A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 312: The Evil of Horcruxes

Chapter 312: The Evil of Horcruxes

Black Manor

Sirius, Felix, and Dumbledore each occupied their respective seats, the atmosphere within the room heavy and somber.

"He deserves a proper funeral," Sirius insisted.

"I completely agree. Regulus was a hero he even saved an innocent life and had a heart as pure as gold... truly deserving of this honor," Dumbledore said gently. "However, we must not reveal the existence of the Horcruxes; that would cause a lot of trouble."

His gaze, framed by half-moon spectacles, rested upon a young man lying quietly on a long couch beside Sirius. With hands folded across his chest, his black curly hair fell about, as if he were asleep.

Regulus looked strikingly similar to his brother, especially from the profile. He appeared young and unburdened, as if he hadn't suffered the twelve years of imprisonment that Sirius had. Regulus remained forever eighteen, yet he had accomplished feats that most people couldn't achieve in a lifetime.

"WhyI don't understand!"

Sirius felt that the honor that rightfully belonged to his brother had been stolen. Regulus deserved more like a grand funeral. A white marble coffin, wreaths, and a green grassy field all under the watchful eyes of people, recounting the life and glory of Regulus Arcturus Black. They would praise his outstanding contributions...

And taking on Voldemort, sacrificing himself to destroy a Horcrux, was a crucial part of his achievements. Sirius wished everyone could know this.

"Sirius," Dumbledore's voice was grave, "I have been doing my utmost to prevent the spread of this dark magic, even its mere name. Imagine, if people knew of this magic that required only killinga simple task for some, forgive my wordingthen they could attain immortality. What a tempting trade that would be!"

"I don't think"

"That's you, Sirius. No one denies your courage and conviction. If Voldemort were to return someday, would you take up your wand again?"

"Of course! I'd fight to the end!" Sirius responded without hesitation.

"That's the spirit," Dumbledore nodded. "But could you face death calmly?"

"I wouldn't split my soul, Dumbledore!"

"Of course you wouldn't," Dumbledore soothed. "But what if, under extreme circumstances, someone you care about is dying, or certain to die, and you desperately want to save them... At that moment, when you hear of a magic that can bring someone back to life, would you care if it's dark or not?"

Sirius hesitated. In that instant, faces of several people flashed before him. He had already lost too much; he didn't want the same thing to happen again.

"People would flock to it, using every means to unearth the secrets of Horcruxes. Selfish dark wizards for themselves, the righteous for family and friends, brave Aurors for comrades, vile power-seekers for eternal dominion... Imagine, Sirius, how dreadful that scenario would be."

Sirius gasped for air, his rationality succumbing to the horrifying image. Despite being convinced, he couldn't shake off his unease.

After a moment, his voice hoarse, he said, "So, that means"

Felix, who had been quietly listening, spoke up, "Regulus could be honored within the Order of the Phoenix, with an undercover identity, restoring his reputation..."

"No, Felix. I don't want that," Sirius declined. "Regulus was a lone warrior. I want people to see the incredible courage he displayed in defying Voldemort's decisions. Look at Dumbledore, at least don't ignore his fight against Voldemort, even if you don't mention the Horcruxes."

Dumbledore nodded. "I am willing to announce this at the funeral."

"Thank you," Sirius said. Without a credible witness, the funeral could easily become a rumor. Dumbledore's endorsement was crucial to affirm Regulus's contributions.

As for Sirius himself, many still didn't know he had been exonerated. If he suddenly appeared in Diagon Alley, it would undoubtedly evoke screams of fear.

"Well, then, I, uh," Sirius began slowly, "I'll take care of the arrangements. I'll handle it myself, including the guest list for the funeral." He made a disgusted face suddenly, muttering, "My relatives, hardly any of them are decent."

"I can invite some friends, Sirius," Felix offered.

"Thank you, thank you," Sirius said. "Even though I haven't been the best of brothers, being locked up for over a decade, the Black family name is worth a visit to them."

"The influence of pure-blood families shows itself at times like this," he said without emotion, leaving it unclear whether it was pride or irony. He continued in a hushed voice, "Just this once..."

Dumbledore bid his farewell, and the flames ignited in the fireplace.

"Wait, Headmaster Dumbledore, let's leave together," Felix said, rising from his seat. "By the way"

Felix retrieved a pendant box from his pocket, holding it by its golden chain, causing the box to tremble.

"This is the fake Horcrux I took from the basin. I examined it; there are no additional spells on it. Inside, there's only a note left by Regulus."

Sirius reached out and accepted it. This replica pendant was crafted by Regulus based on Kreacher's description, but Kreacher had only glimpsed it briefly. Hence, the imitation was far from perfectnot only was its size off, even the symbol of Salazar Slytherin, the "S" mark, was missing.

He mechanically opened the lid of the pendant box. Inside was a small folded piece of parchment. As he opened and read it, his eyes instantly welled up. His voice quivered as he read the words written on it:

"To the Dark Lord,

As you read this letter, I am already dead. But I want you to know: I discovered your secret. I have taken the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as possible.

I am willing to die just so that you face a mortal, flesh-and-blood opponent when you encounter your destined foe.


Kreacher let out a mournful cry and collapsed to the floor.

Dumbledore sighed and turned to the fireplace, and Felix followed suit. In Professor Ancient Runes' office, the two engaged in a brief conversation.

"Do you ever find my methods less humane, Felix?" Dumbledore wore a weary expression.

"You just need to consider a lot of things, weigh the pros and cons, and plan for the bigger picture, Albus."

Dumbledore glanced at him in surprise and then smiled faintly. "Let's talk about something more cheerful. Well, I owe you my gratitude. In fact, apart from the Hufflepuff Cup line, I've also been investigating the Wools Orphanage where Voldemort spent his childhood. It's just that the place has been demolished due to its age. But I never gave up. Without you, I might have stumbled upon that cave."

Felix smiled. "With your magic, you will undoubtedly unravel its secrets... One thing is worth noting, though. I've noticed Voldemort is extremely skilled in curses and often ties curses to human desires."

Dumbledore nodded slightly. "Indeed, that's worth considering. He might exploit people's weaknesses and set traps."

Finally, Dumbledore advised Felix not to reveal the existence of the Horcruxes unless absolutely necessary, using the same reasoning and persuasion as with Sirius. Felix didn't consider it mere alarmism.

"About Harry..."

"I've already talked to him," Dumbledore's expression turned troubled. "He and his friends want to learn more about the secrets of Horcruxes. They even planned to ask Irma for information. Thankfully, I discovered this ahead of time."

Felix also heaved a sigh of relief. He had no interest in Horcruxes himself and hadn't thought about the possible consequences pointed out by Dumbledore. Combined with Harry's inevitable confrontation with Voldemort, Felix didn't feel a burden when he revealed this information.

Harry probably hadn't considered it either, as he intended to consult Madam Pince, the librarian.


Time flew by swiftly. Before they knew it, June arrived. At the beginning of the month, Felix proctored the final exams for the third, fourth, and sixth years and observed the new batch of Wizarding Levels O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts.

The examiners from the Wizarding Examinations Authority were the same as last year. When the exams concluded, fifth and seventh-year students reveled and celebrated the end of what had felt like a year in purgatory.

In the week before the end of the school year, Felix held the final meeting of the Ancient Runes Club for the semester.

All the members of the club were excited because an open secret had been circulating among them for a while: Professor Harp was planning to teach them an ancient magic!

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