Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 924 924 Unchanging

Chapter 924 Chapter 924 Unchanging

And that was how everything started for Shen Xiaodie. She went under the tutelage of Little Small and cultivated back into how she was in the past.

It did not take her long to exceed further beyond and break the myriad cultivation realms one after another.

An immortal as a teacher was simply one of the greatest op cheat one could get in this lifetime. The years came and pass without ado.

"How much stronger is Master Clark over you, Master?" Shen Xiaodie asked one fated day.

It did not need telling that she has been far away from Coiling Dragon Sect from the moment she started her training. A hundred years already came to pass from that sad parting.

"..." Little Small thought for a long while before he answered.

"I don't know. I can't even think of a single person that could match that Old Demon in any field or endeavor."

Little Small said and it showed how high his regard was for our very own protagonist. His legendary tale has left no enemies alive to contend against him today.

"I see." Shen Xiaodie said under her breath but the burning flames of ambition could be obviously seen in her beautiful blue eyes.

From that moment on, she trained harder than she ever did and more. There was a wish in her heart that she wanted to achieve no matter what happened.

"This girl is dreaming for the impossible." Little Small grinned at Shen Xiaodie's actions. He could see himself in her.

It had been a long long time but he must admit that surpassing the Old Demon was one of his lifelong goals. Alas, reality was not so kind at all.

* * *

Five hundred years passed and a funny pair could be seen standing amongst the domains of the clouds.

From their vantage point, they could easily see the rush of people and disciples that was busy in this early morning sun.

It was quite clear that massive changes has been done over the years that they had been away from this place.

"Some things changed but a few others remains the same."

The woman of the pair commented the moment her eyes laid upon an ordinary faced young man that wielded a wooden spear in his right arm.

"Are you sure you're not going to visit your clan's home first before landing in this place?" The man asked.

This was of course none other than Little Small whose guise remained as eternal as the very sky he stood.

"Don't tell me that you're afraid to see Master Clark again, master? I doubt that he'd have other plans for you after this." Shen Xiaodie teased.

"You're still much too green, girl. You never know what that Old Demon has got up his head at any given time. If i were you, i would go as far away as i can from this place." Little Small advised.

He has realized over the course of 500 years that coming here was a mistake after all. A big mistake in fact!

Thus, he would escape the first thing he can get and hide from the eyes of that tyrant Old Demon.

He promised himself that he would never stand before our bored gamer for at least a million years or more.

"Oh? So you would leave me all alone by the Old Demon in your mouth, master? And here i thought that you would protect me from his evil clutches always."

Shen Xiaodie acted brilliantly which softened Little Small's heart a bit.

The two had become closer as master and disciple in these 500 years and it was only too natural for Little Small to care for his talented disciple.

"This..." Before Little Small could reply, his wise disciple has already descended into the distance. This behavior made him remember why he remained single in his long life.

Women were too much for him to handle.

"WHOOSH!" With a helpless shrug, Little Small could only follow in the steps of Shen Xiaodie.

* * *

"Master Clark." A voice called our very own protagonist.

"THUD!" The wooden spear stopped its movements and its wielder gazed at the lovely woman that seemed like a fairy in the dreams of all men.

This would have been true for most but our bored gamer merely looked at this new visitor with a hint of approval on his face.

"Hmmm... To step into the Supreme Nirvana Realm in just a short 500 years... you are truly a genius in your own right, girl." Clark said honestly.

One should know that the cultivation realms in this world were as followed:

1. Body Recreation Realm – 200 years longevity

2. Eight Inner Gates Opening – 500 years longevity

3. Golden Core Ascendance – 1,000 years longevity

4. Nascent Soul Realm – 10,000 years longevity

5. Supreme Nirvana Realm – 100,000 years longevity

6. Heavenly Saint Realm – 500,000 years longevity

7. Mythical Emperor Realm – 1,000,000 years longevity

8. Fake Immortal – 10,000,000 years longevity

9. True Immortal – infinite

10. Ancient God Realm – infinite

Having a cultivation base Supreme Nirvana Realm, Shen Xiaodie could live to more than 100,000 years already.

Such a feat was certainly unprecedented especially when one would know her humble origins back in Hundred Springs Province.

It was obvious that she has indeed come far in life from where she started.

"This is all a gift from Master Clark. Without you, there would be no Shen Xiaodie of today." The woman replied humbly.

She hated that she expected to see a heroic brave young man in our good gamer but she was disappointed that he remained wearing the same ordinary face from when she saw him last.

"Don't discount the effort that you have put in, girl. You would not have achieved this much if you had the will of a sloth in the first place. Go home and see your family.

You have already served me well enough." Clark applauded Shen Xiaodie's work in herself.

After saying these words, he picked up the wooden spear once more and continued to hone his technique. He knew that he was far from perfect.

There was a long way to go and he would not stop until he reached it in full.







The sound of spear strikes cut the air and it continued for a long long time.

"What were you expecting, girl? An old demon like him won't change his ways of you." Little Small said but Shen Xiaodie answered not one word.

She stood there like a statue until the last day lights vanished from the horizon.

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