A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 353: Moody

Chapter 353: Moody

Excitedly, the new students formed long queues that led to the top of the Great Hall, awaiting the Sorting Ceremony. However, Felix Harp felt a slight pang of hunger.

Sniff, Snuffles (Sirius Black) felt the same way.

"Let's wait a bit longer. We can make a bet on whether there will be raisin pudding on the table later. By the way, do you like grapes?" Felix whispered softly. Snuffles sat on his lap, craning its neck to look at the empty tables, somewhat disappointed.

Especially when it had used its eyes to request the permission to collect a set of Hogwarts cutlery, only to be bluntly rejected by Felix.

Snape stood nearby, looking at them with an odd expression. However, Snuffles was only interested in shiny and exquisite things. It would glance at the sudden appearance of Dumbledore's silver beard, then turn its head to observe Professor Flitwick perched on a high cushioned chair, its eyes clearly overwhelmed.


Sort me properly on my head,

Never have I ever made a misread,

I'll look into your mind, my dear,

Determine which house you belong, without any fear!"

Amidst thunderous applause, the Sorting Hat concluded its annual song, and the Sorting Ceremony officially commenced. The only odd thing for Felix Harp was that the final line of the song was not "They all share a dream, a wish" he had heard it too many times in the Headmaster's office that he subconsciously thought the Sorting Hat would end with that line.

"Stewart Ackley!" Professor McGonagall stood to the side, unfurling a long parchment and reading the name aloud.

A boy stepped forward, trembling from head to toe. He picked up the Sorting Hat and placed it on his head, sitting on the stool, his nervousness almost making his eyes roll back.

"Ravenclaw!" the Sorting Hat called out.

Stewart Ackley removed the hat, hastily ran to the seat at the Ravenclaw table, and everyone around clapped to welcome him.

"Malcolm Baddock!" "Slytherin!"

"Eleanor Branstone!" "Hufflepuff!"

"Owen Cauldwell!" "Hufflepuff!"

"Dennis Creevey!" "Gryffindor!"

The Creevey boy, clad in a badger-skin coat obviously courtesy of Hagrid, dashed toward the Gryffindor table as soon as his house was called. To the first-year students, that coat was like a solid fur tent. As he was sorted into Gryffindor, he didn't even hesitate. He just sprinted to where Gryffindor was seated.

Running and excitedly recounting his experience, he shouted, "Colin! I fell into the lake! The lake!"

"Sorting Hat! Leave the Sorting Hat!" Professor McGonagall called after him twice, but he didn't respond. She finally used her wand to summon the hat back, and Felix Harp beckoned with his finger to bring the badger coat over to Hagrid, who was just about to rise.

"Thanks, Felix," Hagrid said gruffly. He shook the coat off, raindrops falling in profusion.

On the other side, Gryffindor table erupted in good-natured laughter as the Creevey boy scratched his head and shyly sat next to a student who resembled him. After a while, he settled down and began excitedly recounting his water mishap, "I fell into the lake, took a few gulps of water. I thought I was done for! Then suddenly, something pushed me back onto the boat!"

"Awesome!" Colin Creevey, two years his senior, chimed in, just as excited as his younger brother. "Probably the Giant Squid, Dennis!"

Colin pointed towards Harry a few seats away, saying, "See that boy over there? The one with the black hair and glasses? That's Harry Potter! He's in all twelve of the albums I sent home, along with his friends!"

His brother, Dennis, curiously looked at Harry. If it weren't for his older brother's album, the one filled with photos since Colin's first year, the family album would've been full by now.

Thanks to Colin's album, he recognized Harry at a glance. Colin continued, "I just asked him to pray for you, hoping you'd get into Gryffindor. Guess what? It worked!"

As Colin continued to speak, Harry's face turned warm. Ron teasingly asked, "Did you just pray?"

Harry stuttered and quickly changed the topic, "Isn't that an empty seat over there? Is it for a new teacher?" He gestured toward the staff table.

"Who else could it be?" Ron grumbled. "But he's running late. The feast is about to start."

In fact, it wasn't until almost the end of the feast that Harry was so stuffed he had to leave half a roasted potato on his plate. The empty seat at the staff table remained unoccupied.

Using transfiguration magic, Felix conjured a set of small table and chairs. Snuffles sat on it, enjoying a piece of sliced raisin pudding while wearing a white napkin around its neck.

Snuffles, having finished its food early, was getting bored. It sniffed the various scents in the air and soon detected a familiar one.

Tugging on Felix's pant leg, it pointed in a direction. Felix scowled a little the little one was indeed quite short, but he roughly guessed the direction and understood its intention.

"Go ahead, but no stealing from anyone, no cutlery either, remember?"

Snuffles vigorously nodded its head.

Slipping under the table, it maneuvered past a tangle of legs, quickly locating its target and climbing up the person's trouser leg.

"Ouch!" Hermione exclaimed, looking down to meet a pair of shiny black eyes.

"Valen?" she whispered, catching sight of the small black creature. Ron, Harry, and a few students nearby turned to look.

"A black duck?" Dean Thomas, who grew up in a Muggle family, asked curiously.

