A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 375: School Song and Sorting

Chapter 375: School Song and Sorting

Biles stepped aside, and the second and third Ilvermorny students emerged from the flames. They wore matching school uniforms with the emblem of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry embroidered on the left side of their chests and on their trunks.

The Ilvermorny students quickly lined up. Behind them were three adult wizards.

Felix's gaze swept past the middle-aged wizard, lingering on a golden-haired witch and a dark-haired wizard. They were young, but they weren't wearing student robes.

Most importantly, both the male and female wizards had abstract sails embroidered on the right side of their chests, below which were three wavy lines.

This symbol was none other than the emblem of the Magical Congress of the United States, which had grown rapidly over the past year. Even from thousands of miles away, Felix occasionally saw the name of this organization in the newspapers.

Afterwards, the Hogwarts students called out softly—

From the flames emerged a line of goblins with short stature, gray skin, and long ears. They were dressed like jungle warriors, their clothes adorned with leaves, carrying miniature bows on their backs and small quivers of arrows on their waists.

The Hogwarts students couldn't help but discuss in hushed voices.

Professor McGonagall turned around sternly, and they immediately fell silent, swallowing all their questions and curiosity.

Several Ilvermorny students cast their gaze on the last man to emerge, emphasizing his status. He looked somewhat like Barty Crouch, Jr., a similarity that was more about aura. There was something magical about them—when they wore Muggle clothing, they could easily pass as government officials, discussing serious matters like car emissions without any hint of incongruity.

A flick of Professor Egbert Vernet's wand stirred the flames on his badge into a swirling vortex. He then strode forward, clasping hands tightly with Dumbledore.

"Professor Vernet, welcome," Dumbledore said warmly.

"Oh, Professor Dumbledore, you haven't changed a bit," Vernet replied, his eyes gleaming. He wore a deep brown robe, his jet-black hair immaculately combed, not a strand out of place even when shaking hands with force.

And Dumbledore's long silver beard formed a charming curve in the cool October breeze.

"Allow me to introduce—Professor of Dark Arts Defense, Cormac Wilkins, and the two assistant professors in the school, Eurya Edmond and Bethany Bach. They insisted on coming. Of course, the stars of this year, my students!"

Dumbledore smiled, extending his welcome. Then, he and the headmaster of Ilvermorny walked ahead, followed by the representatives of Ilvermorny. The student named "Biles," ever since appearing, had his eyes constantly wandering. When he spotted Felix, he slowly shuffled over to stand beside the beautiful blonde assistant professor.

"Sister, it's Mr. Harp," he whispered, but because his voice was too loud, the students beside him heard it.

They all looked at the professors from Hogwarts.

"Which one?" someone asked.

"The youngest one!" Biles replied.

Beneath her breath, Bethany discreetly nudged her brother and whispered, "Both Big Brother Eurya and I saw it. You've had a year to interact with Mr. Harp. Now, act properly! All of Hogwarts' students are looking!"

As she spoke, she displayed a polite smile and followed behind the headmasters and Professor Wilkins. However, as they passed by the line of Hogwarts professors, Biles couldn't resist making a gesture as if lifting a mask.

The boy next to him burst into laughter and taunted, "Is this the person you've been obsessed with for a whole year?"

"Shut up, Gravis," Biles said with some embarrassment.

They only quieted down when Eurya looked over.

The Ilvermorny delegation entered the Great Hall, followed by the Hogwarts professors, and finally, the heads of the four houses and their students.

Huge silk banners hung on the walls of the Great Hall, each representing one of Hogwarts' houses: red with a golden lion for Gryffindor, blue with a bronze eagle for Ravenclaw, yellow with a black badger for Hufflepuff, and green with a silver serpent for Slytherin.

Behind the teacher's table, the largest banner displayed Hogwarts' coat of arms: a lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake intertwined around an uppercase letter H.

"I don't know what we're doing at this time," Ron said. "It's just ten in the morning, and we've only just finished breakfast..."

But soon he found out what they were doing, as the Ilvermorny students, standing in the center, began to sing the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's school song in unison—

"We stand as one, united 'gainst the Puritan. We draw our inspiration from good witch Morrigan.

For she was hunted down by non-magical folk, from far across the Irish sea, she fled to these fair shores. Oh, Massachusetts, We choose it, let it be!

Excellent wizardry! Your ramparts, they defend us; With all your days, enchant us! You taught us everything we know!

  One thing is clear, now let it be revealed:

  Where'er we go, wherever we roam, our truest home is Ilvermorny!"

Following that, the Ilvermorny students raised their wands, their tips sparking as fireworks in the shapes of various animals burst into life above the Great Hall. The Hogwarts students saw a horned serpent with shining crystal on its forehead, a swift and agile cat-like creature, a soaring thunderbird, and a goblin raising its bow and arrow. They all applauded enthusiastically.

"What's that thing with spikes on its head and neck?" Harry clapped his hands and asked.

"That's a goblin. Professor McGonagall mentioned it in class. Their magic allows them to transform into porcupines," Hermione explained. As she looked up at the four creatures, the lions, eagles, badgers, and snakes on the banners also began to move. She whispered, "Professor mentioned that there's a deep connection between Ilvermorny and Hogwarts, and now, seeing this, it's quite evident..."

Harry stared at the goblin-like fireworks in mid-air, with porcupine-like quills on their bodies. Then he lowered his head and glanced at the jungle warriors standing behind the Ilvermorny students. They appeared to be idly present, even a bit discontented. They looked like Gringotts goblins who had taken off their suits, yet they emitted a wild aura as if they might suddenly raise bows and shoot arrows.

"What a difference," Harry exclaimed with admiration.

Ron clapped his hands, puzzled. He was more interested in the Ilvermorny students singing the school song. "Why don't we have a unified tune for our school song?"

"We do," Hermione said. "It's mentioned in 'Hogwarts: A History.' It's just that Professor Dumbledore might believe that genuine praise is better than repeating the same tune year after year."

Her gaze swept across the professor's table, and she asked curiously, "Did you see Professor Harp?"

Harry and Ron also looked around, but they didn't spot him.

"Strange. All the professors are seated, there's an empty spot there, where did he go?"

At that moment, Dumbledore stood up, "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts, and—especially—our honored guests," he smiled as he looked at the Ilvermorny students. "I am filled with great joy as I welcome you to Hogwarts."

"You will spend a considerable time at Hogwarts, not just for the Triwizard Tournament. Following Professor Vernet's suggestion, you will also experience up-close the ancient traditions of Hogwarts and the magical curriculum that has produced generations of exceptional wizards."

"And this leads us to the heart of it all—the Sorting Ceremony!"

He looked toward a corner of the hall, and Felix walked forward with a smile, holding the Sorting Hat.


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