The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 524: Never Underestimate The Unnamed God Sect!

Chapter 524: Never Underestimate The Unnamed God Sect!

[I'll show you never to underestimate The Unnamed God Sect!] 

"The Unnamed God Sect? What kind of bullshit sect is this? Trying to intimidate me with."

That's when I throw myself on the ground. A light ray brushes past me, burning my clothes. Holy fuck! He attacked me in the middle of his own speech! Who does that?!

But it doesn't stop there. No, it's one solar ray after the other. The ground is getting destroyed. The air is becoming hot as Hell. I look like a fish on land, throwing myself everywhere in hopes of living.

From time to time, he sends a barrage of energy my way. Then, attacks with a large range that somehow lack power. It disintegrates my remaining clothes but I'm fine. After a little while, I even get the hang of it. I'm able to dodge it!

But that's when I realize something. It's not me that is getting better. It's him that has only been using one hand to cast. What is he doing with his right hand?! Oh god! It's something really bad. He's been moving it up and down at a quick pace.

Yes, he's in the process of gathering mana, I believe. I can't see the mana itself but I can see the light that is coming out of his hand right now. Quick! I need some cover. While I'm throwing myself everywhere on the ground, I look around for cover but.wait, that's it! There is the ground itself!

That is when I finally see him do the motion of casting. This boy is out! It is time for me to embrace my inner mole. I start digging as fast as I can. I bury myself so deep as if trying to run away from my problems (kinda am).

That is when a bright flash of light happens above me. It is so bright that it even fills this tunnel of mine. It's hot! Luckily this is only a small part of the attack. I'm almost tempted to just remain here and play dead, but then I remember that I need to buy time.

I speedily go back to the surface. When the man sees me, he shows a stupefied expression. His eyes are as big as my annoyance with him. Guess who just wasted a spell completely? That dumbass! Ah, it feels nice.

"What are you? A cockroach?!"

On that very philosophical question, he resumes the deadly barrage. Then again, cockroaches are great! If only I had my army with me, we'd fuck him up real good. I'd pair the flying cockroaches with the acid ones. They'd bomb him perfectly!

Then I'd add teleporting cockroaches to the mix! Trying to kill the flying roaches? How about having a cockroach teleport right under you to bite your dick off! Trying to kill that one? Too late it's gone. While he'd look downward, he'd be bathed in acid too.

Then the armored ones would help defend us. As for the general roaches, they can throw rocks and insults. Then again, it's not very insulting if it's just screeching.

Regrettably, they are not here. I keep dodging. This guy is overpowered but he's a bad match for me. I'm sure anyone else would be feeling sluggish from the heat right now. But I'm filled with divine power.

I fear crowd control more than anything and it seems to be his weakness. Once I even try to just charge at him, but then I receive one tiny solar ray on my skin, and it hurts so much that I retreat.

This whole fight feels like the previous chase. A huge stalemate. But this is good! A stalemate is perfect. I can see him look toward where my friend went.

The thing is, if he focuses on chasing I'll be able to attack him. Right now, his defense is his offense. He's looking pissed. So what?! That's great!

I'm patiently waiting. I am confident my friend will succeed in his super important mission. But that's when I see my opponent's aura change. Oh no! He suddenly starts glowing like a miniature sun then he charges at me.

Did he just go from ranged type to melee type?! He's so fast! He's in front of me already! How?! I see his arm extend toward me. As I dodge, his hand comes in contact with the ground. The earth starts straight-up melting!

I try and run, but he's fast than me. I dodge his grasp, but he grazes me. My skin falls off. I can see my muscles getting charred. Not pleasant at all! It hurts like a bitch. At least, a second later I'm fully regenerated.

He keeps trying to grab my face or neck. What will happen if he succeeds?! If my brain melts, I won't be able to use divine energy. Game over, right?! This is bad. I keep barely surviving. Many times, I give up a limb or two to make sure I don't get caught.

Hell, once I tear my own limb off because he had grabbed it. Yes, turns out divine energy can regrow limbs. It takes a while. Time, that I don't really have in the first place. I swear my heartbeat is loud enough to overshadow the entire world.

But no matter what I won't just give up. He looks at the verge of going crazy. 

"How are you still alive?!"

[I'll show you never to underestimate The Unnamed God Sect!] 

I can't help myself. That exact one line I said at the very beginning. The one he scoffed at. I look him dead in the eyes as I say it too. Oh, I smile too. The kind of smile that just says, you can take that flaming hot fist of yours and shove it up your ass.

He looks at me shellshocked. He never expected this to be so troublesome. He expected me to die quickly. He thought he had everything under control. He's the mighty sect master of the Sun sect after all.

Well, so what?! I'm a sect master too! Hehe. My back is straight. My limbs are fully functional now. I stand before him in all my glory. Perhaps a bit too much glory in fact. I wouldn't mind clothes. That is when my friend comes back.

"Here! Good luck!"

I catch the item he has just thrown me. Then under the stupefaction of everyone present, I confidently smile, grinning even. 

[Well, you had your chance. Now it's time for some ass-whooping. Hope you're ready.]

On that note, I crack my knuckles. I got lots of suffering in store for him...

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