
Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Episode 2. Book 3: Infiltration Chapter 14

What do you think is happening? Sedum asked Dite. 

The crew members expressions were filled with fear. Some were looking at Dite while shivering their bodies with blue lips.

Well Dite passingly replied. 

Her expression was calm, and she looked indifferent. However, her eyes, narrowly opened with an unknown tension within, were staring somewhere beyond the forest.

The crew members were feeling an unbearable fear.

The evening sky, dyed red, was clear with only a few soft, cotton-like clouds floating around. Out of the dry skies, an incredibly powerful lightning bolt struck. Bright lights that would blind ones eyes spread in all directions, penetrating into each crew members body and draining them of energy.

A roar that seemed like it would tear up the sky and the ground, a rumbling as if an earthquake occurred, and a huge shockwave that didnt seem like a scream or a yell these successive occurrences had entered into the forest and caused the current situation in their camp. 

They instinctively looked for Dite. They couldnt think of anything else except that the forest god was angry. Something probably happened to their captains

I do not know, Dite said as she turned towards them. Her expression suddenly became softer.

Be relieved. I think your captains will return.

Who are they fighting with? Yekin asked carefully with a light-headed face.

Well who could it be? A monster that uses lightning and thunder?

Dite laughed. Then she looked back into the woods. She stared intently. Her eyes were sinking in. It must be scary. Even Im so scared These were the words she swallowed.

That day, the party camped at the Avian peoples border. San and Biyeon returned to the campsite with relaxed appearances and, as usual, gave some instructions and confirmation to the company commanders. Their mind and body hadnt been this tired and exhausted since escaping the Pian. They needed to rest and recharge.

[Should I try some nectar?]

[No, no nectar!]

[Yeah Lets endure it. Just clench my teeth and keep my head down]

[Now, lets get started...]

The next day was bright. Biyeon and San were welcoming the morning in their small tent. Their bodies should have recovered to some extent now. The two hardly slept last night. They hugged each other tightly and fell asleep at dawn. That sleep was sweeter than ever for both San and Biyeon.

A quiet morning in the forest allows people to reflect. Biyeon closed her eyes and frowned at the morning sun shining through the gap in the tent. However, she felt the familiar and gentle touch of his hands run through her hair, so she intentionally kept her eyes closed a little longer. Even with her eyes closed, she could feel and visualize what was going on around her.

She knew what expression he had and where he was looking She also knew what he was feeling. He provided his arm as a pillow while running his hands through her hair

Biyeon raised her hands. Both hands curled slowly around his neck and up to his face. She felt his calm breath on the tip of her nose.

She opened her eyes slightly. His playful eyes were looking back at her. She felt that his eyes shined brightly like starlight within the dark silhouette created by the morning sun.

Sleep some more, he said in a low voice.

Biyeon closed her eyes and frowned a little. His response was too short and direct. Goosebumps started forming on her back, but she felt relaxed and comfortable

It doesnt hurt anymore.

Not yet

Biyeon put strength in her arms to get up. Sans words didnt continue. 


The procession moved smoothly and safely through the forest. Gapael and Linuel opened all the paths by mobilizing the Avian people, as promised. The Avian people cleared all obstacles in their path so that they could pass quickly. The Avian peoples residence was deep in the woods, so it wasnt possible to have a look inside.

Several representatives of the Avian people came out on the sides of the road to meet them.

Their expressions were filled with sorrow and ferocious anger as they looked at the procession that slaughtered their own people.

San and Biyeon accepted and returned their cold gazes with expressionless faces. Soon, they emanated a much more powerful aura of will and fearlessness. Their energy didnt weaken until the Avian peoples representatives turned away. The representatives immediately retracted their hostility while getting blue in their faces. Almost at the same instant that the Avian peoples hostility was retracted, San and Biyeon retracted their aura as well.

The message was direct and concise. If they were hostile, San and Biyeon would be hostile as well. They werent idle travelers. They were soldiers performing their missions during a war 

In the sky, a group of unarmed Avian warriors watched over and guided the convoy. As soon as the convoy left the Avian peoples territory, a magnificent lake unfolded in front of their eyes. Numerous tributaries and rivers flowed down from the north of the lake and flowed to the west. Deep in the east and south, large salt deposit zones could be seen. It was a complex lake with a strange mixture of freshwater and saltwater sources.

