A Professor of Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 282: The Miniaturized Sirius

Chapter 282: The Miniaturized Sirius

Hogwarts, Office of the Ancient Runes Professor.

A fireplace.

A burst of bright green flames leapt up, and Felix Harp emerged, carrying a box of candies. With a single-handed clap to dust off his robes, he pushed open the office door.

Today marked the final day of the weekend, and the corridors were bustling with young wizards, chattering and lively.

Felix rapped on the candy box's packaging and whispered, "You're inside the castle now. What are your impressions?"

"I'm going to be overwhelmed by the fragrance in here." A complaining voice emanated from the box, "I had intended to indulge in a feast of sweets."


Felix entered the Headmaster's office, where Dumbledore had been waiting for some time. With a "thud," the candy box landed on the tall desk, accompanied by a scattered clatter and a yelp of pain


Dumbledore looked at Felix in surprise, and Felix responded with an affirmative look. "Just as you thought... our guest is a young child." With that, Dumbledore tapped the candy box, and its lid immediately popped open.

The box contained an array of overly sweet candies: exploding bonbons, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, ice mice, candied pineapple, chocolate frogs... most of Honeydukes' products were there.

A hand emerged from the pile of candies, and the palm-sized Sirius Black grimaced as he pushed aside the chocolate ball that had been sitting atop his head. He awkwardly pulled himself out of the candies, inch by inch, until he stood atop the candy mound.

He looked up, and Dumbledore's magnified face smiled down at him. A phoenix with golden and red feathers emitted a soft coo, and Fawkes circled the circular office before landing on the desk, tilting its head to scrutinize the little Sirius within the box.

Sirius eyed it warily. "Don't come any closer, Fawkes. I've fed you, remember?"

Fawkes let out two short calls, then turned its head away, refusing to look at him.

Dumbledore's deep blue eyes curved slightly behind his half-moon glasses. He said gently, "How extraordinary, I didn't expect to meet under these circumstances."

"Neither did I," Sirius muttered. He propped himself against the edge of the candy box, pushed with his arms, and somersaulted onto the desk. He surveyed his surroundings; the peculiarly shaped silverware on the table emitted a faint wisp of smoke, resembling a fearsome creature.

"Turn me back quickly," he demanded in annoyance.

In contrast to Dumbledore's subtlety, Felix was visibly delighted. He pointed his wand at Sirius's head, causing his body to involuntarily swell and enlarge. Sirius hurriedly leapt off the table as he regained his original size upon hitting the ground.

Sirius stood erect, his back straight, as he looked at Dumbledore. With a complex expression, he said, "I'm back."

Dumbledore nodded slightly. "Sirius, despite receiving some information from Phineas, I still wish to hear your story from your own lips."

Sirius didn't refuse. After a moment of silence, he took a seat and began his tale. He didn't look at anyone, but both individuals in the office, including the portraits on the walls, stared at him without blinking.

"... And so, I escaped from prison, swam back to England, and made my way north, like a vengeful ghost traveling thousands of miles."

Dumbledore summarized, "So, you came for Peter Pettigrew. What about Harry?"

"I haven't had the chance to figure that out yet," Sirius candidly admitted.

"When I found out that Peter Pettigrew was alive, all I could think about was revenge. But I've actually seen Harry several times. Before the start of term, the day he left his aunt's house, on a Muggle streetI wanted to catch a glimpse of him before heading north, but my transformed appearance might have frightened him. The second time was at the Quidditch pitchhe's a good flyer, just like James, but I didn't dare stay long; I left midway. And then during the Christmas holidays, I ambushed the Weasley boy near the Shrieking Shack, hoping to catch Peter Pettigrew. Truth be told, I was quite startled at the time. Harry's reflexes are lightning-fast."

"The last meeting was just yesterday. I disguised myself as a Muggle child using a Polyjuice Potion." He glanced at Felix Harp. "This little gadget of Professor Harp's foiled me twice."

Felix inclined his head slightly.

"How did you know where Harry lived? The place was cursed... Ah, yes," Dumbledore smiled. "James must have mentioned it to you. I should've realized."

Sirius shrugged. "James paid a visit in seventh year. But that family hardly qualifies as friendly. When he mentioned his favorite broom and Quidditch, they treated him like a vagabond." His words dripped with sarcasm.

"Mr. Dursley might not have been open to magic," Dumbledore said regretfully. "I've had a brief encounter with him. If I may say, he's quite a conventional man."

Next, Felix mentioned the Marauder's Map, emphasizing its remarkable abilities in locating individuals. "Whether it's Animagi, Polyjuice, invisibility cloaks, or standard concealment charms, none can shield it."

He earnestly suggested, "I believe we could attempt to recreate another Marauder's Map."

Dumbledore contemplated in silence, tapping his long fingers on the table. He hinted, "Felix, have you considered the possibility that the Marauder's Map might still be at Hogwarts?"

Felix responded thoughtfully, "I have indeed considered that, and it's not entirely impossible..."

"But the scope is vaststudents, professors, or perhaps concealed within a book in the library... putting myself in someone else's shoes, if I possessed it, I would definitely keep the secret well hidden."

Dumbledore blinked. "I think you may have overlooked one possibility." He turned to Sirius. "Your ideal heir in the realm of mischief should be a Gryffindor, right?"

Sirius nodded. "You're right."

Felix's eyes lit up. "So, the Weasley twins?" It was the first name that came to his mind.

"Quite possible. In truth, I have a few candidates in mind. I plan to write a few letters to confirm, won't take much time." Dumbledore said.

Felix felt a touch of regret but quickly rallied. Whether the map was found or not, he was optimistic. If found, he could borrow it for study, increasing efficiency. If not, he could assemble a team, research and develop anew, perhaps even add more functionalities.

"Then there's the worst possibility: Peter Pettigrew might have stolen the map." He reminded them.

"That's also a concern of mine. He had ample time and motive," Dumbledore said. "The only possibility is if he doesn't believe he'll show up on the map, hence no action."

Felix agreed with this perspective. He checked the time. "Headmaster Dumbledore, there's a small dueling competition at ten o'clock today. If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave." He gestured at Sirius. "He's in your care."

Sirius's eyes lit up suddenly. "A dueling competition? Harry might be participating? Can I go watch?"

Felix hesitated, looking at Dumbledore. Dumbledore furrowed his brows. "Sirius, you'd better stay at Grimmauld Place. It guarantees your safety the Ministry is still after you. If you're discovered, we lack evidence to prove your innocence."

"Just this once" Sirius pleaded, looking pitiful. "Let me see Harry up close. I can pretend to be a doll; no one will suspect."

His words rendered Dumbledore silent. Felix cast the spell again, and this time, Sirius willingly hopped back into the box. Felix lightly cast a Muffliato charm on the outside of the box.

Sirius was cut off from the external world.

Felix turned to Dumbledore. "He probably isn't skilled in Occlumency, right?" Dumbledore smiled at him, and Felix understood the Headmaster's implication.

Lifting the candy box, he walked briskly out of the office.

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