Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 5 (4)

Book 6: Chapter 5 (4)

Academic City (3rd)

We were heading back to my room after my brief exchange with Drill-chan.

As I was approaching a bend in the hallway, I could overhear voices coming from ahead of me. My room was just ahead which suggested the voices were coming from just outside my room. Incidentally, Goggoru-chans room and Ester-chans room are on either side of me.

If the people were speaking in a casual tone, I might have proceeded without worry. However, the harsh tone suggested it would be better if I avoided intruding. Considering the troubles my low LUC has already caused me, its best if I avoid situations like these.

Naturally, I came to a halt.

And then, Drill-chan, who was walking behind me, collided into my back.

What do you think youre doing stopping in the middle of the hall like that?

Are you trying to make my Master touch you?

The masochist demon suspected I had ulterior motives.

That wasnt my intention but Im not bad at the result.

Her boobs felt so soft as they pressed against my back.

Excuse me, but I just heard voices ahead.

Voices? Who cares. It doesnt involve us.

Thats true, but still.

I peeked out around the bend to try and see who it was. Drill-chan also did the same and leaned out around me. To anyone passing by, it might look like this busamen and a beautiful girl are intimately involved.

I noticed the Kimoronge glaring at me as his Master got close to me.


I spotted one of the people who I recognized immediately.

The tall one there is Peacock. Hes a student here.

The smaller one I recognize from the Aufschnaiter family. What are they doing?

It was the JC and P-chan.

They were just a few metres away from my front door.

If I noticed the JC crying I might have turned around and tried to kill time for an hour or so before returning. Perhaps I wouldve stayed and watched as the JC was rejected by Pi-chan.

However, the JC didnt have the look of a girl in love or of one that was just rejected. No, she was staring at Pi-chan like a disgusting creature.

The repugnance she showed was plain to see.

Pi-chan was showing his usual calm smile that I had grown used to seeing. With his small build and feminine features, its not an exaggeration to say that Pi-chan was born to be a bottom.

Beside the two of them was a serving cart with food on it.

I decided to remain where I was and give myself a chance to fully assess the situation. I recalled the JC seemed to have a generally positive opinion towards Pi-chan so Im curious to know what he did to make her look at him like that.

I strained my ears to try to overhear their conversation.

This is that ossans room!

Yes, youre right. I was bringing him this food.

Why would you be bringing him food, Peacock-san?

I was hoping to get a moment to speak with him.

The serving table of food was brought by Peacock.

For some reason, the JC was mad about this.

I can understand why it would seem strange that someone as important and busy as Pi-chan would bring a meal to an ambassador to the city. However, he said he wanted to speak to me as well. The food couldve just been a convenient reason to get a moment of my time.

Still, going to that extent is strange in itself.

Whats going on with them? They seem to be fighting.

Yeah, it seems so. Looks like theyre fighting.

Drill-chan and I whispered back and forth as we watched the pair.

The two of them didnt notice us and continued their back and forth.

What do you want to talk to that ossan about?

Its nothing that concerns a student like yourself.

Fine. I have a different question then.

And what would that be?

What did you put in that food, Peacock-san?

The JCs eyes remained locked on Peacock-sans.

The serious aura she emitted was unfitting of a girl I had become used to being lazy.

I have no idea what you mean.

I was watching you earlier. You were hiding behind a pillar when you added something to that food. You were making sure nobody could see you when you took out a vial of white liquid and poured it on the food.


Eh, wait, it couldnt be that, could it?

Naturally, the liquid that popped into my mind was the result of the prelude that I saw in the library between Pi-chan and Professor Bus. Could Pi-chan have saved some of this white sauce? As soon as this thought entered my mind, my appetite vanished. Honestly, even if he didnt add any, Im not sure I could stomach the food.

That guy must like you.

No, no, no, it doesnt matter how gay he is, hed never like me in that way.

I wonder~

It was frustrating having Drill-chan mock me when she didnt fully understand the situation.

S-Say something!


Or is it something youre afraid to admit to!?

The JCs voice echoed through the hallway.

Shes doing her best to protect me from potential danger.

Up until just a few days ago, she was completely certain that I lived off of my parents money and she looked at me like a piece of garbage whenever I came into sight. Maybe my efforts to save her from the tentacled slug were enough to win some affection points.

There was a brief pause before Pi-chan offered a response.

what a loud, annoying little brat you are.

Its time for Pi-chan to reveal his true self.

