A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 284: Lupin and the Knight

Chapter 284: Lupin and the Knight

"An astonishing match!" exclaimed the diminutive Professor Flitwick with excitement. "Malfoy skillfully utilized his surroundings, constantly seeking opportunities to counterattack. Potter's quick reflexes were exceptional, and his responses were truly ingenious..."

Draco, just awakened by Madam Pomfrey, displayed a slight smile on his previously gloomy face.

"... Both of them displayed remarkable skill. This is exactly what I hoped to see. Perhaps in a few years, even a decade, a new dueling champion might emerge from among you," choked up Professor Flitwick. Felix patted his shoulder, and he sat down.

Applause echoed all around as Harry and the students enthusiastically clapped together. "Well said! I look forward to that day," Harry exclaimed.

Several professors also stepped forward to offer their comments. Snape, in his usual nonchalant manner, praised Malfoy's quick-wittedness and his ability to leverage the terrain while avoiding any mention of Harry.

"I don't expect you to understand what I'm about to saythis knowledge will only truly be necessary after you graduate..."

Standing from a neutral perspective, Lupin praised both contestants. Felix then reminded the young wizards that when only a pair of wizards are dueling, they can disregard the limitations of the arena and expand the battlefield to the seven designated terrains.

Harry paused, caught off guard by this suggestion. He hadn't considered it before. Reflecting on his duel with Malfoy, he realized he could have bypassed the large tree, perhaps taking a route around the rocky shore. Of course, Malfoy could have climbed the hillside, gaining a vantage point over him. This would have made the situation far more intricate.

Felix's advice was applied in the fifth-year championship duel. Cedric Diggory and Hufflepuff's Prefect Mel Bradley engaged in a captivating pursuit.

In the early stages, they occupied opposite corners of the rocky shore and the hillside, exchanging spells. Later, Cedric used Transfiguration to turn a stone into his likeness. Stealthily, he circled around the ice, emerging suddenly from behind the hill. Had it not been for the gasps of the audience, Bradley might not have realized the attack in time, potentially ending the match prematurely.

Percy had to shout loudly to maintain order among the cheering students.

"Such a pity," Navid exclaimed, his eyes wide.

"Yes, indeed," replied Harry beside him, his gaze locked onto the ongoing match, pondering how to break the deadlock. After a long while, he realized he had unconsciously placed himself in the shoes of the Hufflepuff Prefect, constantly strategizing on how to counter Cedric.

Anxiously, he glanced around, relieved that no one had noticed. Qiu Zhang gazed worriedly at the field, fixated on that dashing figure. Suddenly, the match seemed mundane to Harry.

After rounds of testing, counterattacks, changing terrains, more testing, and more counterattacks, Cedric, with superior reflexes and spellcraft, triumphed over his opponent. The match lasted a full ten minutes, and as it concluded, a wave of cheers erupted from the young wizards.

Unable to suppress a sour thought, Harry mused, "I could do that too, perhaps even better."

From the stands, Felix spoke with an easy tone, "The first-year winner is Slytherin, second and third years are Gryffindor, fourth year is Ravenclaw, fifth year is Hufflepuff. So far, their skill levels seem quite evenly matched."

"Bradley played too conservatively. He wanted to win too badly, too scared to take risks," Professor Flitwick objectively evaluated the just-ended match.

"In truth, Davies' actual skill is decent, but sadly, his mistakes were too basic."

Professor Flitwick referred to Roger Davies, the fifth-year captain of Ravenclaw's Quidditch team. Though tall and sturdy, and remarkably handsome, he cared too much about his appearance. During his duel with George Weasley, he actually took the time to smooth his hair, only to be hit with a Stunning Spell and knocked unconscious.

Victorious George unexpectedly encountered Fred afterward. The twins refused to yield to each other in the maze area, resulting in a stink pellet suddenly bursting, leading to a five-minute interruption of the match. Percy, holding his nose, stepped forward and cast several Cleaning Charms.

Upon emerging, he appeared particularly disheartened, leaving the task of maintaining order to Penelope.

Because the twins refused to admit who had thrown the stink pellet, both were expelled from the field.

Felix observed the mischievous duo. Did they have a Marauder's Map on them? Professor McGonagall had complained about them spending a lot of time on pranks, but she hadn't mentioned nocturnal activities.

Had they not engaged in nighttime mischief, or had they not been caught... It was indeed a thought-worthy question.

Felix spoke gently, "Professor Lupin, my knight seems to have wandered over to your side. Could you pass it to me?"

Lupin paused, lowering his head to look at the palm-sized knightIt had somehow come over to his side, right beside his left hand. Its pair of crimson eyes seemed rather disconcerting.

"Of course." Lupin picked up the knight. The knight rapped his knuckles with its sword three times, and Lupin's hand halted in midair, eyes widening.

"Professor Lupin?"

"...Oh, here you go."

Subsequently, Lupin fell silent, occasionally glancing at the knight puppet: it didn't approach again. And when it attempted to jab Snape's fingertip with its knight's sword, it was slapped over to the young Professor Harp's side.

"Mind your belongings, Felix."

Lupin scrutinized Felix's expression closely. The young professor smiled and addressed Snape, "Severus, have you felt your mood improve suddenly?"

Snape looked puzzledly at Felix, but couldn't discern anythingthis student's thoughts were always elusive. He retorted sarcastically, "You should focus on how to face Umbridge, young man."

"Why her? Wasn't Tonks Dumbledore's chosen contact?"

Snape's lips curved upwards, eyes fixed on the field, and he muttered softly, "Everyone saw you chasing after Black, and Potter himself admitted that he saw you using the Patronus to track Black's ghost formshe must be furious. Did you catch him in the end?"

Felix blinked, unaware of this development?

"Black employed the Patronus Charm for a second time..." Felix began explaining, but Snape's imagination raced ahead, and he sneered, "That's his modus operandi."

Flitwick interjected, "So, the news from the Ministry is true? He acquired a wand at Knockturn Alley?"

"Seems that way, and not just one wand, but two."

Flitwick understood implicitly. He exclaimed, "The Ministry won't give you trouble, Felix. Just look at them; in the past six months, they couldn't even touch a strand of Black's hair."

As the matches continued into the seventh year, Professor McGonagall appeared in haste, her demeanor slightly exasperated.

"Oh, Felix, something's come up. The Ministry's investigator is here, and she insists on speaking with you. I couldn't stop her; she has the Minister's warrant"

Felix rose to his feet, chuckling, "Well then, I might as well go meet her. I was just wondering where Black obtained the Polyjuice Potion and his second wand."

He picked up the knight from the table, getting ready to follow Professor McGonagall out.

"Wait, Professor Harp" Lupin called after him. When Felix turned back, Lupin asked gently, "I happen to have some knowledge of alchemy. Can I take another look at the magical puppet in your hand?"

Felix stared at him and gestured with the knight in his hand, "Do you have any suggestions?"

Lupin cautiously responded, "I need time for verification."

Felix gazed at the knight in his hand, and he nodded in agreement to Felix's unspoken question. "Very well, Professor Lupin. If you have any good ideas, feel free to find me. I think... I'll be available this afternoon."

He tossed the knight, and Lupin hurriedly caught it.

Though the match carried on, Lupin's thoughts were no longer with it. He dared not look at the knight; that thing was close to poking holes in his hand. He hastily concocted an excuse to leave early.

Snape watched Lupin's retreating figure, his expression thoughtfully enigmatic.

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