Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 3 (2)

Book 6: Chapter 3 (2)

Academic City (1st)

As Sensei continued her lesson about Academy City, a light knock on my door interrupted her.

All three of us turned toward the noise, but it was Goggoru-chan that got up and moved closer to the sound. She silently stared at the door for a few moments, trying to ascertain whether or not the person behind the door was any form of threat.

She slowly turned her head back to me and nodded.


T-Thank you, Goggoru-chan.

She read the persons mind through the door and seemed to be convinced.

Im glad shes keeping my safety in mind. I am in an unfamiliar place, so I should keep in mind to be more cautious. The strange disparity between her secretarial behaviour and her loli body was oddly cute.

Now that I think about it, Goggoru-chan has been sitting there quietly listening to Edita Sensei and I constantly talk about the town without saying anything. She must have been searching for an opportunity to join in. I know how isolated shes been, so I dont need the ability to read her mind to know how she must feel.

Her reaction earlier suggests the same thing.

Come in, the door is open.

The door swung open and a young boy entered.

Pardon my intrusion.

The boy appeared to be fifteen or sixteen. He was attractive in a non-intimidating way and had a strange charm about him. He looked to be about 160 centimetres tall and if he were to be dressed in womens clothes, he would be more attractive than most women.

Speaking of clothes, hes wearing a uniform with a short green cloak that I assume is the uniform of Academy City. Beneath the cloak, he wore a shirt and pants of the same colour with a belt around his waist and a unique tie around his neck.

His charm point was the large round glasses he wore.

Its a pleasure to meet you. My name is Osborne Peacock and Ive been asked to show you around today. May I borrow a few moments of your time?

Its great to meet you. My name is Tanaka and I am the representative from the Penny Empire.

I stood from my seat on the sofa to greet him.

Tanaka-sama, right? Its nice to make your acquaintance.

This here is Edita-san and the girl over there is Rocoroco-san. They, like me, are emissaries of the Penny Empire. Im sure you can tell that the latter is a member of the Goggoru tribe, but I would appreciate it if you could treat her the same as the rest of us.

S-S-ure, its a pleasure to meet you.

nice to meet you.

His calming voice was befitting of his demeanor.

Im happy that, even though he recognized her as a Goggru, his attitude didnt change when speaking to her. He must be a nice kid. In the Penny Empire where a caste system exists, an interaction like this would be unimaginable.

I think Im going to start calling him Pi-chan.

By the way, u-umm, the elf over there.


I dont mean to be rude, but have we met before?

No? Isnt this the first time weve ever met? At least not that I know of.

R-Right, of course. Im sorry. Im certain this must be the first time weve met, but it just feels so strange.

N-No, theres no need to apologize. Everyone makes mistakes. Right?

Edita Sensei looked to me for approval. Its strange for her to act so nervous. It was clear she was feeling anxious. Maybe she has a preference for handsome younger men.

Wait, this must be how he picks up girls.

He lures them in with his calming aura.

Sensei, this ikemen is picking you up.

I wont let that happen. Definitely not.

Yes, umm, youre right. Now, what was that about showing us around?

Eh? A-Ah, right! Youre absolutely right. Shall we begin?

I successfully managed to change the flow of the conversation.

After shifting his posture, Pi-chan began again.

I must apologize for the inconvenience, but the representative of Academy City is currently out of the city, so the deputy representative wishes to address you in their stead. If you have a moment of time to spare, Id appreciate you coming with me.

Id appreciate your guidance.

Thank you. Now, this way, please.

Pi-chan gave me a deep bow and gestured with his arm to show me the way.

I followed in that direction and left the room.


We were guided to a room that was oddly reminiscent of an office.

Through the door leading out to the hallway was a spacious room around thirty metres square. A large desk was situated in the middle with a pair of sofas facing each other in front of it. A series of bookshelves lined the walls.

One entire wall was just a glass window that allowed you to look down on the city below. A high-rise apartment in the downtown area of a major city would offer a similar view.

My desire to own such a nice place was stimulated. This Academy City is turning out pretty nice.

Please, allow me to welcome you to Academy City. I am Professor Klaus Bus, the deputy representative of the Centre.

I am from the Penny Empire. You can call me Tanaka.

The man seated at the desk was a bit older than me and appeared to be in his mid-forties.

He was a rather tall man, about 180 centimetres tall, who wore a strikingly white coat. The part on the side of his head made him more familiar as it was a hairstyle similar to some colleagues I worked with previously. The fact that he was an attractive white man created a sense of distance far greater than the actual distance between us.

Similar to Pi-chan he wore a pair of glasses, but his were square rather than circular. The sharp edges on his glasses matched the sharp features of his face. His stern gaze made him look intimidating based on first impressions.

You wasted no time in getting here. There is still much time before the meeting is scheduled.

I am merely a baron in the Penny Empire and my time may not be as precious as many of the other representatives, but I hope this wont make you think my country is any less interested in this gathering.

I understand. I appreciate your candour, Baron Tanaka.

Thank you, Professor Bus.

I expected hed appreciate me being forthright based on his intellectual appearance.

I left Goggoru-chan and Edita Sensei behind in their respective rooms. I decided that it might send the wrong message if I met with the higher ranking members of Academy City with Goggoru-chan at my side. I hope I can manage on my own when first meeting with them.

Baron Tanaka, are you at all familiar with the academy in the Penny Empire?

I dont know much about its history or how it operates, but I am enrolled as a student there.

Hou? Thats surprising. Ive heard most of their students are on the younger side.

Even at my age, I still wish to learn something new.

I see. How studious of you, Baron Tanaka.

The pursuit of knowledge should only end with death.

Yes, many in this city feel the same.

And I wouldnt have had anything to eat. Living in such a highly competitive society can be scary. Id happily give up my studies if possible and find a beautiful woman that makes a lot of money to be with. Id spend my days eating, sleeping, and watching porn.

Id like to hear more about the academy when you get the chance.

Id be happy to tell you anything you wish to know.

Thank you.

Theres something I just realized I forgot to check with Edita Sensei. I dont know what the equivalent rank for professor would be in the Penny Empire. Considering Im here as a guest and a representative of my country, I dont think it would be a good idea to act like Im better than anyone here.

Theres still quite some time before the meeting is scheduled to begin. If youre interested in exploring Academy City, feel free to look around. Peacock has some other matters to attend to, but I can make arrangements for another to be your guide.

Thank you.

I hope the next one is a schoolgirl.

I hope shes a schoolgirl that wears miniskirts and has a habit of not wearing panties.

Do you have any questions for me?

Nothing that I can think of currently.

I see. Well, I dont mean to be rude, but I have many other matters to attend to, so you may take your leave.

Of course. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me.

My first visit with a representative of this city went pleasantly. Professor Bus was an easy person to talk to. I know my social experience is rather limited, but Ive found that people like him tend to be good at their jobs. I dont think getting closer to him sounds that bad.

Ill be sure to remember his name in the future.


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