Rosie's Games

Chapter 64: Huig 2

Chapter 64: Huig 2

Rosalind's eyes narrowed at the man with white hair who was trying his best to avoid her gaze. He was tall and lean, his face leaning towards being pretty than being called handsome.

"Whatever happen to him?" she asked. The man looked angry and she could guess that the Duke might have beaten him to submission but there were no bruises on his face. "I do not want to keep someone that might kill me if I close my eyes. I tend to value my sleep very much," she said.

"He will not touch you again."

"You seemed so sure?"

"Don't you trust me?"

"Can you blame me?" Should she really trust a stranger when her life was at stake? True, she revealed her Blessing to the man and the Duke had been helping her, but this Huig looked like he would behead her the moment she closed her eyes.

Would she be able to sleep knowing someone like that was standing near her?

"He will not do anything." The Duke offered a rather wry smile. It looked like he was helpless but could not really give up just yet. "He will do anything to keep you safe."

"Alright," Rosalind said. "But if I die by his hands"

"Even if you die by someone else's hands, Huig will be punished. From now on, he is yours. You can do whatever you want with him."

"Mine?" That surprised her. What was he talking about?

"Yes, my Lady, Huig is yours. Your wish is his command, he would even slit his own throat without a second thought if you asked him to do so."

Rosalind frowned at that. Was the man akin to a slave? That did not sit well with her.

"I am leaving. I would see you tomorrow, my Lady." The Duke got up and elegantly kissed the back of her hand, then he jumped out of the window and vanished into the dark.


Just as the Duke said, Rosalind's grandfather called her in the early hours of the next morning. Maids were sent to change her clothing to a decent set and to make her look more presentable. After hours of doing her skin and hair and makeup, they finally let her towards her grandfather's study where Martin and Federico Lux were waiting for her.


"Young Lady Dorothy, we apologize but your grandfather wanted us to lead the Young Miss to"

"I wanted to talk to her." Dorothy suddenly appeared before they could walk inside the house. "You follow me."

Rosalind blinked as if she did not understand her sister's orders.

"I said, I wanted to talk to you!" Dorothy hissed, her eyes narrowed. Despite this, Dorothy still looked beautiful with her blue dress and braided blond hair. In fact, she looked rather gentle and harmless.

But the fire from the woman's eyes was undeniable.

"I said"

"I heard you older sister," Rosalind said meekly. "But grandfather wants to talk to me. If it's alright I will visit you in your quarters later on," Rosalind continued.

"Hah You"

"Young Lady, many people are watching," Dorothy's maid immediately chimed in. "We should leave."

Dorothy frowned. Then she glared at Rosalind and marched towards the garden.

"I apologize," Rosalind said. "It's my fault that"

"Young Miss, you should not apologize to them," Milith immediately said. "You are always like this. How will you survive in the North if you would always bow down to everyone?" Milith's voice cracked and everyone who heard it could not help but assume that this was not the first time that Rosalind apologize to the maids.

"We are your servants, Young Miss, it is our responsibility to serve you. Promise me you will not do this again."


"And you are going to cry again, we should go inside. His Blessedness is waiting for you," Milith said and assisted her inside the manison. Obviously, the two did it all just for show, Rosalind was quick to act like a weak woman and Milith was smart enough to play along.

After a few minutes, the group finally arrived at the study of the oldest Lux.

Rosalind walked in alone. As always, not even the servants were allowed inside without being called or given permission to do so.


"Do not call me that," Federico Lux snapped. "You do not have the right to call me that."


"Shut your mouth and listen to what I have to say." Federico was sitting in front of the fireplace, a wine glass in his hand. He narrowed his eyes at the scorching fire and did not even spare Rosalind a glance.

"The Duke is going to deliver an official proposal today, and you will accept it with all your heart."

"The Duke?" her eyes widened.

"In the North, you will be sending us letters every month, if you survive the long travel."


"Telling us what the Duke has been up to."

"But grandfather" she frowned. "Are you trying to make me spy on my own husband?"

"No. I only want to know if he has been treating you well. Despite the fact that you look different, you are still a Lux, you are still a member of my family."


"There is no need to put pressure on yourself, one letter will do."

She pursed her lips in response as she wondered what was the old man up to. Did he really think that his shallow words would fool her? What nonsense.

"The Empress wants to invite you to a ball."

"A ball?"

"But you you are not well."


"You have been very sick lately so there is no need for you to join any balls. Just prepare yourself for the cold, you are leaving in half a month from today."

"But isn't this"

"She will understand once I tell her about your weak body. You are ignorant, clueless, and lacked etiquette, did you really think that I would let you embarrass the Lux Family in front of the Empress?"

"I" She was speechless, really speechless. Actually, she was looking forward to this ball! The Duke told her about it the other night but she did not think her grandfather would do something so unimaginable.

"As someone from the Lux Family, you carry not just yourself but the whole Lux Family behind you! Do you understand me?"

"Y Yes your Blessedness," Rosalind answered meekly. Yes, she did.

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