cargo loaded on the cart with a satisfied gaze.

“These are high-quality weapons—enough to fully arm at least five hundred men.”

The cart was filled to the brim with a variety of items, including swords and various types of throwing weapons, as well as emergency medical supplies—they had a wide range of uses.


The place where the flames began to rise in earnest was none other than the Palm Heart Clan’s Secret Iron Workshop.

The Palm Heart Clan’s iron workshop was known for producing weapons that were distributed to various sects, including the Northern Sky Clan. Their exceptional quality made them highly sought after.

“What about the traces?”

“I’ve arranged it so that if a meticulous person were to investigate, they would conclude that it’s the work of the Northern Sky Clan.”

“Well done—the Palm Heart Clan Leader will have quite a headache.”

“Indeed, and they can’t openly confront them about it either.”

The two looked at each other and laughed, then boarded the carriage. The carriage set off immediately.

Clatter, clatter, clatter!

The carriage, which had been racing down the main road, suddenly changed direction.

After emerging from the forest path, dozens of horses came charging down the same route. Leading them was none other than Jang Dae-San. But he was already a step too late.

Jeok Lee-Gun’s cart sped along a narrow forest trail, which was just wide enough for one cart to pass at a time.

“I heard there’s a celebration today for the Young Dragon and Phoenix Tournament.”

Jeok Lee-Gun gave a nod.

“The official event takes place tomorrow.”

“Will you be attending?”

“I should.”

“It seems the elders are going as well. They seem quite eager to meet Young Lady Jeong.”

“Did you tell them anything?”

“I gave a vague answer when they inquired. You know how insistent the great elders can be.”

“It’s unbearable at times.”

“Will you introduce her?”

Mu Young asked with a mischievous smile.

“Weren’t you the one who told me to?”

“I did? When did I say that?.”

Mu Young denied it with an earnest expression, but there was still a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

Jeok Lee-Gun kept his gaze fixed ahead as he spoke.

“She’s a good woman.”

Mu Young smiled at his honest answer. Having observed Jeok Lee-Gun for a long time, Mu Young was also intrigued by Cha-Ryun, particularly since Jeok Lee-Gun had never shown such deep interest in a woman before.

Clatter, clatter!

As they entered the bamboo forest, the cart slowed down.


The scenery around them subtly began to shift.

They had entered a formation that only someone skilled in formation techniques would be able to discern.

From this point forward, if they strayed from the designated path, they would wander around the mountains endlessly, only to return to where they had originally started.

The formation posed no trouble for them though seeing as the cart followed the predetermined route with precision.

Before long, the cart arrived at a large clearing. Beyond it stood a grand wooden building resembling a warehouse.

The person who opened the large door of the building and came out was Hwa Mu-Cheol.

“Welcome, Young Master.”

“Thank you for your efforts, Master Hwa.”

Jeok Lee-Gun dismounted the cart as Mu Young guided it into the warehouse.

Jeok Lee-Gun turned to Hwa Mu-Cheol.

“How is the progress coming along?”

“It’s slow since it’s been a while since I’ve done such work.”

Despite his words, sweat was beading on Hwa Mu-Cheol’s forehead, a clear sign that he was putting in his utmost effort.

“Take your time. I’ll need to find some reliable people to assist you soon.”

“It’s still manageable for now.”

Jeok Lee-Gun smiled.

“Just wait a bit. Once the house is completed, I’ll set you up with an exceptional workshop.”

“Haha! I’m looking forward to that day.”

Hwa Mu-Cheol laughed heartily.

After putting the cart inside the building, Mu Young walked out.

Jeok Lee-Gun instructed Mu Young.

“Make sure to help Master Go Ong’s work so that there are no hindrances.”

“Don’t worry. Ah, and I think we’ll find out the whereabouts of the Eightfold Hideous Freak soon.”

Jeok Lee-Gun was very pleased with the report.

“You’ve caught his trail?”

“Yes. We will know his exact location soon.”

Jeok Lee-Gun’s smile broadened at the news.

“Excellent. The Eightfold Hideous Freak is vital for this task. He is our dear disciple, after all!”

The moment Jeok Lee-Gun mentioned the word “disciple,” Hwa Mu-Cheol glanced over at Mu Young with a puzzled expression. Mu Young shrugged his shoulders, signaling that he would understand later. Hwa Mu-Cheol smiled back, though the perplexity still lingered on his face.

Mu Young added another comment.

“And we’ve also found the location of the Wind God.”

“Wind God” was also a term Hwa Mu-Cheol was hearing for the first time.

The Eightfold Hideous Freak and the Wind God.

Although he was curious, Hwa Mu-Cheol didn’t ask further. The fact that they were discussing such matters in front of him already meant that they trusted him. There was no need to feel slighted by the lack of explanation.

‘I’ll find out soon enough.’

Trust takes time to build, after all.

Mu Young spoke calmly.

“It is as you predicted.”

“They have held onto it all this time. Let’s visit soon and retrieve it.”

“If we can sway them to ally with us through this matter, it will be a great help.”

Jeok Lee-Gun nodded at Mu Young’s words.

“Leave that matter to me.”


Jeok Lee-Gun started to move.

From behind, Mu Young asked.

“Are you on your way to see Young Lady Jeong?”

Without turning back, Jeok Lee-Gun replied.

“This is an important matter too!”

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