Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 3 (5)

Book 6: Chapter 3 (5)

Academic City (1st)

The only person left behind was the girl they had been bullying.

My reward for scaring off the bullies is a loli.

do you two know each other?

Edita Sensei asked me this while staring at the twin tailed loli.

We do.

I gave a quick reply and quickly made my way to the side of the bullied girl.

So we meet again. They didnt hurt you did they?

H-Hardlyas if they could do anything to me!

The place they had cornered her was blocked on two sides by walls and she was positioned in between two large display cases. The perfect place for the crime. She was quickly trying to adjust her clothes. I really must have stopped the bullies just in time.

I think I like this girl. I really like her.

Im glad. It would be hard to be discovered in a place like this..

I didnt want to be a part of it! It was those three that started it!

I know. You dont have to explain yourself to me.

Im glad that she actually stayed around this time to talk with me. Maybe she feels safer with Edita Sensei nearby. Sensei is a loli thats even smaller than my reward loli.

Speaking of lolis, Goggoru-chan is pretending not to know us. Shes off on her own, not too far from us, looking at various potions lined up on the shelves and display cases. Its making me a little uneasy watching her poke a few of the bottles causing them to rock back and forth.

T-Then, I should be going.

I wasnt expecting her to stick around long.

The bullied girl is already trying to make an escape from me.

But this ugly virgin is going to make the most of this opportunity.

It must be nice having such a wonderful museum so close to home. Im happy that its being used for education as well. Did I hear correctly that they were here doing research for a school project?

thats right, but what are you doing here?

I didnt know how to answer.

I can tell that shes suspicious of me.

Im not sure if shed believe any of my excuses if Edita Sensei wasnt with me.

Im not from Academy City and was curious about the curriculum of students in this city. Im also a student and thought it would be interesting to see how a difference in locations affects ones education.

youre a student, ossan? How old are you?

Ill turn thirty-seven this year.

What? Is this just what rich people do for fun in your country?

I guess older students are treated similarly in this world. I dont really understand why. I knew a classmate from junior high that started taking lessons at an art school after he turned thirty and at our reunion he was a legend.

I take it seriously. I consider it an investment for my future using excess gold.

That may be how you view it, while others may see it as a man with nothing better to do with his time.

Well, I suppose its a matter of opinion.

I like the way this girl talks. Since arriving in this world, many of the girls Ive met speak in strange tones, so hearing a girl speaking in something akin to proper Japanese standard is a breath of fresh air. The eccentricities of someone like Drill-chan is nice, but this tone is more nostalgic.

Its almost as nostalgic as the taste of soy sauce. Aah, now Im longing for the taste of guro porn. I wonder if I asked Goggoru-chan would she do something like that for me.

So, what are you doing here?

I also have a report to write.

Oh, shes actually talking to me.

Ill do whatever I can to keep this going.

A report? About potions?

Of course. Why else would I be here?


Its a pointless report about whether or not the creation of life potions is actually possible.

Life potions you say.

What a coincidence.

However, based on what Edita Sensei told me, its unlikely that this report is supposed to discover new information about the creation of life potions, but is instead designed to get the students thinking about the science, or more so the alchemy, behind the potions.

This seems pretty high level for a girl of her age. THe curriculum in this city is more advanced than I thought. Id equate this to what I was learning when I was in my twenties as an undergraduate.

I wanted to write the report saying the creation is possible, while they believed it was impossible.

The lolis face was contorted into a scowl as she mumbled to herself.

I would guess she has more on her mind than just the report.

Still, I dont like seeing others get bullied. Do you know why theyre doing it?

L-LIke Id know! Its all their fault! They harass me for no reason!

Of course.

That typically is the way bullies operate.

Even if there is a reason, its unlikely shed tell it to a stranger like me.

Why am I even talking to you? I-If you see me again, dont talk to me!

The young girl decided she was finished with me and quickly ran off.

The view of her glossy black twin tails swaying side-to-side as she ran combined with the school uniform that reminded me of middle school made me want to desperately chase after her. The next time I see her, I want to give her a sincere thank you for the brief glimpse of white I saw as her skirt fluttered in the wind.

