The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 532: The Worst Phobia

Chapter 532: The Worst Phobia

I can see the Gu bowing with his entire body in my direction. I may not have met the god but this was nice.

I honestly wonder what will happen to him. I did try to put him on a path of training that will be more peaceful. Was it right or wrong for a Gu? I'm not sure.

I guess in a way I was just selfishly imposing my own beliefs on him. Now that I think about it, we humans may be the evilest of all races.

For starters, we have no qualms about eating anything other than our own species. Just this point means that we can be extremely disruptive to an ecosystem. 

Then there is the fact that we tend to exploit any opportunity for profit, once more disrupting tons of ecosystems. 

Perhaps it is natural for Gus to devour one another. Perhaps I am akin to that one idiot feeding his dog vegan food only and making more harm than good. I'm not sure. 

Well, I don't especially need to worry because that Gu is pretty damn smart. I'm sure he will figure out the best path for himself. 

As I'm thinking that, I appear back in the Earth Realm. That's when I hear a shriek of terror. 

"Ah! W-who are you?!" 

Right. I just assumed the temple would be as deserted as when I came in, but there is now a guy shivering in fright and slowly backing away. 

I'm really not sure about the proper etiquette on that one. Was me visiting the god's place something bad? Technically I guess I kind of trespassed on that god's property since he was away. 

I guess the pet welcomed me, so it's fine? Ah, then again, I seem to remember the two didn't seem to have the best relationship. Ah, whatever, that eternal Gu breeder guy will sort it out for sure since he's a god. 

At least I'm pretty sure the humans here have no idea about what I have been doing. I guess it's time for a good old bluff. 

[What? Why are you acting surprised? I've been here this whole time!] 

"What?! No, I checked it was empty and"

[Guess you didn't check properly enough. Anyway, no need to worry. I'm that guy that drove away the solar ray throwing freak from the Gu Meadow. Heard of me?] 

"N-no. Stay back! I have some really deadly Gus and I'm not afraid to use them!" 

He shouts as he's holding his robe. But he doesn't show any. For some reason he reminds me of a guy faking having a gun, but with insects. 

[Eh, sure. I believe you. What of it? I mean this is a Gu sectif you don't have any Gu then you are doing something wrong, am I right?] 

That's when he looks at me for a few seconds, steadily. But then he starts crying. He's just standing there crying without doing anything else! What's up with that guy? 

[Eh, are you okay?] 

"You're right. My whole life is a mess. Everything I'm doing is wrong and."

Now, this guy looks like a damn waterfall. He's mumbling about how useless he is and stuff like that. Then again, who visits a deserted temple alone in the middle of the day. That in itself should almost be a red flag. Oh well. 

[Alright, relax. Tell me nice and slowly what the issue is. I can't promise anything, but I'm a good listener.] 

I sit and gesture him to do the same. Part of him seems to still fear me, but the other part seems to think that having someone listen to his problems is worth dying for. Sad but relatable. 

"It's like this. I keep praying and praying to the Gu Breeder for strength but I still can't do it."

[Can't do what?] 

"Well.I'm afraid of insects.."

Bruh! Part of me wants to be supportive but the other just makes it so I erupt laughing. 

[HAHAHAHA Holy shit, that is ironic. You are telling me you live in the Gu Meadow and you are afraid of insects?!] 

His shoulders slump and he seems to want to disappear at the moment. 

[Okay, that caught me off guard. But honestly, it's not that bad. It's quite possible to cure a phobia you know.] 

"It is?!" 

[Well, yeah. Hey, if you are in this templearen't you afraid of that statue in front?] 

"Y-yes, very. But it's not as bad because I know that no matter what they won't leave the statue."

[Well, honestly then you really just need to get used to living Gus. Right, do you know where your fear came from?] 

"That... my mother died when stung by a Gu, then my father died from touching a poisonous Gu, finally my late brother went insane and was sacrificed to the Gus."

[What the fuck! Okay, why is the death rate so high? Also, what does this sacrifice thingy mean?] 

"Some people are better at handling Gus than others. We used to be farmers. Our specialty really isn't insects. If nothing else, we feared them for they would devour everything."

He seems to be reminiscing about it. Yet, how is he so calm? I guess it has happened a long time ago. 

"As for the sacrifice, it's what happens to the useless. They are sent in the Gu Rearing Land where they serve as food for the various Gus there."

Talk about harsh. Is this how retirement works in this world? Too weak or old to work? Better sacrifice them! It's both extremely disgusting and realistic. 

[Do people really accept such horrible treatment?! Aren't they worried that it will be their turn when they become older?] 

"Not really. Growing old is already something unimaginable for most. If you can't serve the sect there really is no point in staying alive."

[Do you seriously mean that?!] 

He looks at me puzzled. 

"Of courseAs long as one is not senile one can at least teach the others. Once they cannot do that at least their body becomes one with the Gus. That will help protect the sect and serve a purpose."

Ah, I see. It sounds horrible at first glance, but is it really? In a way, it allows for the old generation to be remembered as heroes. Perhaps it's even more human to go out this way. 

It probably beats living an empty existence only to wait for a death void of any meaning. 

"So, what should I do?" 

Ah, right. I somehow lost myself in thoughts but yes, this guy has a very real problem. I have time to kill anyway. 

[You know what? I'll help you. Bring me to the scariest Gu there is in this sect. I'll show you how one deals with Gus!] 

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