Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 5 (2)

Book 6: Chapter 5 (2)

Academic City (3rd)

We moved into the living room to continue our talk.

The Heroes of the East and West along with Professor Journal sat across from the sofa that Edita Sensei and I were on. Goggoru-chan was lounging in her normal position on my bed.

Goggoru-chan, its okay if you pee on my bed.

What a coincidence running into the three of you here.

I reduced the friendly tone I was speaking in earlier but still maintained a smile.

The first person to offer a response was the Hero of the West.

Yesterday, I was healed by a legendary class healing spell after being attacked by that creature. I recognized the feeling and knew it had to be you. It was, wasnt it?

Im not sure I know what youre talking about.

Its no fun giving them an honest answer, so I tried to act ignorant.

This time the Hero of the East was the one to speak.

Y-You expect us to believe that wasnt you!?

It was clear they were here to learn who exactly the mysterious stranger that saved them on the Dark Continent is. The Hero of the West was trying to be subtle, but the Hero of the East couldnt hide his feelings. He looked almost threatened, maybe believing this flat-yellow faced man was here to take his role of hero.

Calm down, Hero of the East.

But that legendary healing magic, the Omega Flare.

Are you here acting as an ambassador of the Penny Empire?

Professor Journal finally spoke. We had several opportunities to exchange words back on the Dark Continent. Were more like acquaintances rather than strangers. Maybe this was why the Professor got straight to the point.

Yes, the people here have treated me exceptionally well.

Im glad to hear it. Professor Bus is an impressive researcher in his own right, but he can come off as rather cold. He should be capable of finding the culprit behind this incident.

Out of the three of them, Professor Journal seemed the most relaxed.

He is the oldest out of the three.

Which is why hes the representative of Academy City.

Compared to the two Heroes, he seems the most familiar with the city.

How is the town faring?

Weve been hard at work trying to find why this happened. A facility conducting experiments on the remains of fallen Demon Kings has been found and destroyed. We recovered some of their research and hope to find out what else they may be planning. I wish to offer you an apology as ambassador of Academy City, Tanaka-dono. I hope you can forgive our failures.

I wasnt hurt, so theres nothing I need an apology for.

That may be so, but you did save the city, and for that, you deserve a thank you. We were not capable of defeating that monster on our own. If you hadnt been here to save us, its likely that creature would have rampaged freely until there was nothing left of Academy City.

So the other two come straight out with accusations that I was behind the destruction of the tentacled slug while the Professor attempts to get me to admit to it by playing nice.

With old age comes wisdom.

I cant let my guard down around people like this either.

Youre giving me too much credit. This city is filled with countless powerful mages. Im not even close to being at the level to use magic like that. Besides, these people are much more common than the average person thinks. They blend into the crowd and appear to be a normal citizen. As someone thats been to the Dark Continent, Im sure you can understand what I mean.

The Kimoronge, Goggoru-chan, and Christina are all powerful beings.

The Demon Lord is probably the best example of this. According to the Kimoronge, any high demon has the chance of becoming a Demon Lord.

Yes, I understand your meaning, Baron Tanaka.

Thank you.

I really dont want to deal with everything that comes with getting more involved with this situation.

Once Ive finished with the business required of me here, I want to take a few days to myself for a proper vacation. I wont let anything get in the way of this. A nice relaxing vacation is just what I need to work on regrowing my hair.

That is the one thing I cant sacrifice. I have to get it taken care of.

Whether they at first be friend or enemy, new characters are introduced in stories to offer the protagonist aid or information when in need. Occasionally, an enemy may become an ally or a friend a travelling companion to take along on adventures.

This is a good chance for me to increase my allies in this world.

I understand what it is you three are worried about.

Really? And what would that be exactly?

A hint: The Great Holy Kingdom.

This is a typical scenario where you need to lead the conversation without entirely revealing what you think.

If you tell them everything before they get a chance to speak, you may inadvertently reveal to the other party your intentions. They would then hold all the cards and only need to tell you what you want to hear. These three have every reason to play their cards close to their chest. I need to play this tactfully and only offer them hints to leave myself room to maneuver should I need it.

you think thats why were here?

I know that its one of the reasons. However, if that was all, I doubt youd bother coming to see me. Choosing to play your cards too early could put an end to everything, so you must have a good reason for being here.


Please, tell me you have a good reason?

Good. Play the role of the mysterious foreigner who knows more than you thought, even though I have no clue whats going on.

The three of them looked at each other and I overheard a gulping sound from one of them. This is working better than I thought.

Ive always wanted to try playing a character like this before.

Exactly how much do you know, Baron Tanaka?

The Hero of the West was the first to bite.

What would the mysterious foreigner say next? As I thought about my next response, my eyes fell on Goggoru-chan lying in my bed. Shes a mysterious and cool girl. I thought I could maybe get a hint from her.

However, this mysterious and cool girl was lazily lounging on my bed. Rolling around on my sheets endlessly, allowing the scent of Goggoru to seep into my bed.

Its no use.

Instead, I turned my attention to the girl at my side, Edita Sensei.

This immediately caused a good line to jump into my mind.

Baron Tanaka?

