Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 5 (7)

Book 6: Chapter 5 (7)

Academic City (3rd)

The following day after the Pi-chan incident, the day of the JCs presentation had arrived.

Due to the awkward exchange between us that happened during the fight with Pi-chan, I arrived at the classroom for the JCs presentation without meeting with her. I was told that the presentation was open to anyone with any business related to the academy. Thanks to my position and Edita Senseis status, we were able to attend without issue.

The selected venue was one of the many classrooms located in the center of Academy City. The classroom was set up in a typical university style with the seats arranged in an arc that slowly descends as you walk toward the front of the room. This was a much more personable location than the auditorium that Edita Sensei gave her lecture.

Each student would take turns and head to the front of the classroom to give their presentation with their teacher watching and grading as they went. I listened from the far back of the room with the other students waiting their turn.

Thats them. The students that the noble girl was teaching.

Looks like it.

The trio of bullies were next up.

As if by fate, the JC was set to follow them up.

You may begin your presentation.

This particular class assignment allows for the students to form groups for their report. Including the bullies, most of the presentations so far have been from small groups of students. However, the JC will be giving hers alone. I wonder if watching the other students giving their reports with their friends and fellow students reminds the JC that, even after becoming a hero, shes still being ostracized.

I sank back into my chair and observed the bullies presentation.

It was a surprisingly well structured report given what I know about the three giving it. There was nothing in their presentation that definitively proved or disproved their theories, but there werent any glaringly obvious holes to point out either. Considering the bullies are all in their early to mid teens, it was a well organized and respectable presentation.

I would even go so far as to compare it to the theses Ive listened to of some undergraduates. The audience remained interested throughout which is something I cant say about similar presentations Ive had to give in the past.

The JC has yet to go and Im already feeling defeated.

I can only believe that they accomplished this thanks to Ester-chans guidance. Shes turning out to be a worthy opponent. What a smart and cute loli. However, none of that matters if she doesnt have hymen.

The bullies presentation was met with the loudest applause so far when they finished.

I suppose that was acceptable for a group of middle schoolers.

It was.

My blonde, thick-thighed Sensei was also impressed.

Rather, thats how I took her words considering she rarely offers praise.

Incidentally, Goggoru-chan was left behind in my room. I felt bad leaving her there, but, as always, its a necessary precaution to prevent unnecessary complications. Ive been forced to leave her alone quite frequently recently, so I promised her Id stay up all night to talk with her soon. She also requested that I cook her a meal. Ill do my best to impress her.

I wonder what your favourite food is, Goggoru-chan? I bet its penis.

We will be moving on to our final presentation.

The teacher continued on with the presentation.

Of course, the last one left is my own student, the JC.

She walked toward the podium at the front of the room with confidence.

The teacher appeared tired and maybe a little nervous, but the JC was the opposite. She really is a member of the Aufschnaiter family. The Aufschnaiter blood that runs through her veins gives her strength at difficult times.

You can do this, JC.

Stay strong, JC.

Im cheering for you.

Please, proceed with your presentation.


At the teachers behest, the JC began.

Before she began, I was already aware of the contents of her report. However, I had yet to get an idea of how she intended to present it. Even a well put together report can fall to pieces if the presentation is a failure.

This is what worried me the most, but what I got was shocking.

We had gone over the details countless times and decided on some things that would be omitted from her report at the JCs request.

However, the JC opened with several examples and much information that she originally asked be taken out. Specifically, these were in depth, improved methods for potion making and the specific herbs and their sources used for healing potions. The JC seamlessly integrated this information into her original report without missing a beat.

O-Oi, shes.

Yes, I noticed it too, Edita-san.

Edita Sensei was working closely with the JC and even she was caught off guard.

The JC was taking direct quotes from Senseis books. Despite Sensei being an expert on the topic, the JC refused to read any of her work until one of the last days. Not only did she incorporate Senseis works, she also added her own theories and interpretations on Senseis experiments. She extrapolated that these untested methods would likely lead to improved mana potions.

The report lasted for nearly an hour.

Most of the other students presentations lasted less than a quarter of that. The teacher made no attempt to stop her and watched intently until the JCs final remarks.

This concludes my presentation on the possibility of creating true life potions.

Her black twin tails nearly touched the floor as she gave a bow.

Her bow was met with the loudest applause so far from the audience.

Of course, I didnt hold back my praise for her either.

not bad.

I glanced down at Edita Sensei, who remained in her seat, and noticed that her eyes had changed from a teacher watching her student to an alchemist watching a colleague. There was a sense of excitement in her eyes as if she were looking at a new rival.

She did a great job.

But, what happened to her?

Its like she realized her full potential in only a day.

Is that really the same girl I met just a few days ago?

