A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 289: Shall We Have a Drink Together?

Chapter 289: Shall We Have a Drink Together?

As Harry and the others knocked on Professor Snape's office door, they heard a steady voice from within say, "I understand, Felix."

The trio exchanged glances. "It's Headmaster Dumbledore!"

However, when Professor Snape opened the door, the room was empty, devoid of anyone.

"Professor, was Headmaster Dumbledore really here just now?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

Felix smiled knowingly. "That was just a message from him. He isn't actually here." He gazed at the knight figurine in Hermione's hand and hesitated. "But how did it end up with you?"

He wasn't sure if the three of them knew something, and he inwardly sighed, thinking, 'Sirius, you're really not that subtle.'

Fortunately, the ensuing conversation made him realize they hadn't discovered Sirius' presence, and it was just the magically animated puppet he had accidentally "lost." Hermione apologized for her mischievous large cat, Crookshanks, "Crookshanks probably mistook it for a toy. We cleaned it before coming here..."

Felix stared at the knight figurine, its crimson eyes flickering, seated on a saucer, its silhouette appearing somewhat lonely.

"...Thank you all."

With pleasantries out of the way, Harry took an untitled book from his pocket. "Professor Snape, I've made my choice; it's the Patronus Charm."

Felix didn't rush to decline, instead, he looked at Harry intently. "Do you understand the risks involved in this magic?"

Harry nodded.

"Do you know how to deal with splinching?"

This time, Harry was at a loss for words and turned to Hermione for help. Once again, Hermione didn't disappoint, "For minor splinching, White Essence treatment is sufficient, preferably White Essence Elixir. But for more severe cases, like complete separation of the head and body"

Harry looked at her in shock, but she continued earnestly, "That's when professional assistance is needed. According to the information I found, it's the Ministry's Occasional Incidents Unit."

Ron added, "And there are fines. I meanif the Ministry catches you practicing without a license and causing trouble, you'll be fined a hefty sum."

Felix nodded slightly, approvingly. "That covers most of it. So, Harry, are you still determined to choose the Patronus Charm?"

Harry mustered his courage. "Yes, Professor, I am."

Felix looked at him. "Don't rush. I have one more question for you to answer: What do you think is the most crucial preparation when practicing this magic, given the information you now have?"

Harry hesitated, then blurted out, "Um... having White Essence Elixir ready?"

Felix chuckled softly. "That's the basics. If you didn't know that, I'd have to suspect you have giant blood. Think again!"

Frowning and racking his brain, Harry, Ron, and Hermione contemplated. Hermione's eyes lit up as she raised her hand and looked at Felix. Felix shook his head at her, and she disappointedly lowered her hand.

"I guess... having someone to guide you?" she ventured.

"Very close, Harry."

Another minute passed. "I've got it! When practicing the Patronus Charm, you must have someone watching nearby to prevent a serious splinching without rescue!"

Felix smiled, "Exactly. The most serious issue with the Patronus Charm is splinching. Over the past century, there have been twenty-one documented cases of fatal splinching, all from attempting the Patronus Charm alone, trapped in place, unnoticed..."

"Their fate was watching their own blood drain away in regret."

Harry shuddered harshly. How could the professor say something so horrifying with a smile? And the imagery was just too vivid. He worried that the next time he faced a Boggart, his fear would transform into his splinched self.

"So," Felix turned to Ron and Hermione, "will you two supervise Harry, to ensure he doesn't act recklessly?"

Ron and Hermione vigorously nodded, the severity of the consequences weighing heavily on them too.

"Very well, let's discuss my plan next," Felix said to Harry. "Firstly, you need to grasp the theoretical knowledge of this magic. I require you to write a paper about the Patronus Charm"

His finger tapped on the untitled book, and his fingertip emitted a sparkling silver light. Various scenes started appearing on the book's pages, showing Professor Snape's figures vanishing and reappearing abruptly.

"This book can assist you, Harry. I've added some restrictions that you'll need to unravel, quite simple, like playing a game. By the way, do you know what games are?"

"Are you talking about video game controllers? Dudley got one as a birthday present a few years ago," Harry replied, recalling how he had seen Dudley unbox the gift, filled with envy.

