Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 3 (8)

Book 6: Chapter 3 (8)

Academic City (1st)

With Pi-chans assistance, I was able to find and rent the facilities necessary for bookbinding with relative ease.

In one corner of a building in the center was an area similar to a pre=war cotton mill. It was a printing press. This is the first time Ive ever seen a magical or mechanical press. Those operating the press were lined up producing one book after another.

This isnt just a research facility.

A place like this would even fascinate the noble mage.

Still, a facility like this is a bit much for what we need. I told them that I only needed a single copy and they directed me to a smaller facility not far away. This was a printing room of about twenty tatami mats in size.

It wasnt just us there either. There were several students and faculty making books as well. This facility must be used to make a small number of copies for personal use. I also saw some people making flyers. Everything youd need is available here and seems easy to use.

Hmm, Baron Tanaka?


I was surprised to hear my name called out.

I turned to see the deputy representative standing nearby.

Ah, thank you for your hospitality so far, Professor Bus.

How did you come to find yourself here?

I have a manuscript that Id like made into a book. I asked Peacock-san if there was a place available in the center where I could accomplish this and he showed me to this place.

A manuscript? Are you a writer, Baron?

No, its actually one of her books.

This is your cue to introduce yourself, Edita Sensei.

M-My name is Edita. Im sorry for making such a sudden request,  but I was hoping to borrow this facility for just a moment. I dont need any paper to print on; I simply wish to bind the pages I already have together.

If thats all, you can use these facilities as much as you wish.

I see. Thank you, thats a big help.

A big smile spread across Senseis face.

This smile seemed to spark something in Professor Bus mind.

I dont mean to be rude, but have we met somewhere before?


I see. I apologize for the strange question.

Y-You dont need to apologize. It happens all the time. I must just have one of those faces.

A similar event happened a few days ago.

Could it be that Professor Bus is interested in Sensei? Even though hes old enough to be a professor, hes interested in my loli senseis thick thighs. All busamen are drawn to the power of her thighs.

There might be a lot of lolicons in Academy City. I cant afford to let my guard down.

If its alright with you, Id like to read it.

Oh, sure, while youre doing that Id like to learn to use this place.

Professor Bus gave Edita Sensei a nod and then gave P-chan his instructions.

Peacock, please show our guests around.


Peacock stood at attention and took a step toward us.

Follow me this way, please, and Ill show you everything you need to know.

As Professor Bus explained, P-chan guided us through the facility and told us where we could find the necessary tools, instructed us how to use them, and the materials we would need.

After we finished P-chans tour, I walked over to Professor Bus to retrieve the manuscript so we could begin our work. He appeared to be very engrossed in Senseis work. At first, he was simply flipping through the pages, only reading a few sentences here and there, but now he seemed interested in every word.

When we arrived at his side, he immediately spoke to Sensei.

Excuse me, did you really write all of this?

No, just as the book says, I am the co-author with this man.

Sensei glanced down at the cover page.

The title page was still a little embarrassing with our names right next to each other.

Im happy being next to Sensei in any form.

So is Baron Tanaka the primary author?

He was the one that originally discovered the techniques and recipes discussed in the book. I merely transferred his thoughts to book form. Really, I am owed little credit for the contents of that book and my name exists on the cover thanks to the kindness of this man.

Even if you believe that, this book wouldnt exist without you, Edita-san. Thats why I consider you to be as much an author as me. Id like it if you could forget the details in the future and proudly proclaim that you co-authored the book.


All of this is true. The book wouldnt exist if it werent for Sensei. I honestly believe that she should be the first name on the cover. However, no matter how much I insisted, Sensei would always shake her head.

Really? Even if the content isnt truly yours, the writing alone is still impressive.

You think so? W-Well, it doesnt feel bad hearing you say that.

Senseis getting embarrassed. How cute.

This is a rare sight.

Professor Bus continued.

This is simply a thought I had, but would you be interested in giving a lecture about your discoveries?

A l-lecture?

I can reserve the auditorium here in the center for you. We still have plenty of time before the meeting is scheduled to begin. If you are willing, and not too busy, Id like you to share your knowledge with the people of Academy City, Baron Tanaka and Miss Edita.

