ReLife Player

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

[A Hope Named Fairy (3)].

YH World is an amusement park that YH Group bought from Dawn World, which was sold by Dawn Group.

So walking around the neighborhood, it was easy to find traces of Dawn World.

Eunha spotted the symbol of Dawn Group on the back of Atlantis ride as it splashed through the water.

The descending daffodils seemed to start a slow dance, making it feel like lotus flowers were floating on the water.

Oppa, look! There are daffodils here too! Where are we?

Its Dawn World.

Baek-ryeon was in middle school.

The Mist Flower Party went to an amusement park to investigate the rumors of monsters in the Dawn World.

They decided to split into two groups and take turns on the mission.

Jin Parang and some of the other party members insisted on this.

Of course, Eunha tried to ignore their arguments, but it was hard to do so when he thought of Baek-ryeon, who looked at people with envy.

In the end, he decided to accept the opinions of his party members.

I dont see whats so good about daffodils. Its just a flower without any deep meaning, like transient love, or the legend of a hwarang*who became a daffodil after losing his wife to a powerful man.

What? Really?

Yeah, thats why I dont like it. Daffodils seem to symbolize authority that wont easily crumble

The rest of the day, Yoo-jung was just grumbling and grumbling.

Since she, who usually led the atmosphere in the party, didnt seem happy, Baek-ryeon and the other party members had no choice but to pay attention to her mood.

Leader! Leader, come over here.


We just came to play together, are you going to be like this? Youre supposed to make Yoo Jung feel better!

Aww, you know you dont have a clue, Leader, youre so clueless. You should hold her hand and everything! You should be close to her, maybe even put your arm around her! Stick close!

The twin sisters, who were mumbling, scolded him.

Offended, Eunha glared at the twins, but he had no use for the twins who said they had been through all kinds of rough things.

In fact, they grabbed his hand and made Lee Yoo-jungs hand stick together.

Think about it, Leader! Were acting like regular people out at an amusement park right now.

But dont you think its weird for a grown man and woman in their 20s to be out without even dating, keeping their distance like this?

It was ridiculous.

Eunha thought about slapping the blabbering twin sisters.

But his hand didnt move.

Yoo Jung hadnt let go of his hand.

What are you getting upset about? Come on, you said you wanted to ride Atlantis.

Suddenly feeling better, Yoo jung didnt let him speak and led him to the Atlantis ride.

Sounds good. I want to hold your hand.

That day, he didnt let go of Yoo jungs hand until they got home.

Eunha! Theres a picture!

Oppa, your face is weird!

Eunha snapped out of his reverie when he heard Euna and Eunae running up to him.

Euna showed him the developed photo.

In the picture taken as the Atlantis descended rapidly, he looked like his cheeks were flying upward.

Were my cheeks always this chubby?

No! You look so cute! Youre so cute that I want to bite you even now!

Euna shook her head furiously.

Eunha slowly backed away.

Suddenly, he remembered something from the past.

Euna used to suck his cheeks before he entered kindergarten.

Even though she was his noona, he couldnt give away his precious cheeks at this age.


Of course, Eunha had gotten his revenge on his little sister, who couldnt even speak properly.

There is such a thing, Eunae.

Eunha stroked his sisters hair without saying anything.

Bomyeol noona looks weird too?

Im ugly like this?

Eunha pointed to the picture of Im Gaeul, who was pressing her floppy hat down with one hand and not sure if she was crying or laughing.

She straightened her clothes and stared at the picture.

It seemed to bother her.

Nonetheless, she stared at the photo with distaste but still kept it, putting it in her handbag.

Thank you, Euna. How much was the photo?

Oh no, you dont need to pay, Mom said it.

Sorry for just receiving it like this In that case, let me buy you something to drink.

Huh? But you already had a drink earlier?

I feel bad, so I suggested it. Or if theres something else you want to eat, go for that.

Since that incident when Eunha made fun of her age, Im gaeul began calling him Oppa.

To emphasize that she was younger.

Eunha suppressed a laugh and followed suit.

