A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 294: Practice Exam

Chapter 294: Practice Exam

The following morning, Felix Harp was enjoying his breakfast in the Great Hall.


A newspaper-delivering owl landed on his table. He gave the owl a treat and casually unfolded the newspaper. Before he could read the contents, a second and third owl joined the scene, jostling and clattering dishes and plates.

"Congratulations, Professor Harp," said Lupin, seated nearby. He pointed at the headline spread across the newspaper "Youngest Recipient of the St. Mungo's Medical Badge!"

Felix graciously replied, "Thank youoh!" He dodged a grumpy owl's beak and retrieved a letter attached to its leg. But soon, seven or eight more owls arrived, flapping their wings and glaring at Felix, urging him to retrieve the letters quickly.

Drawing his wand, he tapped the rim of his goblet, and letters from the owls rained down. With agility, he caught them all in his hands and turned to Lupin, saying, "Actually, I received the badge quite a while ago; it's just being announced now."

The owls helped themselves to some orange juice, took a couple of biscuits, and then flew away. The table was in a mess, and Felix decided to forgo his meal, instead organizing the letters.

He first glanced at the "Prophet," where his photo was displayed, holding the St. Mungo's Medical Badge. He was standing amidst a group of older-looking healers, with the St. Mungo's Magical Medical Association insignia as the backdrop.

Positioned in the center of the group, he was smiling warmly, holding a blue-green shield-shaped badge in his hand, featuring a serpent wand in the center with a light green letter 'M' in the background. Dorothy Pomfrey stood beside him.

Subsequently, Felix began to open one letter after another. Most were from fellow healers, with greetings from novice healers and exchange invitations from well-known colleagues. He put these letters aside, planning to reply to each one when he had the time.

One letter with a gray envelope caught his attention. It was an official letter from the Ministry of Magic. Upon opening it, he was commended for his exceptional contributions in the field of memory damage treatment and was awarded the Second-Class Merlin Order of Chivalry.

At the bottom of the official document, there was a long list of signatures, all from current members of the Wizengamot. He recognized quite a few familiar namesAmelia Bones, Barty Crouch, Tibertus Ogden, Gilderoy Lockhart, Albus Dumbledore, Cornelius Fudge...

"A Second-Class Merlin Badge, not bad," Felix remarked, though he suspected that Fudge might have delayed this intentionally to cause inconvenience.

The award ceremony was scheduled for two weeks later, providing him with ample time to prepare.

Leaving the Great Hall, Felix spotted a plump, short witch in pink robes. He furrowed his brows but didn't say anything. Umbridge didn't frequent the school often, but her presence couldn't be ignored. Her aura even seemed more prominent than that of the resident Tonks and another male auror.

Many young wizards knew about the Ministry official who liked to wear pink robes around the school. Sometimes accompanied by two aurors, other times by just one, she seemed to exude a girlish charm when she smiled.

Umbridge carried herself discreetly. She stood with Fleur Delacour, and as Felix glanced over, Lady Lestrange scurried over, brushing against his leg.

"Lady, you look quite well," Felix said, noticing how her once scruffy fur had become sleek, and she seemed to have gained some weight, making her eyes look less bulgy and odd.


Lazy and languid, Lady Lestrange emitted a voice that was, as always, unnerving.

Umbridge turned around upon hearing Felix's voice. Spotting him, she quickly turned back and whispered to Fleur. Fleur then nudged Scrimgeour, who cleared his throat loudly and said, "Professor Harp, well... You've come to the right person. He's truly a good man..."

"Lower your voice!" Umbridge squeaked, pinching her throat. Anxious, she turned back, meeting Felix's smiling gaze. In haste, she handed a bag to Scrimgeour and gave a few instructions before hurrying away.

"What did she ask you to do?" Felix approached and inquired.

Felix Harp "tsked," "Inquiring about the professors at school, and even about you, all secretive. She had me place some detectors around the school perimeter. I asked her whose orders they were, but she wouldn't say."

"Give it to me, Mr. Felch," Felix said, "I'll ask Millicent. Oh, and is there enough of Lady Lestrange's medicine left?"

"Enough, enough, we still have some of the previous batch. I also asked Madam Pomfrey to make a new batch, just in case I made a mistake... You see, Lady Lestrange looks so lovely now. None of those young wizards who messed up can escape anymore!"

"Cough, cough!" Felix cleared his throat, "If you have any questions, feel free to come to me. I have to go now, still have classes..."


Seventh-year Ancient Runes class.

Felix scanned the students below, "Concentrate as much as possible, students. We're simulating N.E.W.Ts exams. Although you've done well over the past few months, still... approach this with reverence."

The wizards below laughed and joked until he reminded them, "Ten more minutes." Students busied themselves with final checks.

Sunlight streamed through tall windows, casting dappled spots of light onto their papers. Marcus, towering in stature, hunched at his narrow individual deskimitating the N.E.W.Ts format. His head was low, eyes swiftly scanning the entire parchment. Occasionally, he amended his answers with his quill, his other hand locked in a battle with a pimple on his face.

Jeffrey, Penelope, and Percy finished their papers early, though Percy continued frowning as he reviewed. Only at the last moment did he relax, his face breaking into a satisfied smile.

"Time's up. Everyoneput down your quills, and let the papers fly."

Dozens of papers swished towards Felix. He placed them on the lectern, and a hand-sized magic puppet leaped onto the stack. Holding a golden quill, it began grading the papers.

Penelope sighed, "Every so often, you can clearly see progress. Professor's magical puppet can already grade papers in his place."

Percy nodded, "You know how advanced my magical puppet is. I've stored over a hundred books in it already. But whatever I ask it to find, it can instantly provide me with feedback."

Regret tinged Penelope's voice, "Too bad I didn't sign up for the dueling competition. I missed this chance. Next year, I'll be graduating."

"All right, class, we need to wait a few minutes," Felix observed them, "I'm glad to see all of you finishing the papers. Normally, this exam would take up the entire morning, but our simulation is just two hours... a bit less."

"Thanks to your Thought Chamber!" Wood exclaimed loudly, his excitement entirely justified. From being an Ancient Runes underachiever, he'd finished the paper early within just a few months.

Moreover, he would score no lower than an E. If he was lucky, an O.

Wood's comment was met with applause, whistles from two boys, and exuberant cheers.

Felix waited until the classroom quieted down, then smiled and said, "Knowledge is there, but not all choose to learn. With this remaining time, let's chat... What are your plans after graduation? Have you decided?"

"I'll be helping out at home," Jeffrey said.

"Ministry of Magic," Percy said with anticipation, in hushed tones.

"Um, I haven't decided yet... but Woodmill United sent me an invitation to be a reserve Quidditch player. I've been hesitating." Wood scratched his chin.

Many students were still uncertain, voicing their aspirations

"I want to work at Gringotts!"

"I think traveling around would be nice, experiencing magic from different countries..."

A few minutes slipped away, "Okay, let me see your results." Felix picked up the papers, flipping through them one by one, "Hmm..."

The students stared at Professor Harp, the classroom unusually silent, not even the rustle of pages turning. They listened intently to every word he spoke.

Felix announced the scores, "Everyone met the standard! No one scored lower than an E, and as for Os, there are a whopping twenty-three."

A Hufflepuff wizard spoke out loudly, "By the time the real exam comes, everyone getting Os won't be impossible, Professor! Hogwarts is about to produce new legends!"

Felix couldn't help but chuckle, "Legends... You mean all of you, or me?"

"Of course, all of us!" The student winked, endearing himself to the classroom, which filled with a joyful atmosphere.

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