The calming features of his face distorted and he became as intimidating as Professor Bus. The changes reminded me of Richards face on the few occasions I saw genuine surprise coming from him. Richards eyes were straight lines that suddenly opened. Pi-chans face usually appeared smooth and feminine. This change in his face accentuated the creases in his brow and around the corners of his mouth while his eyes also narrowed into slits. All the while he maintained an emotionless smile.


The scared JC was cuter than usual.

Her wide open eyes were a stark contrast to Peacocks.

The true face of Peacock responded to her shock with a crude laugh.

If youd just pretended not to see anything, he couldve died a painless death without even realizing anything was wrong. This is why your entire family was wiped out. Every member was as stupid as the last.

M-Mymy family has nothing to do with this!

I guess Ill have to deal with you before him.

P-chan raised an arm above the JC.

Shes in danger.

I leaned forward and was ready to rush to her aid.

However, the JC acted before I could.

I-I wont let you!

As P-chan raised his hand, the JC thrust her arms out in front of her. As she did, an invisible shock wave erupted from her palms.

Peacock was caught completely off guard and was sent flying across the hall before slamming into a wall.


Pi-chan crumpled to the floor as the JC silently stared at him with her hands still outstretched.

Y-You said it yourself, didnt you!? Im a student of this school!

Good job, JC. Shes doing surprisingly well and looking cool in the process. I remember her bullies saying she skipped a grade and was the youngest student to become head of the class. I guess they werent lying.

Ku, I just let my guard down. No chant, a clever trick that wont work twice.

S-Shut your mouth! Ill never forgive you!

It was clear that the JC was scared. Her knees were shaking, but she was still trying to act confident. Considering the position the person she just attacked holds, her distress was understandable. An excellent student who holds the position of vice-president of the academy and possesses considerable magical ability that Ive witnessed myself.

Then again, maybe Professor Bus had ulterior motives for giving Pi-chan his position.


Pi-chans eyes narrowed as the creases above his brow deepened.

I could tell that he had made his mind up on how to deal with the JC.

Just before he could act, a second group interjected themselves into the confrontation.

Oi, its that Aufschnaiter! Thats where that sudden gust of wind came from! Oi, you cant be using magic in a place like this! Dont you know where this is!? You could cause an international incident!

Im not sure why theyre here, but its the three bullies.

Wait, isnt that Peacock-san on the floor? Eh? That is the Vice-President. Seriously!? Hes one of the elite of the Centre! I heard he caught Professor Bus eye and he was hand selected to join the Centre! Yeah, thats true.

In each of our past encounters, the ikemen has always been leading the other two with the fat bully and skinny bully close behind. However, today, it was the skinny bully that was leading the others.

This actually provided me with the likely reason the three of them are here. They must have come to find Ester-chan to thank her for saving them from the tentacled slug. I also noticed he was carrying a box of sweets wrapped in a bow.


The JC turned her attention to the three, but Pi-chan was focused on only one thing.

She let out a brief sound of surprise before he acted.

Pi-chan moved in a flash.

Using his flight magic, he covered the distance between himself and the three bullies in an instant. He pulled a wand out from his jacket pocket and pointed it at their throats. He looked like a bank robber taking hostages while holding a gun.

if you dont want your friends suffering a painful death, youll shat that annoying mouth of yours.


Pi-chans transformation into a villain was finally complete.

The calm pretty boy that I had first met was now completely gone. Where had the effeminate shota who let out sweet moans at the touch of Professor Bus gone? If he was born in the Heisei era, he mightve been able to make a living as a high school boy that dresses as a girl? (TN: apparently this is a thing based on the google images that came up. Unrelated, how do I delete my search history?)

This left the three bullies confused.

maybe it would be better if we left.

I think any chance we had to leave disappeared when Peacock-san threatened her.

Drill-chan immediately shot down my suggestion.

I recalled the magic Pi-chan used in the ruins not long ago and realized that I should rush to save the JC immediately. I know she stands no chance and I have to save her, but I remained hidden around the corner and continued watching.

I find it extremely attractive the way the JC is standing up for herself.

The NEET JC had resigned herself to a life of idleness and consternation having lost the life she was used to. A girl like that has little chance of recovering, but this may be one of them. Her being taken hostage by the tentacled slug and saved by the Kimoronge may provide an opportunity for her to grow.

Its like a proud parent watching their child.

Im not even that old. Im only in my thirties.

Thats old enough to have a child.

I kept watching while I argued with Drill-chan.

Obviously, I wasnt idly standing by while she was in danger. I had my recovery magic at the ready should she need it. Theres no doubt that Pi-chan poses a threat to the JC and I wont let anything happen to her.

The stage was set for the showdown between the JC and Pi-chan while the big-breasted loli with a hymen and I watched from the sidelines.

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