A random pokemon journey



"I was making my way down the coast and decided to go for a swim after asking the local pokemon if there was anything interesting nearby. I was lead to a recent ship wreck , sometime in the last week I think. Anyway I went scavenging and found out that the ship probably belonged to pokemon traffickers. I have seven heavily malnourished Eevees and I am at least a day from the nearest Joy clan member. It's bad Birch real bad , I gave them a mix of water and oran berry crushed to mush but I am no medic." I say mostly honestly.-

I lied about how I knew about the ship wreck but otherwise the story was completely true. "You did good with the oran berry as it will help ease the pain they are in but I need you to listen to me very carefully Alex. In your pokenav there is a function called "rescue call" , you are going to activate it after you get off this call with me. Once you do your pokenav will send out a signal to the nearest pokemon ranger. Each ranger is trained in how to handle this exact type of situation so when they get there explain what happened and follow their instruction to the letter , understand?" Birch asked seriously.-

"I do and I'll call you when I can , Alex out." I said before hanging up and activating the only feature I have never used on my pokenav before. Immediately the screen turns red and a simple message , {Signal sent}. "All that's left now is to wait and keep watch over the little ones , full guard everyone." I commanded and all of my pokemon got into a defensive position around the shelter except Vulcan that had it's paws wrapped around the Eevees huddled against it.-

I stood in front of the entrance with my spears pommel resting on the ground with my hand firmly gripped to it's handle. For the next hour we stood watch for any sign of the ranger or rangers that should be coming. "THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP!" the sound of heavy feet striking the ground started coming from inland and I took up position on the roof of the shelter to see what it was. In the distance I saw two Dodrio running rapidly towards us but I couldn't see who was riding them.-

I didn't drop my guard though until I saw the green outfits that told me that these were the rangers. The rangers were a lean but fit middle aged man with thick facial hair and blonde hair. The other was a woman who looked to be about my age with short brown hair and dark brown skin. "I am the three star ranger Marcus and this is my trainee Eva. What is the reason you used the rescue call?" The man asked seriously after introducing themselves. I repeated the story I told to Birch to them and they dismounted the Dodrios immediately.-

"We need to see the Eevees before we can decide what to do with them but so far it sounds as though you've done a fine job." Ranger Marcus said seriously and I nodded. "Vulcan friendlies coming in , stand down!" I called and the rangers gave me confused looks. "I have one of my pokemon keeping the Eevees warm while protecting them. If I don't tell it not to it WILL kill you if you try to even stick your heads into that shelter." I said seriously. "Good thing you told it not to then , I would prefer not to die while trying to help." Eva said nervously.-

"Seconded , lets see how bad the damage is." Marcus said before heading towards the shelter only to freeze when he gets to it's entrance. He turns to look at me with sweat on his brow "Y-you said you left them with your pokemon right?" he asked nervously. I roll my eyes at this "Vulcan won't attack you since I told it not to , get in there already." I say firmly. "Lad I'm all for helping those Eevees but that legendary is looking at me like it wants to eat me." Marcus said nervously.-

I frown and walk over to the entrance and look at Vulcan "Stop glaring at the rangers , they are here to help the little ones." I chastise sternly and Vulcan huffs before ceasing his death glare. "It's fine now." i told Marcus and he merely gave me a strange look before cautiously walking into the shelter with Eva who was sweating buckets. "Severe malnutrition and look here see how the fur on the snouts is thin in this area? That's a sign of heavy muzzles being used on them as the things pull out fur that has clearly not grown back yet." Marcus says to Eva and I have to suppress my rage once again.-

Oh believe me I was having some next level cruel thoughts about what I was going to do to those responsible for this if I got my hands on them. So many of my bottom lines were crossed that I had trouble keeping my anger from spilling over into my bonds with my pokemon. "You said you fed them a mix of water and oran correct? How much did you give them?" Marcus asked serious and I showed him the cups and explained how much they got.-

"Good that means they are already on the path to recovery but we need to get them to the Joys before we can say for sure. Do you still have the balls they were kept in?" He asked and I nodded and handed them over as he balled the Eevees. "We will rush these to Rustboro since it's the closest to here. Do you need any assistance getting where you are going or was this the only thing we were needed for?" Marcus asked and i told him this was it and they left on their Dodrios after that.-

My first run in with the rangers might not have been in the best manner possibly but I was left with a decent opinion of them after it. Once Marcus used his special ranger variant of pokenav to report the rescue call as complete my own pokenav returned to normal and I called Birch again. "Alex! How'd it go with the rangers?" he asked worriedly. "They took the Eevees and are on route to Rustboro as we speak but they said the little ones should be alright." I said honestly. Birch sighs in relief.-

 "That's good to hear , still to think you would stumble across something like this out of nowhere. Do you think it might be one of the teams that has been making a nuisance of themselves?" he asked worriedly. "They better hope not." I mutter darkly. "what was that I couldn't hear you?" Birch asked confused. "It was nothing , so what did you think of my battle with Roxanne?" I said changing the subject. "It's the talk of the league right now. The way Gaia tricked the Aerodactyl into getting up close to hit it with that strange steel type move was a surprising turn of events. Then when Vulcan showed up and retaliated for the damage to Gaia really had all the leaders excited. Flannery has practically been begging me to give her your number so she could ask you all sorts of questions about Vulcan.

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