"I think that's Snuffles," Neville said softly. "Snuffles, her name is Valen, Professor Lupin's pet," Hermione introduced.

"Her?" Dean was taken aback.

"Absolutely!" Hermione happily cradled Snuffles. "She's a little lady, isn't she?"

Ron stared at Valen and said, "I've always wanted one. They're known for finding treasures. Fred and George had it on their New Year's wish list when they were kids."

Fred leaned over Angelina's spot and remarked, "Don't smear us. We changed our wishes a long time ago."

"Yeah," George, seated on his other side, chimed in. "Especially after we found out that Snuffles was particularly adept at turning out coins from people's pockets. Our priorities shifted."

"Keep an eye on your pockets and forks," Fred cautioned.

"And goblets," George added.

Ron mournfully clutched his pocket. "They're right, Harry. It's eyeing your coins!"

Snuffles, in Hermione's lap, was fixedly watching Harry. Harry held a Muggle coin, bright gold and shining. It was transfigured by Professor Lupin last year, charmed to monitor the use of the Patronus Charm.

As per their agreement, Harry had to fill it with gold light before he could Apparate outside the Room of Requirement.

When he left school last year, he was just a bit short, but over the summer, he managed to complete it with the help of Sirius, traveling recklessly around.

At this point, Dumbledore began speaking, beaming. He repeated the usual rules and the updated list of banned items by Filch, which had accumulated to 437 items. He also reiterated the prohibition on students entering the Forbidden Forest.

These words were familiar to them, and most students around Harry weren't paying much attention. Their curiosity was clearly more focused on Snuffles.

"Harry, you better put away the coin. Even though Professor Lupin educated it, but"

Hermione stopped mid-sentence in surprise as Snuffles took out a gold Galleon from her pocket and placed it on the table. Then, she pointed at Harry's coin.

"What's it doing?" Ron asked, puzzled.

"I think," Hermione took a deep breath, incredibly, "Harry, it wants to make a trade with you."

The trio exchanged baffled glances. What a peculiar Snuffles it was. Ron burst into laughter, "Professor Lupin's education really works... haha... it's really effective, even changing Snuffles' nature."

But soon, his laughter ceased. Snuffles, receiving no response, assumed Harry wasn't interested and took another gold Galleon from her tiny pocket, stacking it on the first one.

Harry stared in astonishment as on the long table, a third, then a fourth gold Galleon was added to the stack. As it continued, Snuffles' movements grew slower, her little pink hands trembling with each placement. Even Dean could see how reluctant she was.

But as much as she regretted giving away money, she was equally proud when she let go. Extending a finger, she pointed at the stack of Galleons, then at Harry's coin, emitting an air of newfound affluence that left the surrounding students baffled.

Ron encouraged, "Don't give up, Harry. Let's see how many Galleons she's got. Merlin's beard... She's got more money than I do!"

Just then, Dumbledore finally addressed matters closely related to the students. "I must also regretfully inform you that there will be no House Cup Quidditch tournament this year."

"What?" Harry looked up, astounded and out of breath. He wasn't alone; most students were stunned by the news.


A lightning bolt streaked across the ceiling, followed by a crash of thunder outside the castle, causing the glass windows to rattle. The doors of the Great Hall slammed open.

A man walked in, leaning on a long staff, dressed in a black traveling cloak. Aided by the light in the hall, students from all four houses got a clear look at him. They collectively took a sharp intake of breath.

This man's face seemed carved from decaying wood by a poor craftsman who had no clue how to use a chisel. Every inch of his skin bore scars. His nose was missing a chunk, and one of his legs was a wooden prosthetic, producing a thudding sound as he walked. As he passed the tables, students on either side instinctively scooted away.

Harry stared at Moody's face, then glanced at his half-eaten roast potato. A sudden wave of nausea washed over him.

Upon closer examination, the most unsettling aspect of this stranger were his eyes. One was perfectly intact, but the other Snuffles nestled in Hermione's arms, covering its face with both hands was a large, round magical eye. It rotated wildly within its socket, sometimes showing only the whites of the eye, as if fixated on something behind him.

After a brief handshake with Dumbledore, he took the only vacant seat. Disregarding everyone else, he tucked into the leftovers on the table. However, that blue magical eye never stopped moving, scanning the Great Hall and its inhabitants.

"Allow me to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," Dumbledore cheerfully broke the silence, "Professor Moody."

Amidst the petrified silence, Dumbledore announced the Triwizard Tournament's return. He explained the origin and development of the ancient competition, which had to be suspended due to excessive deaths. After several centuries, the Ministry of Magic finally deemed it safe to reinstate, and this time, five schools would participate.

Many students were unfamiliar with Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, let alone Mahoutokoro and Castelobruxo outside Europe. Listening to Dumbledore, it felt like hearing a fantastical tale.

Felix, however, was no stranger to this information. He cleared his throat, and Snuffles immediately hopped down from Hermione's lap, taking a detour to avoid Moody with his unsettling eye.

Moody, gnawing on a sausage, mumbled to himself. Snuffles' trail was being tracked by that magical eye, and when it saw her finally climb up the shoulder of a young professor, it made a low "tch."

"Little creature."

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