Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Scarlet Spring Night

He made his way to the academy, which was only two hours away by air for him, to ask where Jiuhua Sect was located. Night had fallen by the time Mu Yu left Green Pine Sect, yet lights were still on. With that said, there were few people around.

Mu Yu headed over to his sect’s small courtyard. He crossed an arching door to reach an enormous plaza. The boulder at the centre of the vacant area gleamed faintly under the moonlight. Indeed, it was the boulder that decided a cultivator’s fate. If nothing changed, however, it would no longer be necessary, as disciples would either be with Green Pine Sect or Jiuhua Sect.

Mu Yu never regretted not revealing his real aptitude colour to others because he deemed his decision two years ago to be correct.

Mu Yu crossed another set of doors to reach the grey-rank disciples’ area. They were still awake at that hour. They were envious when they saw Mu Yu enter.

Mu Yu rolled his fingers into fists. “General Manager Xun, sorry!”

Upon sensing Mu Yu’s spiritual energy roiling, a middle-aged individual went over and asked, “Young Master, which sect are you from? What orders do you have?”

Mu Yu still remembered the General Manager Liu. He casually asked, “Why have you still not turned in?”

“That is because Daoist Qing Song has ascended to Primordial Infant Realm. Young Master Xiaohu came here this evening. Whenever he is here, we have to stay up to wait on him. We have no say in it given who he is.”

General Manager Liu wasn’t dissatisfied since it was a chance for rewards and honour. Scratch that. If he was lucky enough, he could join Green Pine Sect.

“Xiaohu is also here? What is he doing here when his shifu is holding a celebration?”

The way General Manager Liu frantically shook his head suggested he knew something but didn’t dare to share. Mu Yu didn’t try to force it out of him. Mu Yu headed off to his courtyard but noticed another large door was open, through which he saw someone he hated seeing.

Xiaohu strutted out smugly. Mu Yu chose to turn into a dark area to avoid a confrontation. Seeing Xiaohu walk toward the grey-rank disciples’ area, he worried Xiaohu would harm them. Hence, he followed after Xiaohu.

General Manager Liu didn’t hesitate to grovel at Xiaohu’s feet. “Young Master, they are ready.”

“Show me,” cockily demanded Xiaohu, not even sparing General Manager Liu a glance.

“You three, hurry over here! This is Green Pine Sect’s patriarch’s disciple, the most prodigious young man, Xiaohu. Take good care of him.” General Manager Liu summoned three girls in their mid-teens over with a wave of his hands.

The three fearful girls were all grey-rank disciples. They were growing into splendid ladies. They showed reverence and hope when they saw Xiaohu. He scanned them from head to toe then nodded. “Not bad. You’re an efficient worker unlike your last general manager, refusing to do even this much. I’ll be sure to reward you in the future. Take these spirit stones. That stubborn old man refused to bow to spirit stones, so I had him bow to the fiend beasts in the forest.”

“Thank you, Young Master. Thank you. General Manager Xun and I follow different principles. He is rigid and unyielding. He asked for it,” conveyed General Manager Liu, as he stored away the spirit stones.

Xiaohu glanced at one of the girl’s bosom and gulped. “Let’s get going.”

Xiaohu looped his arms around two of the girls’ arms and led them to his room. He shut the door and lecherously demanded, “Strip.”

Two of the girls knew what was about to go down, so the two took it upon themselves to strip as they were ordered. The last one put one foot behind the other until she was at the door. Xiaohu cackled and sauntered over to her. “Stubborn, are we? I’ll give you a hand.”

“Young Master, please do not do this. Please.”

Xiaohu easily outmuscled the girl and stripped her down. He picked her up and dumped her onto his bed. She screamed and pleaded, but nobody came to her rescue.

Although Mu Yu couldn’t see inside the room from the courtyard’s ceiling, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what was transpiring. Xiaohu’s shameless behaviour lit up a fire in Mu Yu. He sneaked in via the timber beam and armed himself with Shadow Splitter Sword. The existence of one whose shamelessness knew no bounds wasn’t necessary.

Suddenly, the window burst open and someone leapt in, extinguishing the candles with their spiritual energy, prompting Mu Yu to halt.

“Who’s there?!” thundered Xiaohu, getting out of bed without anything covering his body parts. Xiaohu’s eyes had yet to adapt to the darkness, so he went to light up a candle, but he saw five gleaming blades. He cried, “What are y-”

Xiaohu’s speech turned to gurgles as he grabbed his throat with his eyes wide. He opened his mouth to speak, but blood gushed out instead. He wanted to retaliate, but his consciousness evaporated along with his blood until he fell on his back. Never again would he enjoy the privileges he was supposed to as the disciple of the most powerful man in Moyun Mountains.

Mu Yu failed to keep up with the assailant’s strike. The individual jumped back out the window. Mu Yu gave chase to find out the motive behind the assassination. The courtyard was empty since all the disciples were at Green Pine Sect. Mu Yu chased the individual into another courtyard’s blind spot. As soon as he landed, he was sent backward from a blow to his chest. As the individual extended their hand toward his throat, he saw a pair of cold blue eyes.

Mu Yu promptly shielded his throat and flew up on his sword to get out of the way. The individual didn’t engage again, opting to flee instead. Mu Yu only saw darkness by the time he was back on his feet.

“Ah!” screamed the three girls.

Nobody went to the three girls’ aid because nobody would dare to invade Green Pine Sect’s courtyard.

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