I Have Yet to Become a Doll Today

Chapter 67 - 67: 67 Two Boys

Chapter 67 - 67: 67 Two Boys

Translator: 549690339

The boy finished speaking, hoisted his sack of rice onto his shoulder again, and with his companion continued on, ignoring Shen MO and his group.

“No wonder the streets are empty, everyone must have gone to Yangzhou Port,” Tan Xiao concluded, “We should go there too, see what’s happening.” Teacher Cheng said, “If we go to Yangzhou Port, we’ll have to turn back.”

Bai Youwei closed her eyes and immediately objected: “I’m not going. You can tell just by thinking about it that conditions on the ship will be terrible, people packed like livestock, getting sick and vomiting. Unless it’s a Royal Caribbean, I’d rather jump into the river.”

Tan Xiao looked confused: “Royal Caribbean, what’s that?…A pirate ship?”

“It’s a cruise ship,” Shen MO glanced at Bai Youwei, “And the most luxurious kind at that.”

Tan Xiao suddenly realized: “Oh…”

Teacher Cheng hesitated on one side: “But those two students just now said, it’s only safe on the water surface now…”

“They also used to say places without dolls are safe, and now they’re still dangerous with the emergence of this strange fog,” Bai Youwei dismissed, “The situation keeps changing, who knows for sure? Anyway, I won’t go. If you want to, then go.”

Tan Xiao looked at Teacher Cheng, then back at Bai Youwei, hesitantly asking: “Really not going?”

Bai Youwei scoffed lightly, “I’m not stopping you. Just take pity on this cripple, you guys go. Just don’t bother me.”

Shen MO was silent for a few seconds, putting his hand gently on her head,

Are you still grumpy from just waking up?”

“Don’t touch me!” Bai Youwei slapped his hand away, grumpily.

Tan Xiao:

Teacher Cheng:

Seems like the answer is yes.

Shen MO shook his head helplessly, gripped the steering wheel, and set off again.

He didn’t change direction, instead he directly caught up to the two boys who had not gone far.

The boys heard movement behind them, turned around, saw the car coming again, and their brows furrowed with visible nervousness.

“What do you want now?”

Shen MO hit the brakes, asking, “If everyone is looking to take shelter on a ship, why aren’t you heading to Yangzhou Port?”

The boy and his mate glanced at each other.

The taller boy was the first to speak, “We are waiting for more people to join us, then we will go with everyone.”

“I see.” Shen Mo’s tone was calm, emotionless as stale water, “So, when do you plan to go?”

The other boy was getting irritated, “What business is it of yours when we go?!”

“None.” Shen MO smiled faintly, “I just wanted to follow you guys, see where you settle down.”

On hearing this, the boys’ faces soured. He nudged his mate, ignoring Shen Mo’s group, and frantically quickened their pace.

But how could they be faster than a car?

Moreover, one carrying a bag and the other a sack of rice, they quickly became out of breath and drenched in sweat.

“What should we do?” The boy looked back at the off-road vehicle that consistently trailed not far behind, his eyes filled with anxiety, “Should we take a detour to shake them off?”

“No.” The tall boy shook his head, huffing, “Taking a detour would waste too much time, and Teacher Tu is waiting for us to bring medicine back. Don’t worry about them, we all have items for protection, we don’t need to be scared of them.’

“Alright, let’s speed up then!”

The two encouraged each other, relentlessly pushing forward.

“What’s up with these two kids? They’re acting like we’re thieves,” Tan Xiao leaned forward, looking perplexed, “They blew up at just a few questions, their temper stinks worse than mine.”

“During these unusual times, it’s normal for people to be a little sensitive.” Teacher Cheng heaved a sigh from inside the car, “How did things end up like this, sigh..

“So what do we do now? Keep following them?” Tan Xiao asked.

From behind the wheel, Shen MO calmly said, “They arrived at Yangzhou earlier than us, they’ll have a clearer idea of the situation here. If they’re not leaving, there must be another reason…Besides, wherever they’ve settled should be safer than other places..”

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