Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life

Chapter 362 - 362: Do You Dare?

Chapter 362: Do You Dare?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jiamei selected twenty carts from her dowry, adding up to four hundred and fifty.

The concubines and royal relatives contributed another twenty carts, making it four hundred and seventy.

Since this number was considered inauspicious, Qiao Mai rounded it to five hundred carts when no more contributions were received. This didn’t even include the living creatures.

Her dowry occupied two courtyards, creating an unprecedented scene.

The list of dowry items alone required several people to carry, and it was so extensive that words like “a bride’s dowry for ten miles” couldn’t capture its magnitude.

The grand wedding was set for the first day of March next year. The emperor, currently overseeing the construction of the Crown Prince’s residence, decided not to hold the ceremony in the palace but at the Crown Prince’s residence. Both the emperor and the empress would attend.

The emperor intended to invite Qiao Mai to oversee some modifications, making it the same as Lucky Garden.

However, considering Eleven and Ling’er’s imminent life in the palace, he abandoned the idea. He could retire a few years early and invite Qiao Mai to renovate the palace, focusing on the areas where he, the empress, and the Crown Prince and Crown Princess resided.

He even considered adding a bathhouse. If Qiao Mai didn’t care for them, at least she should consider her daughter.

Qiao Mai not only cherished her daughter but also felt deeply for her daughter-in-law, especially since her pregnancy. She secretly renovated the courtyard where they lived.

The small courtyard was filled with abundant spiritual energy, making the air comfortable. This was highly beneficial for the fetus’s development.

Qiao Mai made sure they had everything they needed, fearing any mishaps.

Knowing Jiamei’s fondness for small animals, Old Mistress Wang gifted one to Jiamei after confirming with Qiao Mai that the red cat posed no harm to her health.

Qiao Mai sent a sheep and a squirrel to protect her.

Jiamei was ecstatic. She adored cute and lovely creatures, quite the opposite of Ling’er.

Nanny Jin and the maids were busy making the Crown Princess’s wedding dress. The embroidery shop temporarily stopped taking external orders. One night, Qiao Mai sent someone to summon Ling’er from Xianyue Pavilion. “Mother, do you need something from your daughter?”

“Of course. You’ve always wanted a majestic beast as a pet, haven’t you?”


With a wave of Qiao Mai’s hand, a majestic lion appeared beside Ling’er, startling her.

However, she quickly regained her composure. “Is this a gift from Mother?”

“Yes, it’s called Flame Lion, a fierce beast.’

Ling’er looked at the lion and gulped. “It’s so majestic, even taller than me. I love it.”

“Take it with you at the wedding. Consider it part of your dowry.”

Ling’er chuckled and approached, patting the lion’s head. It responded by nuzzling against her and letting out a roar.

“Wow, it’s so cool.”

“It can protect you and serve as your mount. Treat it like a companion, understand?”

“Hehe, understood, Mother.”

Ling’er fondly touched its fur. “I’ll call it Flame. I love it.”


Qiao Mai glanced at Flame, attached a storage bag to its neck, and said, “Follow the young mistress properly.”

Flame nodded, and Ling’er excitedly climbed onto its back.

“Flame, can we go for a walk?”

“Only within this courtyard. Going outside might scare people.”

Yuan Jiaqi, who had seen Flame early on, initially mistook it for a tiger, thinking a tiger had entered the scene. Little did he expect a lion.

This animal wasn’t native to the Ming Dynasty, and he hadn’t seen it before. He only felt at ease after Qiao Mai explained it to him.

Watching his daughter treat it as a mount, he felt envious.

On the roof, Blackie disdainfully rolled its eyes. It thought, “It might be big, but it hasn’t reached my level yet. Acting all high and mighty. I could take on ten of you in a fight.”

Blackie acted like a big shot every day. If Qiao Mai didn’t call, it wouldn’t appear.

He acted like a bird, perched on the roof for no reason, displaying an arrogant demeanor. Qiao Mai glanced up at Blackie.

She thought, “One day, I’ll replace you and let you scream in the space.”

Blackie, cleverly sensing Qiao Mai’s disdain, quickly contacted her with its mind. “Master, I’m obedient.”


“Alright, I’ll leave obediently.”

Ling’er brought Flame back to the courtyard that night, startling a few maids. Nanny Jin was so frightened she couldn’t speak.

“Girl, how could you bring a fierce beast here? Our courtyard is filled with women. Who can handle it if something happens?”

Ling’er patted Flame’s head. “This is the dowry Mother gave me. It doesn’t eat people. Don’t worry. Go to the kitchen and get some meat.”

Flame bit Ling’er’s arm gently and shook it. Ling’er asked in confusion.

“You don’t eat meat?”

Flame licked a pouch on its neck. Ling’er suddenly realized, “Alright. When you’re hungry, let me know.”

Ling’er was delighted, leading Flame into the house. She even prepared a mat for it.

“You can sleep here for now. After my wedding, ‘ll build a beautiful nest for you in the courtyard. Hehe.”

Leaning against the door, Nanny Jin and the maids saw that although Flame was imposing, it appeared gentle in front of Ling’er like a lamb.

The sheep leader rushed in, rolled its eyes at the sight of Flame, and quickly ran out.

Although it was beneath the lion in the food chain, being under the same owner made the sheep leader unafraid.

It just came over for an inspection, and the flying squirrel on the tree looked down with disdain at the large creature inside the house.

The next day, as soon as the sun rose, Ling’er rode Flame and strolled around the house.

Fortunately, the servants of Lucky Garden had undergone numerous tests of courage. Though scared, they believed this beast wouldn’t harm anyone.

Ling’er also let Flame go wherever it pleased as long as it didn’t leave Lucky Garden.

Within three days, the news of a tiger-like creature in Lucky Garden spread.

Now that Qiao Mai had nothing to hide, people could say whatever they pleased.

The emperor, empress, and Eleven visited at night to see Ling’er’s pet.

When they saw Flame, which was nearly two meters tall and five meters long, they were all dumbfounded.

“Darling, is this for Ling’er?”

“Yes, she always wanted a majestic pet, so I sent someone overseas to capture one in a hot area. It was raised from a young age, already trained, and won’t bite or eat people. Just feed it some pork, beef, or lamb occasionally.” “Are you worried that Eleven will bully Ling’er after they’re married?”

Qiao Mai looked at Eleven. “Do you dare?” “If Eleven dares, let it eat him.’

“Good, a well-spoken vow; I will remember it.”

Qiao Mai glanced meaningfully at Eleven, then casually said, “In addition to this lion, there are two horses and two carriages.”

Thinking of that ship, the emperor couldn’t resist his excitement. “In-law, what about the ship?”

“No. Without me, you better behave. If anything happens to the ship, no one will be there to save you.”


The children exchanged glances, bewildered by the talk of ships. The old emperor, aware of his in-law’s reminder, dared not elaborate. Some things were better kept from the children.

He refrained from saying more, fearing displeasing his in-law.

The more he witnessed at Lucky Garden, the more satisfied the old emperor became with this marriage. He grew more respectful toward Qiao Mai from the bottom of his heart.

In the summer of the capital, the rain came unpredictably. The hustle and bustle of the city couldn’t stop pedestrians and carriages, even those carrying umbrellas.

At the city gate, a large procession of carriages and horses arrived.

After inspection by the city guards, they entered the city and stopped in front of a large mansion.

One after another, many people descended—men, women, young, old, dozens of them in total. It was a lively scene.

“Dad, Mom, we’re finally back!”

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