Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 370 - 370: The Crown Prince’s Wedding

Chapter 370 - 370: The Crown Prince’s Wedding

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

This evening banquet left the courtiers feeling disheartened. Out of the eleven imperial sons, the emperor had eliminated several, leaving only those of questionable character or those suppressed by the emperor.

Despite the Crown Princess’s exceptional qualities, the emperor explicitly stated that the Crown Prince was allowed only this one woman. How would their days unfold?

In previous years, Qiao Mai would perform some tricks, but the             emperor didn’t mention it this year.

They were curious in the past, but now, knowing the identity of their in-law, would the emperor dare to do anything? The empress also refrained from suggesting. With the impressive performance by Princess Tianshui, the evening banquet concluded.

Many were unwilling, but there was nothing they could do. The assassins sent were all dead, and although the Qiao family didn’t have military power, they felt mysteriously powerful. Until their background was known, no one dared to act recklessly.

The emperor’s words kept the officials awake all night.

How did Eleven gain power? A limping imperial son miraculously recovered and suddenly became the Crown Prince, an unquestionable heir. Could there be no possibility of change?

As the New Year approached, they all had dark circles under their eyes the next morning.

Some were so angered that they fell ill. However, Lucky Garden was lively and cheerful, celebrating the New Year happily.

Since the previous year, they hadn’t visited other families for the New Year; everyone came to their house.

With their current status and position, no one else had the privilege to receive their New Year’s greetings except for the emperor.

Qiao Mai had been observing the Crown Prince. Before Ling’er showcased her talents, they had a relationship characterized by affection and propriety, giving the impression of mutual respect and courtesy.

However, since witnessing Ling’er’s talents, the Crown Prince had become even more enthusiastic, which made Qiao Mai worry.

Loving someone meant loving them regardless of their abilities.

If Ling’er excelled in the arts, would he love her more? What if she lacked those talents?

Well, as long as Ling’er was happy, that was enough. Looking at the Crown Prince’s gaze towards her, Qiao Mai hoped it would last a lifetime, not just a moment.

The porridge distribution continued, and Qiao Mai often went to inspect. From December to February, they hadn’t rested a day. The beggars and poor people in the capital enjoyed great fortune.

Not only were they full, but their hidden illnesses were also cured due to daily consumption of this porridge.

At the same time, Qiao Mai also took in three servant girls selected from the beggars.

These three young girls, aged around eight or nine, had suffered as beggars, always at risk of being bullied by men.

Seeing their agility, Qiao Mai brought them home and entrusted them to Xi Yu.

Now, Yuexian Pavilion had four servant girls. They learned music, chess, calligraphy, and painting daily and practiced martial arts.

Qiao Mai  didn’t make heavy demands on unless there were visitors. Otherwise, they were not needed.

Xi Yu named them Chun Feng, Hua Jiao, and Liu Shui.

Qiao Mai didn’t ask much of them, but each had to master at least one skill to stay by her side.

They knew who Qiao Mai was. To stay by her side, these four individuals were determined to make an effort.

As long as they were willing to learn, Qiao Mai would provide them with whatever they needed. With such favorable treatment, it would be foolish if they still failed to study diligently.

As March approached, the Crown Prince’s residence was ready. The emperor sent half of the Golden Dragon Guards to protect the Crown Prince, ensuring nothing went wrong at this critical moment.

Invitations had been sent to various households, and the Song family received one. One invitation allowed two add-ons. This caused a stir in the Song family.

With dozens of family members, deciding who to bring became a problem.

The two masters of the Song family were too old. After much contemplation, they had no choice but to give up this opportunity. The couple from the main house had to go since they were the Crown Prince’s maternal grandparents. That left only one slot.

The person closest to the Crown Prince was the eldest son of the main house, the Crown Prince’s uncle. The others had no qualifications to attend.

Thus, only these three could go. If they refused, others wouldn’t be allowed.

With one invitation for three people, the number was still considerable. The emperor sent the palace chefs to assist. As for the consorts, they had to prepare their own food.

The emperor adjourned court for a day, leading the empress to the Crown Prince’s residence early to oversee the situation.

The Chief of the Imperial Household and officials from the Ministry of Rites performed their duties, meticulously arranging all the details. All the ingredients were of the highest quality, with strict inspections ensuring only the best entered the kitchen.

In Lucky Garden, Ling’er was dressed in the most beautiful wedding gown.

The bridal gown, from the fabric to the embroidery thread to the various gemstones adorning it, was meticulously selected by Qiao Mai from the finest offerings on the platform.

Accompanied by several skilled embroiderers, Nanny Jin spent nearly a year crafting this masterpiece. When worn by Ling’er, the dress was dazzling.

In the whole room, the radiance from this wedding gown was so bright. Those who came to send her off were only a few close families.

Old Mistress Wang, Madam Wang, Princess Mu, Miss Xiao, Jiamei, and Ruyi were all in her room, smiling happily.

When Ling’er got married, Nanny Jin, Yue Hong, and Yue Xia would accompany her. With them taking care of her, Qiao Mai was reassured.

In the living room, Qiao Mai and Yuan Jiaqi were seated at the main table while Old Master Wang sat at the lower end.

From the courtyard gate to the living room, it was filled with flowers, primarily red peonies. Qiao Mai thought about using roses, symbolizing love, but considering the local customs, she went for peonies.

Red flowers, red carpet, red auspicious words, red lanterns, red candles, and red auspicious bands—everywhere were exceptionally festive.

Ordinary mothers might wipe away a tear or two. However, Qiao Mai’s face was as radiant as a flower.

Her daughter found her home, and blessing and joy for them were more important. This was a joyful event; why cry?

She should smile. Her son married a princess, and her daughter married the Crown Prince. People think they had the best marriages. What was there to be dissatisfied with?

The auspicious time was approaching. The Crown Prince, dressed in festive attire, arrived with a considerable entourage at Lucky Garden.

Qiao Mai instructed her servants to set up three quizzes for him. Only those who could break through all three could enter and escort Ling’er.

The talented Crown Prince broke through all three barriers and entered the residence. After welcoming Ling’er, they came to the front hall to bow to their parents.

Yuan Jiaqi wished Ling’er to educate her future children well and bear many children for the Crown Prince.

Qiao Mai said confidently, “Go and be a good Crown Princess. If you’re ever mistreated, come back home. This will always be your home, and I will always be your support!”

These words almost brought tears to Ling’er’s eyes. The Crown Prince carried her on his back and sent her to the bridal sedan.

Qiao Mai watched them leave Lucky Garden and walked to the courtyard with her hands behind her back. “Sheep, Squirrel, Blackie, escort the young mistress.

The three animals shot up to the roof and quietly accompanied them along the way.

Following the bridal sedan, the dowry items were brought out one after another from Lucky Garden. It left the commoners in awe and astonishment.

The wedding, presided over by the emperor and empress, was a grand affair. The military alone involved thousands of personnel, making the ceremony luxurious and understated.

It took until the afternoon to transport everything to the Crown Prince’s residence.

Especially noteworthy were the two steeds at the rear, accompanied by two luxurious carriages and a majestic flame lion. This spectacle left the commoners astonished and awestruck.

The dowry was deemed invaluable with a single lion.

With such a guardian, even petty criminals would think twice, let alone foreign


This dowry surpassed the wealth of the national treasury. In front of all the court officials, the emperor officially designated Flame as the guardian beast of the nation.

After witnessing the flame lion, the restless hearts of the court officials all quieted down..

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