Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 3 (4)

Book 6: Chapter 3 (4)

Academic City (1st)

One day had passed since we arrived at Academy City.

The other representatives of the Penny Empire gathered in my room for a late breakfast. A maid came in with a cart filled with food for us to eat.

It felt like I was being treated like a VIP guest.

Ive always wanted to be a celebrity like this.

The hot, steamy soup felt good as it filled my empty stomach. The soup was a thick corn soup that was incredibly filling. In my previous life, most nights I would eat convenience store lunches and beef bowls I bought from chain restaurants. This style of food is far more filling in more ways than one.


Edita Sensei called out to me from across the table.

She set her utensils down on the table and gave me a serious look.

What is it?

We should have some free time before the meeting, so I thought it would be a good idea if we took a walk around town for a little while. You said you wanted me to show you around before, didnt you? If you have nothing else to do, we could do that tour now.

Are you okay with that?


Well, if you dont mind, Id appreciate it.

Really!? Of course! Leave it all to me!

Nice. My schedule has been set for the day and it includes a morning date with Edita Sensei.

I was feeling an honest sense of happiness that I hadnt felt in a while when I felt a cold gaze fall on me from the corner of the room. I glanced in the direction and was met with the chocololis gaze. She had been entirely focused on her meal until a few seconds ago but now her eyes were locked on me.

That must be her way of saying she wants to come with us.

Incidentally, shes again eating alone on the floor a good distance away from the two of us at the dining table. I suggested a separate table be prepared for her, but she refused and stated it was unnecessary. As usual, shes keeping Edita Sensei in mind.

Goggoru-chans behaviour can be strange and even a little scary.

On one hand, I genuinely feel sorry for her and on the other, the miserable sight of her eating on the floor will always stimulate my son. The chocololi eating her meals from a tray on the floor away from the warm conversation at the dining table is both pathetic and cute.

I dont know if shell use it, but Ill make sure to have a table prepared for her by dinner.

Would it be okay if Rocoroco-san joined us?

Eh? A-Ah, well, I guess its fine.

Thank you. Lets have a good time together.

Alright, todays agenda is set.

I originally planned on checking the library for any research on hair regrowing products, but I cant refuse a direct invitation from Sensei. Im supposed to be staying here in Academy City for a while, so there should be plenty of time to find the research I need. My focus today should be our date.

b-by the way, may I ask you something?

Of course.

No, not you.

Senseis gaze fell on Goggoru-chan.

I guess she has a question for the chocololi.

For her?


Ive been wondering for a while now, but are you okay with sitting all the way over there? There are plenty of chairs available.

This must be the reason Sensei has been glancing her way every so often. When travelling from Dragon City to Kalis or from Kalis to Academy City, Sensei would occasionally glance over at Goggoru-chan whenever we ate, usually with a look of concern in her eye.

But the person she was concerned with showed little sign of caring.

Its fine.

Its just, I-I dont think eating on the floor is a good idea.

Dont worry about me.


Thats an impossible request, Goggoru-chan.

We finished eating breakfast and travelled to a more lively area of the city.

The city doesnt have academy in its name for show. Edita Sensei told me that many of the events and projects done at the school in Kalis are also performed here throughout the entire year. Many of these events are held on a grand scale with thousands in attendance while others are for only a private audience of a dozen or so.

The formats vary widely as well with the typical lecture style common throughout most universities, the less grandiose poster session, or even an exhibit similar to a museum.

With all of these exciting events going on, Edita Sensei had one place in mind


Right? This isnt the biggest place, but it has a storied history.

Dozens of coloured potions lined up on shelves along the walls. The sight left me speechless.

They reminded me of countless gems at a museum lined up on display.

I figured since you have an interest in potions, this museum would be a good place to start. These potions were all created by famous alchemists or were the first creations that allowed new breakthroughs in alchemy. The ones that have had their recipes published are fairly expensive.

This was a great first choice. I can feel inspiration flowing into me just by being here.

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.

Edita Sensei gave me a satisfied nod.

There was another reason I brought you here. Umm, Im sorry for how I acted before. I was hoping wed be able to work together to find a cure or form of replacement. N-No matter what you want, youll have my full cooperation.

I dont really want to talk about it. Lets just look around a little.


Edita Sensei was shyly fidgeting, but I quickly tried to push past the subject and continue on to the museum tour.

