The Messenger of Death

Chapter 329: onwards to the island

Chapter 329: onwards to the island

Standing before Xander, Kymani smiled as she had never before. "Alexander, right? Or should I call you Young master?"

"Xander would be accurate," Xander spoke after giving Kymani a glance. He couldn't sense the familiar aura of a Sky realm cultivator from her anymore, he couldn't even sense a bit of her aura. She had retracted every bit of it.

Xander was holding one of the twilight swords, the one with the black helm in his hands. For the past few days that Kymani had been in seclusion, he was busy trying to improve his understanding of the way of the sword. Although it flowed to him naturally, it wasn't as fast as when he sparred with the swordsmen in the Ordain plain realm. He had the general knowledge about weapon Dao cultivators, yet, he didn't know how to properly improve his understanding of this Dao.

Mainly because his weapon Dao is not a weapon, but a pen. And although he could sync with weapons, he wasn't growing much in this aspect, at least not as fast as he wanted to.

Xander wasn't particularly excited that she had broken through to the Heaven cultivation realm, his uneasiness only grew some more.

"If they have only an hour to prepare, does that mean that you women already have a means of safe transportation that we can use after crossing the benchmark and entering the no-fly zone?" Xander asked as he slowly slashed his sword at the air.

The edges of his blade had a glint of red and if one did not inspect his sword carefully, they wouldn't be able to notice this unusual thing. Kymani raised a brow at this and shook her head.

'I'm not going to get surprised at anything that this kid does again. He's like Pandora's box, an enigma within a mystery.' Kymani thought.

"Yes, we already do. We have 3 fairly constructed ships and 6 canoes to go with them. After getting the news about the island, everyone started to construct their own means of transportation, just in case something like this happens. An unexpected breakthrough the earlier the better, you know." Kymani spoke with a tone of longing.

She had been trapped in this forest for over 70 years, and for someone like her that prioritized her freedom to do as she pleases, this forest was like a curse to her will.

"We will have to head over to Jarja's side of the forest, the shores of the Sea are in his territory, not that I'm afraid of him, I just have the urge to kill that brute mercilessly. And now that I'm stronger than him, it will be the best time to do so." Kymani spoke after some time. She tightened her fist as she recalled all the troubles and life-threatening situations that Jarja had intentionally caused for her.

"I also feel as if I have let Scar down, not that I care about the man, it is just my guilty conscience that's tugging at me," Kymani added.

Xander who was still slowly swinging his sword around had been listening to everything that Kymani had been saying, albeit the concentration that he had on his training. "I won't claim to know you, but I didn't tag you as someone that likes to talk much," Xander replied.

His cold reply made Kymani chuckle. He was indirectly telling her to shut up, but somewhat in a polite manner. "I also didn't think that I would like talking to you this much too," Kymani said.

['Duh! Obviously! With my type of face, even if it's Xander's personality that is being presented, just as long as you're the opposite sex it would be near impossible to resist my natural beauty. Even this woman with the muscle brain can't help but feel pleased by that face we got.'] Al arrogantly claimed.

['Ah, here I was thinking that you had entered a coma after not speaking for the last 3 days.'] Alex muttered.

['Yeah, I know that you missed me rabbit.']

['Yeah, I missed your barking.'] Alex replied sarcastically.

['Tomato-tomato to me.'] Al said.

Xander didn't say anything in reply to what Kymani said, causing her to chuckle. "You must have a lot of girls chasing you in the academy. You seem to have the aesthetics of an Homme Fatale, but you don't utilize it." She commented.

['That's because you haven't met me!'] Al said.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Xander replied while swinging his sword.

Kymani sighed and went to stand over at the side, watching Xander continue to swing his sword slowly. The red glint on the edge of his blade continued to grow brighter, making his slow movement look more dangerous than it should.

With a confused frown, Kymani stared at this red glint for a long time, not moving her eyes away from it. She felt threatened by the glint and yet, she could also feel something profound within this glint. This profanity is what Kymani was trying to understand by staring at the glint.

The more she looked, the closer she got to that profanity, but when she was just inches away from grasping it, it disappears and she returns to square one.

After an hour had passed, Xander stopped swinging the sword and stared at it. ['I have been swinging this sword for the past few days and I haven't been able to get to the crux of it.']

What Xander was trying to do was to understand the sword glint that he saw Klein use in the Ordain plain realm when they sparred. At least he could imitate the sword glint, but he couldn't understand its profanity completely, something was missing. It was as if his sword was refusing to cooperate with him.

['What's different between me and the swordsmen that we met in the Ordain plain realm?'] Xander asked the rest.

['Well, firstly, you are at the Sword Dao stage, a weapon's cultivator. Klein wasn't one.'] Al pointed out.

['I know that he wasn't one, but he did say that the way of the sword is opened to everyone. Weapon's cultivators just have perks over normal people. Just as long as you can understand the profanity behind the sword, you will progress.'] Xander said.

['Uhm, I can recall that every swordsman there hung their blades on their waist, no matter the number. They always had it with them despite having storage rings. I don't know if it means much though.'] Lex pointed out.

['That's true. They don't remove their swords from their storage ring, rather the sheaths that are hanging on their waist or back. Their swords were always a part of their dressing.'] Alex chipped in.

['That's true. I'll try to do that for a while, at least while I'm in control.'] Xander said. He then proceeded to remove the second twilight blade from his storage ring.

The white and black sheaths were so finely made that they caught many eyes. Xander sheathed his blades and held them in his hands. ['One problem, we don't have belts for hanging swords.'] Xander realized.

['Hahaha!'] Al laughed at their situation.

Kymani could see that there was a subtle frown on Xander's face and she decided to ask him what was wrong; "Do you need help with anything?" She asked.

Xander thought about it for a few seconds before speaking. "Do you perhaps have a belt I can use to hold my swords?"

"Oh, yeah, I should have a few, but I'm not sure if they would fit someone as skinny as you." Kymani paused to think of a less offending way to tell Xander that he was skinny. "But some of my girls should have, let me get a few for you."

Kymani said and went to a group of her followers that were standing around. They were ready to begin their new adventure and had been standing around, watching Xander practice.

She got a few belts, most of them brown, and some black. Kymani handed them over to Xander for him to try on. Xander tried the black one first and felt that it would do.

He then passed the rest of the belts back to Kymani. "What are doing?" She asked him with a frown.

"Returning the rest. Just this one would be enough, thank you."

"We don't collect what we have already given, we have manners." Kymani shook her head and refused to accept the belts back.

"Really? Most of you here are criminals, you must have been arrested because of your manners." Xander replied.

"Well, I was arrested because I castrated way too many men than I can count, sometimes, for no reason. I used to use my hands to squeeze those nuts till they popped." Kymani revealed.

She was expecting it to make Xander wince a bit, but as usual, his expression didn't change. "Are you sure that you are a man? Were you born with balls?" Kymani muttered as she reluctantly collected the rest of the belts from Xander.

"I have no doubt about that, why are you asking?"

"Oh nothing, was just wondering."

['Hmph! She might be longing for what's in-between our legs. But I wouldn't take that risk, this bitch said that she crushed nuts, despicable.'] Al commented.

"Let's be on our way," Xander said.

"Alright girls, it's time to leave! Onwards to the island." Kymani announced and a large number of women gathered around. They began making their way towards Jarja's territory.

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