After the girl disappeared from sight, Edita Sensei spoke up.

Are you okay with letting her go like that?

She doesnt seem to like talking to me.

Really? Thats good.

The day continued without incident as Edita Sensei resumed her tour of Academy City.


It was now the next day.

I decided that I would spend today focused on my research into potential hair regrowth medicine and potions. I left my room early in the morning on my own with my destination being the library. I was rounding a corner on my way there, when I met someone I knew.


Ara? What a coincidence meeting you here.

There were five different people in this group.

And I was familiar with all of them. The one at the head of the group was Pi-can, following close behind him was Ester-chan and Drill-chan. Even further back was Allen and the masochist demon.

What is this group doing here?

Tanaka-sama, is something wrong?

No, Peacock-san. Who do you have with you here?

What are the two blonde lolis doing in Academy City?

Im not sure how to react as this is the first time seeing them together again.

In the first place, is it okay to have a Demon present at a meeting concerning the resurrection of the Demon King. I think it should be exclusive to humans. Pi-chan probably has no idea that the Kimoronge is a demon as hes wearing a hood that diguises his demonic features.

A clever disguise.

As I glanced at his covered horns, our eyes met and he cast a cold glare at me.

Dont worry. Im not going to expose you.

Do you happen to know them?

Yeah, umm, something like that.

Well, theyre here as representatives of the Pussy Republic.

I see.

Two of those representatives arent even from the Pussy Republic but from my country. One of them isnt even human. Am I doomed to constantly meet up with her now that weve officially ended whatever our relationship was?

Why are you here?

Ester-chan was the first to speak.

Quite the change from the dere dere mode she always displayed when around me only a few weeks ago. Her eyes were staring daggers into me and her voice was hard with a slight hint of disgust. There was a slight tension in her face that was most likely due to being nervous.

This is making my chest hurt.

Im here acting as a representative of the Penny Empire.


Her amnesia seems to have persisted.

So, Elizabeth-sama, what are you and Allen-san doing in Academy City?

You may be close with my Papa but dont think that gives you permission to use my name. You are just a baron while I am the daughter of a duke. You should show me the respect our difference in status demands. Or are you holding a grudge against me because I treated you like a commoner?

I apologize, FitzClarence-sama.


The blonde loli looked away with a sigh.

This is just like when we first met.

Does this mean theres a chance that shell eventually return to being a tsundere? No, it would be better for the both of us if that never happens. What I told her Papa wasnt a lie or me just trying to show strength.

I genuinely just need to know what theyre doing here.

Allen-san, if its alright with you, could we speak alone later on?

Y-Yes, of course.

Allen? Dont tell me you know this man.

Yes, thats right, Ester.


The lolibitchs mood got even worse.

However, Allen ignored her and continued.

Actually, Tanaka-san, if youd like, we could speak now rather than later.

Are you sure?

Of course.

Then, Im sorry for being rude, but I do appreciate it.

W-Wait a second, Allen. What is the meaning of this!? His face is so flat and his skin is yellow; you cant even tell what country hes from! What business would you have with a person like that!?

Sorry, Ester. I really need to speak with him alone. Can you just give us a few minutes? Just a little while alone while you speak with the other representatives.

I see. They must be on their way to meet Professor Bus.

They were probably on the same tour I was on two days ago when I first arrived.

fine, but you need to tell me whats going on later.


Even though  Ester-chan was seriously pressuring him, this ikemen put me first.

What a nice guy.

But an ikemen can afford to do stuff like that.

It would be impossible for a busamen like me.

Then, Ill borrow him for a few moments.

Hmph, whatever.

Thank you for being understanding, Ester.

Allen left Esters side and walked over to mine.

Tanaka-san, sorry, but if you could follow me.

S-Sure, but are you okay with this?

Ester and the other representatives are going to greet the representative of Academy City. A  knight like me would just get in the way. More importantly, I really want to speak to you, Tanaka.

Then, please, lead on. I want to speak to you as well.

Right, this way.

We moved to a new location to get away from Ester-chan.


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