Goggoru-chan followed behind us, still keeping a distance.

There were potions of blue, red, green, and other colours. Some are clear, while others cloudy. Some of the more unique potions had unknown creatures floating within the murky liquid, similar to habu sake.

A few of the potions listed their benefits, a recipe, and the story of how it was first made in the past. I had no clue that such a fascinating facility focused on potions existed in this world.

I have been repeatedly told that Academy City hosts the most intelligent minds of this world, and yet, I have continued to underestimate their abilities. This is a world of swords and sorcery, but it is still the equivalent of the medieval times. The technological level of this world may be more advanced than I previously thought.

Sadly, I have yet to find any potions that claim to regrow hair. Id like to ask Edita Sensei about it, but after everything that happened on the airship, Im sure shed just tell me I dont need to worry about it.

Its enough to just look at all of these wonderful potions.

I know what you mean.

Thank you for showing me such a wonderful place.

I-Its not a big deal. You dont have to act so formal.

I see.

This date is going well.

Sensei is the best.

Im going to fall deeper in love with her at this rate.

I think there are even more potions in the back that have more advanced recipes or rare ingredients.

We continued walking through the museum, me following after Sensei. It reminded me of visiting a gem museum. If there was a souvenir shop, I would buy an amethyst without even meaning to. Even though they have no more use than a pennant or key chain.

It should be around here if I remember correctly. Ah, there it is!

Sensei pointed at one of the displays and excitedly shouted.

this is?

This is the closest anyone has ever come to creating a true life potion, at least the closest that anyone knows about. The recipe was created over two hundred years ago, but nothing else has come as close.

I see. Interesting.

Interesting is an understatement. Though, I suppose I should mention that there was another that came even closer, but no recipe exists..

Did you ever see that potion for yourself, Edita?

Im sorry, I only saw it once before, briefly at that. I couldnt tell you anymore.

You dont need to apologize. This is enough as it is.

I wonder if this potion would be more revitalizing than the powder I added to the baths in Dragon City.

I really shouldnt compare something so amazing to something thats an equivalent to bath salts.

I shouldnt be throwing something so important into a bath anyway, but thats just how Japanese people think.

Life potions are amazing things no matter the time or the place. However, based on historical trends, it wouldnt be inaccurate to say that they have become a form of political tool here in Academy City.

How so?

Even if they fail in creating the potion, if you pay the right people and make a public enough display out of your efforts, youll still stand out. You may have failed to make a true life potion, but if you can claim to have made some advancement in the process, your name will be known throughout history.

Its like the cure for cancer in modern history.

Basically, its not currently possible to create the real product.

Its sad to hear.

I believe what youve created so far may be the biggest step toward creating such a potion in many years. The bath additive you created is amazing on its own. Academy Citys research into the potion has stagnated over the years and I think a radical change in approach could be just whats needed. Though, its easier said than done.

The power of the nobility may make it easier.

Well, I suppose.

A casual conversation like this with Edita Sensei is a nice change of pace.

As I was enjoying our calm chatter, a voice suddenly interrupted us.

Guh, its you again! That yellow nobleman from before!

It was the higher pitched voice of a boy, one that I recognized.

If hes calling someone a yellow nobleman, theres only one person he could be referring to. I naturally turned to face the voice and, as I imagined, there was a familiar face staring back at me.

The bully I met in one of the campus buildings yesterday.

As expected, he and his friends were again surrounding the bullied girl.

They were in a shadowy corner behind one of the pillars of the building, barely visible to anyone passing by.

From their position, they basically had her trapped in a corner. I was so engrossed in the conversation with Edita Sensei that I didnt even notice. However, having my strongest bodyguard, Goggoru-chan, with me made me feel at ease.

Shit! L-Lets get out of here!

The ikemen must be the leader as hes the one barking out orders.

Y-Youre right! Weve seen enough here!

We can just write the report off of what weve seen and call it good!

The fat and skinny bully responded in turn.

I guess theyre still scared of the FitzClarence name I used the last time we met. As soon as they noticed me, they took off running. Based on the words of the skinny bully, they must have been here for some school assignment.

Judging by the girls appearance, the bullies must have been really having a good time with her and I interrupted them just before it was going to get good. If theyre going to keep doing this, they could at least invite me to join. Im also envious that theyre getting away with doing it in public.


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