However, Dudley's precious game controller lasted only a few days before Harry found one of the buttons in the trash bin.

"Yes, somewhat similar to advancing through game levels."

Felix continued, "Writing the paper and breaking the restrictions will be your first steps. The second step involves practice. I will train you a few times until you have a basic grasp of this magic."

"After that, it's up to you. Be cautious and make sure someone is nearby for every practice session, understood?" He looked at Harry seriously.

Harry nodded eagerly, relieved. After hearing the professor's explanation, he had a clear understanding of what lay ahead.

"Professor, are we going to practice in the Forbidden Forest? I've heard that performing the Patronus Charm within Hogwarts is forbidden, and there's a, uh, anti-Patronus Charm spell placed on it."

Hermione nodded in agreement with Harry's words.

"No," Felix refuted that notion. "There's a place where you can bypass this restriction."

Seeing their intention to inquire further, he clapped his hands. "Alright, young ones, you'll find out when the time comes."

Lastly, Harry tentatively inquired about Professor Lupin's condition and was reassured that everything was fine.

As they exited the office, Ron muttered, "We're not little kids anymore. In another half a month, I'll be fourteen."

Harry said regretfully, "I still have almost half a year." He teased, "Ron, are you reminding us to prepare birthday gifts?"

Ron's face turned red, and he tried to trap Harry's head in his armpit, while Harry laughed and dashed away.


Inside the office, a now human Sirius sat on the couch, grumbling, "Harry is too young. You shouldn't have taught him that magic. You should've been more cautious."

Felix looked at him with interest. "I'm surprised; you actually know the word 'cautious.'"

Sirius glared at him in frustration. Then, Felix continued, "Did you know Harry is learning the Patronus Charm from Lupin?"

"What?" Sirius asked in shock, "The spell that repels Dementors?"

Felix conjured a bottle of butterbeer, and Sirius started chugging it down. "Nostalgic... it almost brings tears to my eyes. Life was quite something."

"You're not objecting anymore?"

Sirius leaned back on the couch, lazily saying, "You actually thought it through quite well, even better than me. Just now, I thought about it. If it were me, I'd either refuse or start practicing with him immediately."

"Knock, knock!"

A knocking sound came from outside the door. Sirius choked on his beer. He looked nervously at Felix and mouthed, "Shrink me quickly!" He glanced at the candy on the table, realizing he had just eaten a piece, and he wasn't sure if it was part of his helmet or armor. Regardless, the knight's sword had ended up in his stomach.

"Professor Snape, it's me, Lupin," a voice from outside said.

Felix gave a teasing look to Sirius. Sirius stormed to the door, "Snaoh?" He pulled Lupin inside in one swift motion.

"Padfoot...?" Lupin blinked in surprise and then hugged Sirius tightly, whispering, "Forgive me; I've misunderstood you all along."

"Oh, Moony, please forgive me too..."


Both of them looked up to see Felix, who was fiddling with his wand, igniting a fire in the fireplace. "Temporary Floo connection line. If you have anything to discuss, do it over there. If Harry suddenly changes his mind, news of Professor Snape harboring a fugitive can't be hidden for long."

Sirius grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and muttered, "You're just jealous..." The next second, he was tossed into the fireplace, shouting, "You! #@%... Number 12, Grimmauld Place!"

Half an hour later, Felix and Lupin returned through the fireplace. Lupin thanked him, saying, "Thank you for everything, Professor Snape."

"You're welcome; I'm just doing what I was asked."

Before saying goodbye, Lupin couldn't help but ask, "When did you figure out I'm a werewolf?"

"Why do you ask?"

"When I mentioned I was a werewolf before, you didn't seem surprised at all. If you couldn't guess, then I'd be quite dull," Lupin self-deprecatingly said.

"It doesn't matter. So far, you've been a good colleague."

As Lupin left, Felix sat on the couch, reflecting, "A long weekend... um," he pulled out his wand, and a Patronus charm in the form of a swallow flew from its tip, "go."

After a while, he murmured, "Sirius, youoh, your Patronus is a doe?"

After a brief pause, he muttered, "Oh, that might be a bit hurtful... What I wanted to ask was, would you like to have a drink together?"

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