A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 316: Choices of Different People

Chapter 316: Choices of Different People

Harry never could have imagined that he would hear the name "Future World" multiple times in the days to come.

On the third morning, he hurriedly joined Ron and Hermione on their way to the Magical Texts Club. With only a week left, every member of the club felt a sense of urgency, even Harry and Ron, who had been restricted before, resisted the temptation of the final trip to Hogsmeade this term.

Of course, this also had something to do with a genuine underlying concern Hermione pointed out, "Opportunities like this are hard to come bywhat if we don't meet the professor's expectations? Not only will we get letters sent home by the professor, but the chance for the next school year will also be uncertain. You wouldn't want to see Malfoy's smug face, would you?"

Harry had to admit that Hermione's last sentence had convinced him, and Ron felt the same way.

"Look at his arrogant demeanor, he completely forgot about Babbity Rabbity!" Ron exclaimed indignantly.

Yesterday, when Draco Malfoy left the classroom, he was bragging about his progress in studies. Ron chose to counter with news of the Babbity Rabbity case's victory. However, Malfoy didn't remember the name at all and mocked, "Did you make up that doll yourself, little Ronnie?"

Several Slytherin students burst into laughter because of George's mistake. The whole club now knew Ron's nickname.


They arrived at the headquarters of the Magical Texts Club. Hermione traced a magical symbol in the air with her finger and stuck it on the door. The door opened silently. As they entered the room, the door behind them closed automatically.

Professor Harp was sitting on the couch, chatting with Nawe. Sharp-eyed Hermione noticed Nawe handing a golden and red patterned invitation to the professor.

"I've received it, Nawe," the professor said.

Nawe smiled shyly at Harry and his friends, then extended his finger towards the nearby stone basin. He got absorbed into it, leaving Harry imagining a scenario where he landed and suddenly Professor Harp appeared.

Harry and Ron followed, entering the space within the stone basin. Hermione stayed behind, looking at Felix with a clear intention to speak.

"Please, have a seat, Granger."

Hermione sat beside him. "May I have a word with you, Professor?"

"Of course, you've already walked their path ahead of them. I designed this teaching process based on your progress," Felix said with a smile. He leaned over, allowing his palm to glide over the stone basin, sprinkling it with tiny points of light. "Very well, no one will overhear our conversation."

Hermione pulled out the Time-Turner concealed in her clothes and hesitated. "Professor, do you think I should return this?"

"Why do you say so?"

"I broke the agreement with Professor McGonagall and used it for things other than studying. She trusted me so much, and if she finds out" Hermione said sorrowfully.

"Miss Granger," Felix's tone grew more serious, "do you believe that only you and I know about this? Perhaps we should also consider your two good friends?"

Hermione's eyes widened. "Professor, are you saying that others know, too, know?" Her hands and feet grew cold. On the day of the Battle of the Bridge, she had violated numerous laws set by the Ministry of Magic.

"Let's do a simple replay of that day's events: we did manipulate time, or more precisely, we just completed a missing part of history."

Calmly, Felix continued, "In order to achieve the scene you described, I never appeared, even in times of crisis. I was observing from the sidelines. Even recently, I was less than a foot away from Harry... until your experience became everyone's experience. Then I guided Harry, and he successfully cast a powerful Patronus. Afterward, other events followed."

Hermione nodded. The professor had already told her all of this, and she agreed wholeheartedly.

Felix continued, "However, there is a loophole in all of thisI suddenly appeared in front of everyone. For those who know you possess a Time-Turner, it's easy to deduce a lot from this tiny detail, like Albus Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall..."

"What about the Ministry of Magic?" Hermione held her breath.

"The Aurors probably aren't privy to such confidential matters. They might not be able to connect the dots to you, at least not easily. But as for Fudge... I'm not sure if his power-driven mind could come up with it, but he can't verify it." Felix spread his hands.

Hermione sighed in relief.

"I'm not trying to frighten you, just pointing out something you overlooked. So, if Professor McGonagall pretends not to know, you don't have to reveal everything. It would make everyone uncomfortable. However, I do suggest you drop some elective courses; you've had a busy year."

Hermione bit her lip, her expression conflicted. After some calculations, she had already dropped Divination, and if she gave up another course, she could have a regular timetable. She already had an answer in her mind.