Now, with a defeated look on his face, Lee Jung-hyun held out his card before the cashier could confirm the order.

Oh? Its a puppy!

Eunae jumped out of her moms arms when she spotted the puppy curled up in the corner of the counter.

As soon as the puppy saw her, it wagged its tail and stuck its head in.

How cute! Is that a puppy from the store?

No, the puppy is a macaron!

Do you want to eat macaroons? Do you want to order macaroons?

No, its a macaron!

Eunae puffed out her cheeks while petting the puppy.

It seemed she named it because she liked the puppy.

His mom and dad were busy taking pictures of her clinging to the dog.

Euna joined in too.

She switched her phone to selfie mode and tried to capture a picture of Eunae and the puppy.

They have so much stamina. Im getting tired now.

Noona. Are you tired of this already?

Its because noona grew up in a greenhouse.

Im Gaeul sipped the coffee Lee Jung-hyun brought her and slumped her shoulders.

She seemed tired from constantly holding Eunaes hand.

But when she looked at the picture taken out of her handbag, she smiled as if nothing was wrong.

Still, its nice to play after so long.

Why? Has it been a long time since you played? I play every day.

Its nice for a kid.

Eunha asked, knowing.

It was impossible for a fairy to have a vacation.

Baek-ryeon had never taken a vacation.

The only time she ever got to rest was at the end of a long day, before she went to bed.

When she traveled across the country, it was even worse.

She had to activate the cocoons in every city she visited, so the only time she could close her eyes was during the travel.

Even then, there were times when she had to force her mana-depleted body to stand up because she still had paperwork to complete.

Its okay, oppa. Im sure Im Gaeul unnie has it harder than I do.

Eunha didnt intend to leave the group of people manipulating Baekryeon as a tool.

Even if he confronted them, nothing would change, but he intended to kill evil intentions as much as he could.

Every time, Baek-ryeon stopped him.

She had become a fairy before she had reached adulthood, and she feared that he might die like Lee Jung-hyun.

And she endured it firmly, mentioning Im Gaeul, who would be spending even tougher days than her.

Im sorry.

What does oppa have to be sorry for?

As a mere player, he was powerless to protect her from unseen forces.

All he could do was watch.

The only thing he could do was to climb over the Blue House wall to see her whenever he could.

College students dont have time to play, they have to work on assignments in the library, review for classes, study for exams, and if the person theyre teaming up with is trouble, thats a problem too. Just when you think youre done with this one, that one blows up, and while youre dealing with that one, something else blows up.

Noona knows well.

Because noona is in college.

Im Gaeul replied nonchalantly. She rested her chin on her hand and looked out the window as if envying the people outside.

You have to study, you have to socialize, you have to be mindful of others, you have to manage the kids fights.

Euna also gazed out the window.

People living under the threat of monsters were happily smiling and walking around.

So its best to play while you can, Eunha, so have fun while you can.

Youre just playing today and thats it?

I have to go back to college tomorrow. Its April from next week, so I have to prepare for my midterms.


Yes, midterms.

Im Gaeul sighed heavily.

She frowned in annoyance.

Come to think of it, now would be a good time to get a new twelve.

What could be the reason for her to act like this?

It didnt take long for Eunha to notice.

The second election of the Twelve Seats will be held in April.

The meeting would include the existing Twelve, as well as the bureaucrats of the Fairy Ladys government.

It wasnt unreasonable for her to sigh.

From the candidates, she would have to choose players who were capable of representing the country, while at the same time using them to keep the forces that opposed her existence in check.

It could become a problem if there were opposing factions among the newly selected individuals.

If she made a mistake, the Twelve Seats, who were supposed to be her sword, could turn against her instead.

There was also the possibility of overly empowering certain clans or groups.

In fact, most of the Third Generation Twelve Seats became not the sword protecting Baekryeon but the sword threatening her.

Who would be chosen as the Twelve at this time, Cho Young hoon, perhaps?

Of course, even after selecting the Second Generation of the Twelve Seats, there were new recruits for the Twelve.

When <Unbreakable Shield> Moon-joon died defending Seoul, it was chaos.