Maybe she was hoping the Kimoronge would be in attendance and she wanted to impress him. Sadly, hes not here. She did her best, but her efforts are in vain. Maybe I should have asked Drill-chan to bring him here.

The blood of the Aufschnaiter family tuly runs through her veins.

Shes capable of doing anything she puts her mind to.

This convinced me that she and Gon-chan belong to the same family.

I will now offer general comments on each presentation.

At some point, the teacher had taken a position behind the podium.

These must be her last comments to end the presentations.

As Im sure youve been able to gather, the presentations were ordered based on the drafts I received in advance. Those given near the start need more effort to meet the level expected of them while those given near the end were of a higher quality. That being said, being placed near the end does not mean more work could not be put in.

Oh, what a funky teacher. (TN: He literally uses the word funky here.)

I could see modern day Japanese students complaining about this method.

Im personally fond of this method of evaluation.

The final presentation by Aufschnaiter-san stood out above the rest. It was a fantastic presentation befitting a full paper and not just a simple school report. I plan to submit an application for her to attend the next potion conference with her report.

There were murmerings from the students as the teacher spoke.

I guess this potion conference is something akin to the Penny Empires academic conference.

You really did great, JC.

Aufschnaiter-san, that was a brilliant presentation.

thank you.

This concludes our presentations for this evening. If any of the students have questions, they may speak with me later and I can discuss it with each of you individually. I will get into contact with you later, Aufschnaiter-san.

This marked the end of the JCs presentation which proved to be a massive success.

As the majority of the audience began shuffling out of the classroom, a familiar voice called out to me as I stood from my chair.

Baron Tanaka! L-Lets get this over with!

that voice.

It was easy to tell who it was.

I turned around and stood face to face with the lolibitch. Its not surprising to see her here as she was also tutoring students that took part in the presentation.

Is she ready to admit defeat?

Fine, I have my demands ready.

I want you to verbally abuse me for being a virgin, a lolicon, and a general degenerate.

Just hurry it up! Y-You can give me an order to do anything!

what are you talking about?

We were competing against one another! Im not happy about it, but Ill disregard our status for your order this one time!


W-We set terms! I said that Id give the better presentation but I failed.


Right, this must be the resolution of our previous conversation about licking shoes.

I realized a while ago that Ester-chan will honour any arrangement no matter how it may negatively affect her. If Sophie-chan was in her place, she would try to get out of it by any means. I could even imagine her trying to sneak out of the classroom halfway through the JCs presentation after shes realized she lost.

No, I didnt win. This was a draw.

W-What the hell are you saying!?

I didnt contribute enough to her presentation to have earned the victory. The Aufschnaiter girl and Edita-san did far more work than me. Which is why this should be considered a draw.

what kind of answer is that?

The bullies that Ester-chan helped also gave a memorable report. They were the second to last to give their presentation after all. If the JC had remained her usual NEET self or if Edita Sensei didnt give her all to help her, its likely they wouldve been the last to go.

That doesnt make sense!

You can say whatever you want, but thats how I feel.

Are you just taking it easy on me because of who my Papa is!? Im going to get mad if thats true!

No, that has nothing to do with it.

Then the loser should be punished and the winner should receive a reward!


Where does this go from here?

I glanced toward Edita Sensei and noticed she seemed as unsure as me. I doubt Ester-chan would accept it if I asked Edita Sensei to decide the punishment. I need to do something that will satisfy the lolibitch.

I wonder if shed let me touch her vagina if I asked.

Someday, once Ive lost my virginity, I want to know what ts like to have sex with a girl in the dogeza position. If I ask with sincerity and show how passionately I feel about it, I bet I could get a response like, I-I guess it cant be helped. Id love to have a slutty girl give in to my request and let me have my way with her despite me being a busamen.

That would be the ideal relationship for me and Ester-chan in the future.

There is one thing.

W-What!? Just spit it out!

Continuing being friends with Allen-san. Hes a good person.


I know its not really my place, but Ive been worried about it since I noticed you fighting before. Thats all and thank you.


Thats all I want.

Eh? Ah, w-wait a second!

Anything more could be dangerous.

The number of things Id demand of her if she were a virgin is endless. Id happily go through and list them all. The world is unfair. Its best if I leave before I end up stepping on a landmine.

Lets get going, Edita Sensei.

A-Are you okay with this?

I am.

I turned away from Ester-chan; Edita Sensei followed shortly behind me.

We were side by side as we left the room.

No, just as I had one foot out of the classroom, another familiar voice called out to me.

Oi, o-ossan!

The JC.

She was wearing the usual school uniform that I was accustomed to seeing her in. Her upturned eyes as she looked at me reminded me of Ester-chan. The short skirt she wore revealed her slender, well-toned thighs. It made me want to see her wear a gym uniform and do some stretches.

What is it?

Follow me!

Sure, I dont mind.

I wonder what it could be this time.


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