In the deepest part of the south, they could see an abyss that was more than 2,000 meters wide. Clouds, fog, and steam rose up into the air. Because of its strange shape and sources of water, the lake boasted a very complex ecosystem that couldnt be found in any seas or rivers. They could also see huge waterfalls falling from the mountains in the distance. The water was shining brightly in the sunlight.

This lake is called Lake Adrit. It is the largest lake in the northern region. If we follow along the lakeside from east to south, we have to go across two streams, Sedum said.

Bridges? San asked.

There are a total of two bridges we need to cross. After crossing the bridges, a small village will appear. From there, we can take the main road to our destination, Porato City.

How long will it take once were on the main road?

The route is good, so if we go a little faster, well arrive in about 5 days.

What are the dangers?

The Akum tribe has a village and make their residence next to the bridge. They will probably ask for a toll.

Any other ways of getting to Porato City?

There is, but we have to go back about ten days. Its a very rough and dangerous path.

Is the toll the Akum charge expensive?

It depends on the opposite party. They prefer goods and products rather than money. If money is accepted, one must bring the same value worth of goods and products to trade back for the money. They dont like humans, but they regularly trade with humans to get what they need.

What if I give them money and dont come back? 

They ask for hostages to make sure the traders come back.

What if I cant fulfill the second trade?

They will start killing.

San frowned. Biyeon asked Dite, What kind of race are the Akum?

They are an intelligent species that can live both in water and on land. They have similar abilities to humans on land, but they are nearly invincible in the water. They have developed language skills, so they can communicate with humans.

Do they act in groups?

They act in small groups. They usually form groups of four to six, working in a way so that two families work together. They are very sensitive to their domain and territory.

Hmm- I guess theyre like mermaids? San said as he turned to Biyeon.

Does it sound that romantic? she replied sarcastically.

Do you think well need to conduct reconnaissance? San followed up.

I dont think its necessary. Anyway, theres no countermeasure we can take if we need to fight underwater. I think it would be better to go now and think later, Biyeon replied.


The convoy proceeded slowly. All kinds of birds and flying creatures were flying over the lake.

Among them were giant tetradactyl-like birds from the dinosaur era and various types of Avian people. Their constant presence over the lake meant that there were bountiful amounts of wildlife and food within the lake.

Sedum stopped the convoys forward march. In front was a bridge across the stream where a carriage could pass. The bridge had no railings and was about 50 meters long. The deep blue stream just below it was flowing slowly, touching the edge of the road. If one were pulled, pushed, or swiped into the water from the bridge, one would surely fall in without fail.

Are those bald-headed people from the Akum race? San quietly asked Sedum.

Thats correct, sir.

In front of them were five creatures with silver-grey skin looking at them.

Their faces were similar to humans. They wore simple clothes that seemed to be made from fish scales and crocodile skins. They looked like they were wearing a slender full-body swimsuit.        

Even by human standards, their manner of dress and look is not unfamiliar. Now, shall we start the negotiations? Will you go? San said as he looked at Sedum.

Yes, sir.

Do you need an escort?

There is no need to put them on alert. If necessary, I will give you a signal if I require assistance. Im not too shabby as a warrior on land.

Sedum got off his horse and slowly walked toward the Akum people. Sedum spoke first, and one Akum, who seemed to be the representative, said something in reply. The rest of the Akums were watching the twos conversation from a distance. Their location was close to the water, so it seemed that they were prepared to dive into the water at any time.

Sedum returned back to the convoy. He had a somewhat lost expression. He tilted his head

It seems that the negotiations didnt go well. What are they asking for? San stated.

They didnt ask for anything. They just want to meet the captains.


They said they have something they wish to speak with you two about.


San looked at Biyeon with an unsatisfied expression.

She shrugged her shoulders. 

The two walked to the Akum people together. One persons steps were heavy and one persons steps were cheerful.

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