A surprise proposal.

That is, of course, if the contents of this book are intended for public consumption.

Its not that, just a l-lecture is.

Edita Sensei looked troubled as she glanced up at me. She was clearly nervous, but there was also a note of curiosity in her eyes. Im sure the proposal interests her but her nerves are getting to her.

Ill leave the decision to you, Edita-san.


Yes, we can do whatever you want to do. I dont mind either way.


Of course, Ill help out if you decide to do it.


Sensei heard my words and looked at the ground as she considered her decision.

I wonder what shes thinking about. Maybe shes picturing the large crowd in the auditorium and her standing on stage in front of them all. Shes probably worried shell make a mistake or not even be able to speak due to her nerves.

Sensei is a shy introvert that would never intentionally put herself at the centre of attention.

It wasnt long before she lifted her head and stared straight into Professor Bus eyes.

Okay, Ill do it.

Thank you. Im sure your book will inspire many of the citizens of Academy City.

Professor Bus nodded as a smile spread across his face. He must have genuinely enjoyed the book and isnt just doing this out of kindness.

It will probably benefit me and spread my name throughout the world.

But Id be lying if I said Im not worried about her. Sensei isnt the type of person to get up in front of a crowd and speak.

Ill set up a meeting for later. Ill send someone to your room later tonight to discuss the details.

Okay, Ill be waiting.

She gave a confident nod, but I really wonder if shes going to be okay.

Alright then, Im sure you have other matters to attend to, so Ill stop bothering you.

Professor Bus gave a brief goodbye before walking off at a rapid pace.

As expected of someone with the title of vice-president, hes a busy man. Even so, hes interested in research conducted by two relative unknowns in the scientific world. It makes me think of him as a researcher who stands at the top of his field but still maintains an interest in promising new discoveries. I admire people like that.

They make me want to do my best.

A-Alright! Lets start on the book!

Right, let me know if theres anything I can do to help.

Despite a few unexpected turns, we managed to accomplish our goal of binding Edita Senseis manuscript. It didnt take long to complete the process. One could easily have prepared dinner in the same amount of time. We left the room with a completed book in our hands.

This was the first time Id ever made a real book.

It made me feel more accomplished than Id imagined.


The lecture Professor Bus proposed happened a few days later.

We were guided to one of the many large auditoriums that fill Academy City. The original plan was to hold the lecture in front of a small group of a dozen or so. This is exactly what the Professor explained to us when we first started discussing the idea.

However, when word got out about the lecture and its contents, a large number of people started showing interest. When the day finally arrived, a crowd of over a thousand had gathered in the auditorium. This world has no internet or television, so gathering a crowd of this size by word of mouth alone is an impressive feat considering it has only been a few days.

The auditorium we were now in was on the larger side, comparable in size to the one I had visited in Kalis. The building itself was also as lavishly decorated which made me feel equally out of place.

T-This is really all for us?

It seems so.

This large gathering explained why Edita Sensei was extra fidgeting today. Im sure she was picturing a small crowd equivalent in size to a moderate classroom. We had both been informed about the venue change not long ago and the reality of the situation may finally be hitting her.

If youre not feeling up to it, we can always decline.

T-Theres already so many people here! How can we decline now!?

What else can we do? I suppose we could postpone the lecture in the hopes that less people decide to attend the second time around.

I can do it! I said I was going to do it and I am! All by myself!

Goggoru-chan isnt with us today.

Having a mind reading chocololi by her side would have just added to her nerves and led to potential misunderstandings.

If thats what you wish. Ill do all I can to support you.

You will? Youre going to be with me on stage?

As long as youre okay with that.

Okay! I-Im counting on you! Aah!

Of course.

The noble mage told me that Edita Sensei gave an impassioned speech during the conference held at the academy in Kalis. Sophia-chan gave me even more details about that day. I wont pass up this chance to see that side of her up close.

Even if you pee yourself, Ill be by your side.

We waited offstage for a while longer before the host called us to the stage.

The curtain was raised and we made our way to center stage.


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