She had initially chosen Muggle Studies, thinking it would be fascinating to look at ordinary people from a magical perspective. But after a year, beyond the novelty, she realized the professor of that course wasn't any more knowledgeable than she was in certain common-sense aspects. The viewpoints in the textbooks were outdated and stuffy, and they didn't compare to what Professor Harp's books had offered her.

"Professor, I've made up my mind. I will return the Time-Turner to Professor McGonagall."

Later in the day, she would have an appropriate opportunityat Professor Lupin's farewell party.


When the day's lessons were over, Harry overheard Percy and Penelope quietly discussing as they left the classroom.

"Penelope, how are you thinking about it?"

Penelope hesitated, "I want to do something meaningful. That company you mentioned, Future World, it's a newly established company. It might just be a small shop."

"Their advertisement is quite enticing, isn't it?"

"Maybe they're just making empty promises..."

"No, look at the pay they're offering, fifty Galleons per month. That's a lot more than what Ministry employees get. I can't even earn that much"

"I didn't choose a job for the money!" Penelope exclaimed angrily.

"I know, I know, but it also indicates that the company is sincere and really in need of people," Percy persisted, trying to persuade his girlfriend. "Don't rush into a decision, Penelope. During the break, let's go take a look together, in Diagon Alley."

In the evening, Harry visited Professor Lupin's office.

The office of the Dark Arts Defense professor had been moved to the third floor. Harry had always suspected that Lupin and Snape's duel had destroyed the previous office. On the day of the Dueling Club, he had glimpsed a brief scene of their confrontation in Professor Harp's eyes.

However, neither Professor Lupin nor Professor Harp confirmed it, and Harry didn't have the courage to ask Snape either the result would be predictable: he'd lose fifty points and get a week of detention.

Lupin's office door was open. He had already packed most of his belongings. The empty crate of Grindylow stood next to his worn-out suitcase, which was nearly full.

"I saw you coming," Lupin said with a smile, pointing to a piece of parchment on his desk. Harry leaned over and realized it was a Marauder's Map. The map moved around and eventually returned to its creator.

Lupin said, "Professor Harp gave it to me a few days ago. He has deciphered its secrets. Sirius and I both believe it belongs to you."

"For me?" Harry exclaimed in surprise.

"You're just as restless as your father. I dare say that you, Ron, and Hermione will find a good use for this map. If James's son never discovered any secret passages in the castle, James would be sorely disappointed."

"But the passages are sealed now..."

"Only the passage to Hogsmeade," Lupin clarified, "The castle has far more passages than that."

Harry smiled as he picked up the map, looking closely at it for a while. He couldn't find Professor Harp's name no matter how he looked. He grinned; Professor Harp had indeed cracked the Marauder's Map's secret.

He absentmindedly slipped the map into his pocket and noticed a corner of a newspaper folded nearby. The recruitment notice on that page caught his attention, and he read it carefully

'Future World Welcomes Your Joining!

Open to all, regardless of background. Skill-based selection. Those who excel in three out of the six fields: Ancient Runes, Alchemy, Charms, Transfiguration, Magical Theory, and Muggle Studies are invited to apply. Once selected, generous compensation awaitsfifty Galleons per month.

Our company is dedicated to practical magical research, creating a better life for all wizards.

Join Future World, Join the Future. Awaiting your letter.

Note: Experience in Muggle-related matters preferred, as the company deals extensively with Muggle items.'

Harry put down the newspaper, hesitatingly asking, "Professor Lupin, are you planning to"

"Ah, you mean this," Lupin fastened his old suitcase and looked up. "After leaving Hogwarts, I'm not sure what to do yet. I happened to come across this information... I thought, even if I can only work for a few months before getting kicked out, it's still a decent income."

Harry felt sorry for Professor Lupin, not for a sudden surge of emotion, but for the hidden undercurrents beneath the calm surfacea kind of irretrievable, faint sadness, puncturing his heart, one beat after another.

Professor Lupin had carried the identity of a werewolf throughout his life, never staying in one place for more than half a year. After leaving Hogwarts, he'd also lose a stable source of Wolfsbane Potion.

"You'll definitely succeed!" Harry encouraged him loudly.

Lupin looked surprised for a second or two, then smiled, "No need to worry about me, Harry." He didn't provide a reason, perhaps because there was no reason to give. He placed the suitcase in a corner, straightened his robes, and said, "Shall we go?"

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