East Meet West

Chapter 248: Elder Jit Chan’s plight

Chapter 248: Elder Jit Chan’s plight

248- Elder Jit Chans plight

With his age, it showed be known that Elder Jit Chan belongs to the higher generation member of the Chan clan when compared to the generation that Chan clans patriarch belongs to.

So, in normal times, the patriarch should talk in a respectful tone with the Elder Jit chan, keeping in mind about his seniority.

But now as the patriarch is reprimanding in front of the whole crowd and using ugly words, Elder Jit Chan felt shameful and angry.

But he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Because of anger, his judgment was clouded and he failed to realize that a person, moreover a young boy, who can reach the peak of the Demi-Human stage, must have some kind of background and must belong to a big faction. And without thinking anything, he decided to act against such a person and as the patriarch said, if the boy retaliates, then his Chan clan is finished.

Thinking about this, cold sweat formed on his head.

The Chan Clans patriarch shouted,

Elder Jit, now what is done and that cannot be changed.

What matters is how to solve this issue.

Now, I am ordering you to find this young man as soon as possible. I dont care how you do it, but I want him dead or alive at any cost. And I will give you only 3 days to complete this task, or else be ready to face the clan punishment.

Hearing this, Elder Jit Chans heart tightened with fear.

But he still complied,

Yes, Patriarch.

Hearing Elder Jit Chans reply, Chan Clans patriarch nodded indifferently and passed down the orders.

Pass my order to every member of the clan to assist Elder Jit Chan to find the young man and assign 100 guards of our Chan clan to Elder Jit Chan.

Also, pass my words to all the different factions still in the town that the town gates will be opened tomorrow as soon as the sun rises, until then they can be the guests of our Chan clan and they are invited for tonights banquet.


And just like Orochi guessed, not a single person inside the town was allowed to exit the town as the town gates were locked. And Alex Xavier's group also had to stay in the town for tonight.

Alex Xaviers group was also invited to the Chan Clans banquet.

And so were many other factions that were present in the town, also attended the banquet.

On the bright side, it looked like the Patriarch of the Chan clan invited everyone to the banquet as a means of pleasing other factions and lessening the dissatisfaction that appeared because of making all these factions stay in the town as the Chan clan locked down the town gates and prevented them from leaving the town.

But the Chan Clans patriarch had other plans in his heart, hence during the banquet, he held a small gathering with the various representatives of all the factions and discussed various things in that gathering.

Finally, after the banquet, everyone dispersed to their living areas.


Join the Discord Sect: OROCHIsBLADE



Orochis group woke early in the morning when the sun barely appeared on the horizon.

After they got ready and had their breakfast, they walked out of the village and appeared on the top of a cliff.

When they rented out the rooms in the inn, Orochi gave the servant a silver coin and enquired about a few things and it is from the servant that he was able to learn the location of such a cliff that was extremely close to the road that led to the Willow sword sect.

And in Orochis opinion, a cliff could prove to be of great advantage, when planning an ambush on a group of people.

After Orochis group arrived at the cliff, they could see a wide road at the foot of the cliff that extended to a long distance.

Observing for a few minutes, Orochi told his plan to the two women,

Look, I dont like to make things complicated, my plan is very simple.

We will gather big rocks and when Alex Xaviers group arrives, we will throw them down and create chaos between them.

In this way, their numbers will be reduced and we can also take advantage of this chaos and deliver a critical strike to the strong member of their group, such that in the final confrontation we wont be at a disadvantage.

The two women agreed and everyone proceeded with collecting big stones from the surroundings.

Seeing them proceed with his plan, Orochi sighed helplessly in his heart,

Can they even help? They dont even try to put forward their opinions. Seriously... sigh... I am not tagging along with anyone next time.

If I was alone, I would not have any scruples of using my full power, but since I am with others, I have to hide my strength.

Soon, more than a dozen huge stones were gathered and the group started to wait for the arrival of Alex Xaviers group.


In a huge room, Alex Xavier and his parents were having their breakfast and steward Rake was reporting a few things.

Suddenly, Alex Xavier couldnt help but shout at the Steward Rake, who just finished speaking,

What a group of wastes we have; they cannot even find two women? Are we raising a group of blind people?

Not to mention, that waste old man of the Chan clan let that hateful guy escape.

Is everyone in this town so useless?

Hearing this, Steward Rake replied wryly,

Young master, it's not that our people did not try, they found out that those two women were seen escaping from the town before the town gates closed, and after the lockdown, our people could not step out of the town to search for the clues of those two women. Hence, our people failed to complete the task.

Hearing this, Alex Xavier slammed the table angrily.

Seeing this, Jack Xavier frowned,

Alex, control yourself. We are having breakfast right now.

Seeing her husband is unhappy with her sons behavior, Alex Xaviers mother- Eliza Rook, immediately intervened,

Calm down dear, our son is still young and he is just frustrated on not finding the two women. Dont get angry with him.

Seeing that his wife was covering Alex Xavier, Jack Xavier snorted,

Eliza, you need to stop backing your son, or else he wont change his ways.

Like this, the family had their breakfast and got ready to move back to the Willow sword sect.

Before Jack Xavier ordered the carriages to start moving, for a moment he looked in a particular direction and ordered,

Start moving.


Since Orochis group doesnt know when Alex Xaviers group will appear, he decided to cultivate and break into the high level of Demi-Human stage. And told Armelia to keep a lookout and to inform him when Alex Xaviers group arrives.

Asking her to keep a lookout, will be a kind of training for her- is what he told her.

After that, Orochi walked some distance and sat under a big tree.

Then he took out a bottle containing the Stalactite Milk and drank 3 drops of Stalactite milk from the bottle.


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