However, his replacement, Cho Young-hoon, was not called the the Third Generation of the Twelve Seats.

They didnt do a large-scale selection of the six Seats like they did with the Second Generation Twelve Seats.

What is the test?

Why should I tell you?

Im trying to help you.

Eunha smirked as she drew a line suddenly.

There were also Twelve Seats among the Second Generation of the Twelve Seats who sided with forces opposing the existence of fairies.

While they hadnt been the ones to dethrone her, there was no denying that they had played a role in shaking her position.

Those bastards had stopped being Twelve Seats but still meddled in Baekryeon, and

The same goes for Cho Young-hoon.

However, he wouldnt become a Twelve Seat at this time.

You wouldnt know it if I told you.

What is it?

Discuss the players to be selected as the Second Generation Twelve Seats with examples.

Isnt that a little too revealing?

Eunhas eyes widened.

See, what would an elementary school student know?

Im Gaeul giggled as if shed seen this coming.

Thats the test question? How does noona know?

Because the professor announced it ahead of time.

Then we just have to memorize the answers.

But its not a problem with predetermined answers. Its not like the question will be exactly as it is. Its based on that question.

Well, thats what it is. So what are the examples?

I dont want you to hear it. You wouldnt know.

Im Gaeul listed the players names as if she didnt expect anything.

It didnt only contain the players names. From the middle, there were celebrity names or food names included.

Neoguri, Yukgaejang, Kkokkomyeon, Dad is a Chef, Wang Ttukkong.

Noona, do you only eat ramen?

Because noona is a college student.

Apparently, she was going to keep pushing the college student concept.

Fortunately, the names she listed included the names of the Twelve Seats who would be chosen for the next term.

The problem was persuading Im Gaeul.

If it was Im Gaeul, she could be suspicious enough to question, but she would handle it well even if she doubted it herself.

I can ask Seoyoung later.

There seems to be one person who might not be the right fit.

Who is it?

Im Gaeul replied in a tone that showed she didnt expect much.

Its Player Kwak Woo-hyuk.

<Landman> Kwak Woo-hyuk.

It was a Caster sent out by the Changhae Clan to replace Shin Seoyoungs position.

Why? Why Kwak Woo-hyuk, though?

Im Gaeul turned her head.

She was intrigued by the mention of a player from Changhae Clan.

He was in the Changhae Clan. So, wouldnt Player Kwak Woo-hyuk dislike the Fairy who dismantled the clan?


Kwak Woo-hyuk was a skilled player.

No one could match his abilities in handling the land and snakes.

However, he had a tendency to overestimate his strength.

He didnt hesitate to belittle <Queen>, who was often compared to him.

Moreover, he was one of the people who taught magic to Baekryeon.

Baekryeon had to modify her magic to make it suitable for practical use.

One day, seeing her return with a scar on her face, he realized the truth and forced Kwak Woo-hyuk to bow and serve her.

I see. So, who do you think should be chosen?

The parade had begun.

Im Gaeul waved at Eunha and Eunae, who were going to watch the parade.

Eunha shrugged.

The rest were good.

But if he had to name two people who were important to the future of Baekryeon, he could name two.

Earlier, Noona called some people witches, right?


Yes, witches.

Eunha replied, looking down at Eunae, who had picked herself up off the floor while holding her parents hands.

Who was it, Pre, Pre.

Precis Memory?

Oh, that one!

<Witch of time> Precis Memory.

She replaced Bang Yeon-jis position as <Florist>. She didnt receive favorable treatment because her blood was not mixed with Koreans.

Nevertheless, she supported Baek-ryeon and became an excellent mentor.

Her magic was exceptional.

Even if he didnt mention it, Im Gaeul couldnt ignore her magic.

Finally, <Stargazing Witch> Song Yunseo.

She was also a player who didnt put enemies in the clan.

She prophesied the future.

Baekryeon, who became a fairy goddess before she reached adulthood, relied heavily on her to stabilize the government despite opposition.

Your fate also ends here.

She was also the one who predicted the death of <Undead>.

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