Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Xiaohu’s Provocation

“Why would he be looking for Sword Shadow Dust Gale?”

“Sword Shadow Dust Gale is an incredible individual. As far as I know, he had a goal when he came here, but I don’t know the details. At present, his cultivation is ostensibly compromised to the point that he is unlikely a match for a Golden Core Realm cultivator. I heard lots of people are looking for him, and somebody wants to harm him.

“What are they targeting him for?”

Tian Ran shook her head. “He was originally a third lay-, he was famous. I don’t know how to explain it. He holds a secret that is rumoured to impact the lives of many others. That’s why I can’t let any harm befall him.”

Mu Yu had his doubts about Tian Ran’s story despite her once helping him. If it was true, he would hide his shifu’s identity from her in case he alerted the hostile. His shifu wasn’t in a state to fend for himself. Hence, every step needed sound rationale behind it.

“Do you know where the hostile is now?” questioned Mu Yu.

“Daoist Qing Song is the most formidable cultivator at Moyun Mountains. Since he knows everything going on here, perhaps he knows Sword Shadow Dust Gale’s whereabouts. If I’m correct, he’s also here to see Daoist Qing Song. I came to check on Daoist Qing Song.”

“Yet you boldly showed up to watch the matches? Aren’t you worried he’ll notice you? You’re not even attempting to hide your tracks. You’re lucky there are so many people and that they’re focused on the matches.”

“It’s fine. He doesn’t recognise me, hehe.”

Mu Yu couldn’t find it in him to laugh due to the gravity of the situation. While he wanted to report to his shifu, he surmised Feng Haochen wouldn’t believe such a vague story. “Can you describe his appearance? Does he have any special traits?”

“What do you want to know for? It’s not as though you could beat him.”

Mu Yu tried to wrap his question up in a fashion that wouldn’t raise suspicion. “Well, I want to know more about him as you said he’s stronger than Daoist Qing Song.”

“I don’t know how he looks; I can’t keep up with his speed. I know with certainty he’s here, nonetheless. He has a unique aura I wouldn’t mistake. I think I’ll find him if I keep tabs on Daoist Qing Song.”

The surveillance idea had occurred to Mu Yu. Unfortunately, given Mu Yu’s cultivation, it would be called a death wish rather than surveillance. To make matters worse, Tian Ran didn’t seem reliable. Who tails someone out in the open without knowing the target’s appearance? It would be more convincing if she said she was there for entertainment.

“My match might be starting soon. Stay low, and go gather information on hm.”

Tian Ran: Why does he care even more than I do?”

Tian Ran was sulky because Mu Yu didn’t give her a proper farewell. Nonetheless, he had a point. Thus, she moved along.

It still wasn’t Mu Yu’s turn by the time he returned. Another pair of Foundation Establishment Realm Second Layer cultivators were still duking it out. He wasn’t too interested in the match. Rather, he was in his own world, trying to figure out the mysterious individual Tian Ran mentioned.

“Is he Xiaohu?”

“I’m more surprised Daoist Qing Song gave him the magic weapon he wielded in his younger years instead of Bai Lang.”

Xiaohu already knocked his opponent out of the ring by the time Mu Yu looked over. The sword they mentioned was an emerald flying sword that was transparent. Mu Yu was somewhat astonished to hear Xiaohu, a Foundation Establishment Realm First Layer cultivator, triumph against an opponent who had four layers on him.

Xiaohu smirked and jumped off the ring, landing in front of Mu Yu. “Dustfallen Sect, huh? How is that any different to being a grey-rank disciple? I heard the only punching bag they signed up was you.”

“Luckily, my seniors don’t need to bother with a contest of this scale,” Mu Yu calmly responded, refusing to sing the same tune as Xiaohu after receiving Feng Haochen’s guidance for two years.

Xiaohu loved the barrage of attacks on Dustfallen Sect and praise he was showered with – courtesy of those watching his confrontation with Mu Yu. He stored his sword away then folded his arm and tilted his head. “You said we won’t know who’s better in the future two years ago, didn’t you? You were confident you could surpass me, weren’t you? Two years later, you’re a Qi Condensation Weakling Layer cultivator. Beat me? How?”

Mu Yu blocked out the laughs directed at him, claiming he was delusional. He replied, “I’m the only one from Dustfallen Sect participating. If you want to try me, give me your best shot.”

“That’s quite a big mouth you have there,” imperiously remarked a youth with a refined appearance. “I am Textless Sect’s Neng Caiquan. I am your next opponent. I shall put you in your place on behalf of Brother Xiaohu.”

Xiaohu sniggered. “Don’t hurt him; otherwise, people will cry I had an unfair advantage when it’s my time to fight him.”

Smiling, Neng Caiquan gave Xiaohu a palm-fist salute. “Worry not. I will only teach him a lesson.”

Never had Mu Yu understood what his shifu meant by power was king in the world of cultivation more clearly; power was more convincing than words would ever be. Just because Dustfallen Sect didn’t compete, people started making them a punch line. He had been trained to remain composed, but he refused to allow perennial provocations. He was in a foul mood to begin with due to the potential danger his shifu was in. Neng Caiquan’s derision fanned Mu Yu’s flame. Pounding Neng Caiquan was just the therapy he needed.

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