Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 3 (6)

Book 6: Chapter 3 (6)

Academic City (1st)

The two of us walked down the corridor for some distance until we found a less crowded area. When it was just the two of us, Allen turned to face me and explained the situation.

I see, so thats whats going on.

What Allen told me was typical of Ester-chan.

Richard knows that Allen exists and about his relationship with Ester-chan. She found out about this and decided to take action even though its common knowledge that Richard knew about their relationship. Obviously, the amnesiac girl was unaware of this and decided that she must take action in order to save Allens life.

Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, Ester-chan received an invitation from Drill-chan around this time to travel to Academy City together. The reason for this invitation was the same as my own, to act as a representative for the gathering. It was a task given to Drill-chan by her country as she had lost her castle and had plenty of spare time with no means of managing her territory.

Typical of Drill-chan, shes completely free to do as she pleases despite being a prisoner of war. This invitation facilitated Ester-chans elopement with Allen.

With Ester-chan suffering from amnesia, Im sure shes unaware that Drill-chan is supposed to be a prisoner of war, but even if she remembered that, shed still happily go along with her if it meant she could escape with Allen. I doubt she even concerned herself with the details as long as she was able to escape far from Kalis.

Im sorry. I should have done more to stop her.

You dont need to apologize, Allen-san. I know firsthand how easy it is to get swept away in Ester-sans antics, but Richard is still powerful. Id be more careful if I were you. Im certain he knew about her plans before you two left.

H-He wouldnt. Duke FitzClarence hasnt done anything to threaten me.

Dont worry. Ill be sure to speak with him when I return to the Penny Empire.

My first priority is to preserve the life of this ikemen in front of me.

Though, that may be a lot to ask.

If everything Drill-chan told the two of them were true, it would still be strange for Allen to agree to go with Ester-chan. If he had come alone, it would make more sense. Why would Ester-chan be here as well?

Allen-san was aware of Ester-chans memory loss.

Richard was sure to speak to him before Ester-chan could.

And by speak to him I mean threaten him.

Therefore, Allen agreeing to flee the country would make sense, but not if that meant Ester-chan fleeing with him. That would just be Allen accepting his fate to be sentenced to death by Richard.

The moment Papa found out, hed chase the couple down and kill Allen himself. And Im sure Allen understands that. Allen could have easily persuaded her to stay when shes now so deeply in love with him again.

He could even tell her that Richard has known about their relationship for a while.

If he wanted to keep living, declining her offer would be the obvious choice. Allen fully understands the power of the FitzClarence family and even if he was thinking with his other head, I doubt he would take such a risk trying to escape with Ester-chan. The best option I see available to him is returning to Sophie-chans father.

For the sake of their relationship, thats the best course of action I can see.

He could work together with Sophie-chans father and prove his worth. Maybe after a year or so of working hard and earning promotions and accomplishments, Richard may realize the worth of the ikemen. I just dont understand why Allen would do something stupid like this.

Im really sorry, Tanaka-san, but Im going to have to rely on you again.

When Ester-san is involved, something like this is unavoidable. I may not be as used to being pushed around by her as you, Allen-san, but I think I can handle it.

Im sorry.

I still want to know why he agreed to come with her.

But Im too scared of the answer to ask the question.

Its somewhat hard asking about what a single man and woman get up to.

Maybe I should just continue this conversation naturally and try to learn all that I can.

How are things going with you two and Doris-san? I think her amnesia has even affected everything that happened with Doris-san during the conflict.

Ah, yeah, everything has seemed fine. I know that Doris-sama and Ester have been friends for quite some time and Esters habit of not concerning herself with the details has been a blessing in disguise. Also, she was behind for a little while, but Ive caught Doris-sama up on whats happened to Ester.

So thats what happened.

While weve been travelling together, Doris-sama has been considerate of both of us.

I wonder if Drill-sama showing concern for others is possible.

Im having trouble picturing it.

I feel like shed be more likely to use it to tease her.

Are you here to participate in the meeting like Doris-sama?

Yes, Im here as a representative of the Penny Empire.

I see. Are you here alone?

No, there are two other representatives here with me.

Id like to give my greetings to them as well later.

No, theres really no need for you to be so considerate.

I will never let that happen.

Id rather die than allow Allen to cuck me of both Edita Sensei and Goggoru-chan. Id fall to pieces. My heart would finally break and release a disgusting sound. I have to avoid that outcome by any means possible.

