East Meet West

Chapter 250: ‘Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete Chops’ and ‘Drunken Style’

Chapter 250: ‘Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete Chops’ and ‘Drunken Style’

250- Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete Chops and Drunken Style

Orochi pondered for a few minutes to decide which fighting technique he wants to start in between the Mountain Cleaving 3 Machete Chops and the Drunken style martial art.

And finally, he felt that both of these fighting techniques had some issues.

A powerful strike with a power of 1200 kilograms is not a difficult task for him, because if he is willing and deactivates the Stat Locking function, then he can easily deliver a strike with a force of more than a few tons or a few thousand kilograms easily.

So, in his opinion, Mountain Cleaving 3 machete chops will lose its value against just his full strength.

And it is said that practicing the Drunken Style martial art, requires lots of time and practice. Not to mention, this technique requires him to consume wine, and the fact that neither has he tasted it in his life nor is he carrying any wine with him currently.

So, he cannot practice the Drunken Style martial art, at least not now.

Thinking about this, he decided to practice the Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops.

Yes, it might sound like he is wasting time when he could just strike randomly by using his full strength.

But he wants to learn as many fighting techniques and martial arts as possible because he wants to experience the Enlightenment and gain inspiration to create a fighting technique or martial art solely for himself.

Fighting techniques and martial arts are created by not only powerhouses but also by normal cultivators who gain sudden enlightenment or inspiration.

Just like how it is said that 5 animal kung fu is created after getting inspiration from the corresponding animals.

The same goes for other martial arts and fighting techniques.

Humans are the most creative living beings that can create miracles with their minds.

So, it's this creativity that has led to the creation of numerous fighting techniques and martial arts in this world.

Hence, it is for the same reason that humans have many fighting techniques to practice, while the monster tribe like the Lamia tribe has a limited number of martial arts and most of them are obtained from the human race.

So, Orochi hopes that learning different kinds of fighting techniques and martial arts will someday give him some kind of inspiration or even Enlightenment, such that he will be able to create a supreme martial art or fighting technique suitable for himself.

Also, by practicing this technique, he can learn to control his strength properly.

Orochi has some worry that due to his rapidly increasing strength; he too would face a situation when he is drinking water, he accidentally breaks the glass because of some strength.

And due to his inability to control his strength properly, he would face many problems, so with this fighting technique, he can at least learn to control his strength.


Deciding this, Orochi took out the Mountain Cleaving- 3 Machete chops manual from his storage ring and started to read it.

After a few minutes, Orochi got some basic idea about this machete technique, so he took out the machete he bought along with the fighting techniques at the Golden cloud chamber of commerce.

The machete he was holding was a Red Grade level 2 weapon, with a blade length of 60 centimeters, 4 inches wide, and of a centimeter thick.

The machete weighed about 30 kilograms (approx. 60 pounds).

The blade was made of a material called Bone Iron, which was a type of iron with similar color and texture to that of a bone, hence it is called Bone iron. The whole blade of the machete looked white in color.

The Bone iron is a Red Grade Level 1 material, hence its characteristics are dozens of times better than a normal iron and it is more durable, so it is quite popular.

Orochi, first randomly swung the machete to get a feel and familiarity with the weapon.

Finally, after he got familiar with the machete, he started to practice how it was described in the manual.

Many fighting techniques work only when both the physical strength and spiritual qi/ Qi work in sync.

So, while Orochi started to practice the Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops, he would adjust his physical strength as well as the amount of spiritual qi according to how it was described.




And just after some 2-3 minutes, system notification rang,


Host has started to learn- [Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops]

Current Proficiency- 1% [Entry stage].


Seeing this, Orochi murmured in low voice,

Well, that was quick.

Normally, it would take some time for anyone to get started with any fighting technique or martial art; but for him, it took barely 2 minutes to gain 1% proficiency. Hence, he got somewhat surprised.

But soon he felt that it must be due to his stats like Intelligence, Sense, and Charm which were quite high, that he was able to quickly grasp the key points of Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops and increase the proficiency so quickly.

So, after knowing this, he got back to his practice.

And soon, after another 4 minutes, the system notification rang once again.


Proficiency of [Mountain Cleaving- 3 machete chops] has increased.

Current Proficiency= 2% [Entry stage].

After cultivating till here, Orochi stopped to recover his spiritual qi as he used up almost 80% of it.

Since Normal grade Level 11 fighting techniques and martial arts are so powerful, their requirements will also be high, so it is common for it to require a large amount of spiritual qi.

So, every time Orochi executed the moves, the spiritual qi would be rapidly drained away from his dantian.

True, 27000+ spiritual qi can be stored in his dantian, but for a normal grade level 11 fighting technique, it is still not enough.

And just practicing for a few minutes, has drained 80% of his spiritual qi. So, one can only imagine how quickly the Spiritual qi is consumed.

But lucky for Orochi, he doesnt have to use Low grade energy stones and Qi Compressing formation, to recover the lost Spiritual qi.

Instead, he just has to tell the system to convert MP into Spiritual qi and supply it to the dantian.

So, after Orochi told the system to convert MP into spiritual qi, it took almost 30 thousand units of MP, which when converted to spiritual qi is about 60 thousand units, and finally, his dantian was once again full of spiritual qi.


[Authors note: You might be wondering, why are his stats playing a role when he is practicing, but he is also using the Stat Locking function. Why are you making us confused?.

Well, he is using the Stat Locking function only to restrict the stats that can affect his actions actively like- Strength, Agility, Defense, Stamina, and Resistance. These stats can expose his power. But he is not using the Stat Locking function on the Sense, Intelligence, and Charm stat because they are auxiliary stats that have no effect on his daily life and no one will notice him. Instead, they will help him to process things faster, sense any danger, etc. So, he never tampers with them.

If there is still any doubt, you can comment, when I check, I will clear them.]

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