It would be easy for me to tell you what you should do. However, following orders is something even the simplest of men can do. Only when seeing with your own eyes and feeling with your own hands is enlightenment truly gained. Knowledge is useful but serves no purpose without experience. One can make up for a lack of knowledge in various ways while experience is priceless.

Are you saying that we should act on our own, Baron Tanaka?

Or, if you believe me to be a threat, we can finish this right here and now.


This is going well.

Im the coolest dandy.

Now then, I think thats enough talk for now, wouldnt you agree? You cant forget that Im here as an ambassador of my country and I wish to learn of what will come of the planned meeting, if anything. And as ambassador of Academy City, Id hate to occupy too much of your time, Professor Journal.

I just have one more question, Baron Tanaka. Who do you work for?

I am a nobleman of the Penny Empire and Im afraid thats all youll get from me.


Professor Journal gave me a slight nod.

Its enough for them to know the basics of who Baron Tanaka is, but revealing my relationships with other nobles of the Penny Empire is a different story. Bringing up Richards name or the Kings could lead to unforeseen consequences. I know nothing about my countrys position in the world or what agreements exist between nations and their nobles.

However, I feel like Ive offered them too little for them to leave without further questions on their mind. Questions that I wont be able to answer. I think a small gesture of goodwill might help win them over. I was reminded of an assignment I was given just before I left the Penny Empire.

Ah, that reminds me. If youll accept it, Id like to offer you this.

Its time to re-gift the gift Richard-san gave me.

I took out a leather pouch from my pocket.

The clinking of the gold coins within the bag made it clear what my gift was.

Nearly a hundred gold coins.

for us?

A gift of gold from the enigmatic stranger.

Consider this a gift from the FitzClarence family of the Penny Empire. I hope you will use it to help the citizens of Academy City rebuild their lives. Considering the damage done by that monster, you will need all the help you can get. There are other gifts that I wish to bequeath to you, but those will have to wait for another time. You may send someone over in a day or two to retrieve them.

All I really have is the gold, but Im sure I can steal some things from the airship to gift to them. Just off the top of my head there are precious metals, rare spices, expensive magical implements, and various furnishings fitting of the richest noble houses.

Thats generous of you, its just.

Will you not accept?

what exactly are you expecting of us, Baron Tanaka?

I wish for nothing more than the swift recovery of the city and its people.

Thats good to hear.

Professor Journal still seemed hesitant to accept my gift.

This isnt uncommon. The person given the gift often worries that the gift comes with strings attached or simply doesnt want to appear desperate. However, this is part of the assignment I was given and this is a perfect opportunity for me to accomplish it. I need the Professor to accept.

Do you not believe your city is in need of help?


I do and I believe it would be hard to find someone else better positioned to help this city than you, Professor.

I understand. Ill accept on behalf of my city.

Professor Journal accepted the pouch of gold.

I couldnt have found a better person at a better time to give it to.

I hope my contributions, however small, will lead to the healing of your people.

Stage cleared.

I should wrap this up now before they get a chance to ask anything else. Pushing it any further would lead to more trouble for me than anyone else. I can tell that the Heroes of the East and West arent satisfied and want to keep interrogating me.

Now, I dont mean to be rude, but I have plans with a student I need to attend.

Maybe it was a bad idea to mention the JC.

Just as I was about to push them out, a knock on the door interrupted me.

OooooooohohohooooOOO! It is I! Open the door~!

Drill-chan. I cant even see her and I know its her.

The overpowering aura of a big-breasted loli with an intact hymen was permeating through the door. What can she possibly want from me? I cant think of many reasons that she would willingly come visit me. Then again, she did follow me around before when she had nothing better to do.

She must have gotten used to me after spending so much time with Sophia-chan.

looks like you have another guest.

It appears I do.

Everyone was now focused on the door.

Hurry up and open this door!

The way she spoke may make my three guests feel like were close.

It must be impossible for them to guess that shes an ambassador of another country.

It wasnt long before Drill-chan got tired of waiting and started pounding constantly on the door.

A friend of yours?

No, Im thinking its the ambassador of the Pussy Republic.

The two of you seem close.

Thats not exactly how Id describe our relationship.

Professor Journal was accurately able to tell that Drill-chan and I had a relationship beyond being two ambassadors. The Heroes of the East and West were also staring at me, this new guest just adding to the many questions still on their mind. I bet theyd never expect that the ambassador knocking on my door is the person that owns the demon that cut the Hero of the West in half back on the Dark Continent.

Theres nothing more difficult to understand than the relationship between a sadist and a masochist.

You are in there, arent you? I didnt come all this way for you to not be home.

At this point, she was pounding so hard on the door that I could see it moving from my position on the couch. If this keeps up, shes going to break down my door.

I dont think I can ignore her any longer.

Im fully aware that shes the type of person to break down my door, even if I wasnt in here, and then quietly leave while saying, My mistake.

Excuse me while I deal with her.

That wont be necessary. I think its time we left.

Id appreciate that.

I once again wish to apologize for our sudden intrusion.

Just as I was about to stand and try to get rid of Drill-chan, Professor Journal offered to end our sudden meeting. Who knew that Drill-chan could be helpful?

Relief swept over me as I tried to maintain my mysterious facade.


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