With this sudden realization of how passionately I felt about this, I quickly made up my mind.

I need to keep as much distance as possible between myself and the cuck couple. If its possible, after we finish this meeting, Id like to go the rest of my life without ever seeing either of them again. Once this meeting finishes, Ill return immediately to the Penny Empire.

This ikemen only has his looks going for him and thats it.

But thats plenty. His lower body is as dangerous to women as the loligons belly button is to me.

Thank you for speaking with me, Allen-san.

Dont mention it. Im sorry for always needing to rely on you.

He gave me a sincere bow as he responded.

Even after considering everything you told me, Ester-chan seemed in an extremely poor mood just now.

Ah, no, that has nothing to do with you.

Did Richard and her get into a fight?

Im sure they did, but thats not the reason.

Air sickness?

I remember her having a poor time on the airship before.

Im not sure if its my place to tell you, but I guess Ester found her diaries in her room. Shes having a hard time understanding some of the pages she read.


She wrote several books about your relationship with her. She started writing about you when you first met each other and there were entries about almost all of your interactions with her. Im sure shes having trouble coming to terms with all of it as she has no memory of it all.

I see.

Maybe its the epic narrative poem she told me she started working on after she learned that Edita Sensei and I were working on a book together. I didnt believe she was actually working on it. She not only started work on it, but she had already managed to write several volumes.

Still, in movies and books something like that would bring back all of the heroines memories. If it had the opposite effect, I dont think a person could ever hate someone more than Ester-chan would hate me. It would have the same effect on her as when heal is cast on an undead creature.

For some reason, I feel like I should apologize.

N-No, you dont have anything to apologize for!

Still, I guess her attitude towards me makes sense.

Ester-chan as she currently is hates me and now shes found several books written in her own hand expressing her undying love for me. It would horrify any young girl to read a love poem dedicated to a strange older man that she supposedly wrote herself.

The stress would be enough for her to suffer another mental break.

If I were in her place, Id never stop crying and my baldness would be unavoidable.

I didnt think she would actually write it.

Ester was serious about you, Tanaka-san.

That may be so, but that was an Ester that no longer exists.

That may be true to you, Tanaka-san, but I dont feel right about this. I dont like it and I know its not good for you or Ester.

Allen stared me straight in the eye as he spoke.

After hearing his words, his reasoning hit me.

Hes always been an attractive, straightforward guy. Im sure he still wants to get back together with Ester-chan, but he first wants to cure her of her amnesia and then win her back so they can sleep together.

And the question about why he would run away with Ester-chan finally had an answer.

Drill-chan inviting Ester-chan to a distant land turned into a blessing for Allen. He must have heard from Sophie-chan that I was on my way to Academy City. Its clear now why he decided to run away with her.

He fled with Ester-chan to Academy City to force her to be near me, making an enemy of Papa in the process. Its clear how much he cares about Ester-chan, but he wants to win her back on his own. I suppose this is what being a gentleman is all about.

He risked his life for love.

If he did that for a virgin like me, Id fall for him in an instant. Hes done enough to win her in my mind, so he shouldnt worry about me and think more with his lower body.

I would consider the current situation a win-win for all parties. Ester-chan likes Allen, Allen likes Ester-chan. She knows nothing about me or her previous feelings for me and Im fine with that. Id like to remove all non-virgins from my life as quickly as possible.

If it comes down to it, Ill always fight you on a fair playing field, Tanaka-san

Im sorry, Allen-san, I have other business to attend to.

I quickly interrupted Allen as he was about to say something he couldnt take back.

Allen is too kind to hold me here any longer and offered no resistance.

O-Of course. Im sorry for taking up so much of your time.

He looked flustered as he bowed to me once again.

Im not sure another person has bowed to me more than Allen.

No, its nothing to worry about. Ill be on my way now.

Right, thank you for your time.

We nodded to each other and I hurriedly made my way down the hall as if I were running from him.

My original plan of going to the library was ruined. I have no intention of leaving Goggoru-chan alone now that I know the masochist demon is here. If the two of them were to meet without me present, a battle to the death would ensue.

If it were in Dragon City it would be one thing, but a fight of that magnitude in Academy City could lead to an international incident. It may even mark the beginning of the Great Human-Demon War. I cant be responsible for causing that much trouble for the King or Richard.

I half-sprinted to my room to give her my warning.


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